Tucked away in a little pine covered area of the mountains resided a gorgeous 2 story cabin. Darren pulled up to the drive way and parked his car.
“Surprise, this is it Katherine. What do you think?”
“Well, it’s amazing. I can’t believe that your family actually owns this!” Katherine said as she placed her hand on the car handle. “Are we going to go inside?”
“Yup, just let me remember which key I use to get inside.” Darren replied as he searched through all of his keys he stashed in the glove department. “Ah, here it is. We can go in now.”
Darren and Katherine left the car and walked up the steep wooden steps that led to the front door of the cabin. He unlocked the door and led Katherine inside to the living room.
The living room was filled with exquisite furniture. Beautiful photos and paintings decorated the walls and a bear skin rub resided in front of the flagstone fire place. An oak stair case led up to the 4 bedrooms up stairs while a dark, wide hall way went under the stairs and led to the study room and master bedroom. On the other side of the living room was a rather large opening to the kitchen. Katherine slowly followed Darren to the kitchen.
“Do you want anything to drink?” Darren asked as he opened up the silver refrigerator.
“Um, sure.” She replied softly.
Darren pulled out a gallon jug of water and poured it into a crystal cup, and placed it on the counter for Katherine. She picked it up and took a sip while he turned on the television to the news.
“So how long do you think we’ll be here for?” asked Katherine as she looked at the clock that was ticking away on the wall.
“Not that long. We’ll just sit here for at least an half an hour or until we’re both bored out of our minds.” Darren told her as he sat down on the black leather sofa.
“Ok, just making sure. I need to be home before 11.” “This just in.” echoed the television news caster from the TV. “The Nation Weather Service has issued a sever snow storm warning for parts of Wicker Park, Neilson County, Willow Creek, and Springer Ville.
“Hey, Darren!” yelled Katherine as she listened to the television. “Is this mountain part of Springer?” “Actually no.” replied Darren as he stood up from the couch. “We’re part of Willow Creek. I’d better call my ‘rents and tell them where I’m at. You should go and do the same.”
“There’s just one little problem, Darren.” Katherine said as she cautiously approached the phone. “I can’t tell them I’m with you. They’ll kill me.”
“Well, call one of your friends and have them cover for you.” He replied as he grabbed his cell phone from his pocket.
“Um, I’ll try.”
So Katherine walked back into the kitchen and grabbed the cream colored, cordless phone off the wall. “Hey mom, it’s me. I’m going to sleep over at Heather’s tonight and I’ll be back home some time tomorrow morning or the next day.” She said as she tried not to smile. “No mom, nothing is going to happen. I promise if anything happens I’ll call you, ok. Ya, ya. Love you too, bye.” She told her mom as she quickly hung up the phone and watched Darren as he completed his call.
“See it wasn’t that hard. Anyways, who’s Heather?” he asked curiously.
“Well, Heather is one of my friends who lives right by that park that we meant up in. I actually parked my car in front of her house. I don’t have to worry though. She’s like 21 and lives on her own. Is it ok if I call up to her?”
“Oh, sure, go for it.”
She once again picked up the same phone and called to her friend, Heather. “Hey what’s up? Anyways, if my parents call you or anything just tell them that I’m sleeping.” She told her as she paced back and forth through the kitchen. “Please, I did a lot of favors like this for you. Cool! Thanks. By the way, my car is already in front of your house. Can you watch it for me? Thanks. I’ll be over there tomorrow, bye.” Katherine than hanged up the phone.
Darren walked into the kitchen and fixed Katherine a drink. She wasn’t paying much attention to what he was doing though; her eyes were glued on the coverage of the storm. “Hey, I brought you something to drink.” He said as he walked into the living room and handed it to her.
“Thanks, I was actually very thirsty.” She replied as she took a sip from the glass. “This tastes a little funny. What is it?”
“Oh, don’t worry about what it is. I want to surprise you, ok.”
From that point on, Katherine finally figured that she could trust Darren. After all, he was just like her and he was a gentleman. After an hours worth of the news, and 6 glasses of Darren’s surprise drink, she finally THOUGHT that she was asleep.
She woke up the next afternoon laying a bed in the master bedroom. Katherine quickly ran out of the bedroom to find Darren cuddling with a pillow on the couch.
“Darren, wake up, I need to get home.” She said shaking him violently.
“I’m awake, I’m awake.” He told her as he slowly sat up. They both grabbed their things and off they went.
It took over 2 hours to get back into town, but they made it. Darren drove her back to the park to pick up her car. “Thanks for everything. I really mean it. Call me in about 2 hours.” She asked him as she was placing her foot out of the car.
“Sure, but your biggest surprise has yet to come.” He said while smiling.
Katherine just laughed and got out of the car. Darren watched as she got into her Neon and headed down the road. He then quickly drove home and made her surprise. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62887 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .