The year started off with a literal blast! I slipped one of those five in one firework shells down in it's tube, lit it and never shot out, it blew up the tube and began firing off on the ground shooting sparks at us and all over the place....Scary! It was the closest to a war zone I've ever experienced, or would ever want to for that matter.
Then I almost had a heart attack before realizing that I was the only one in the room that noticed the Super Bowl Half time flub that unnecessarily rocked the headlines for a full month afterwards. My husband and boys didn't notice, LOL...but it took me at least 15-30 minutes of quiet time to recover.
It snowed here on Valentine's was only 2 1/2-3 inches, but it was our boys first snow and was fun while it lasted.
During half of February and all of March, Mike was out of work...we ended up using up our meager savings...BAH...
I believe it was in February when my sister married a man almost twice her age, aquiring 17 year old and 11 year old step sons, thus making me their step-aunt...just don't step on me.
It must've been April when Mike ended up having to go to South Carolina for work. During that time, I got stung by a scorpion and my van died on me...luckily I had his partners car...and it didn't die on me until a week before Mike finally made it home, LOL
In May my pc died.
I played outside alot, LOL
Oh yeh, we traveled down to my sister's house for a big birthday bash for all Mom and Dad's grandkids...but due to something really horrifying that happened between two of the cousins on Labor Day Weekend, well...that was the first and last Big Birthday Bash...ce la vi...hate to be a spoiled looser, but I didn't like the idea in the first place :P
Things were mostly uneventful until July when Mike found out he was to return for more work in South Carolina. And I still had no pc...and we were almost flat broke again, LOL
Well, about a week after he left, I started an accidental, but huge brush fire....YIKES! So scary...and to top it off, my phone was DEAD and not for lack of paying the I was screaming on the top of my lungs for help and LUCKILY a neighbor heard me and called the police and fire department when they saw the blaze. It hopped over my fence and was quickly burning the neighbor's unmowed property and trees....Luckily he didn't press charges or I'd be typing this during my free time in prison, LOL
Then the hurricanes started threatening to pummel Mike out there on Parris Island, and my nerves were so SHOT...and then the Ukrainian school tragedy occured...and I still had no was I getting blue.
Mike returned at the begining of October, and finally I was able to get my pc and back to USM, LOL ahhhhh...feels good too :D
We threw a really fun Halloween party for the boys...
But October was short and sweet and November was filled with sorrow and disappointments...
Well...actually that started in October too. First my beloved Tux E. Deaux disappeared...and then our fish Peter jumped out of his fishbowl in the middle of the animals commit suicide? I was begining to feel like I was unloved, LOL...
On November 1st, my husband was suddenly indisposed for about a week...Then Bush won...bah...and Wednesday the 3rd, I got the news that my Uncle Glen passed on. And I had a sneaking suspicion things were only gonna get worse.
During the rest of November and all through December, getting paid was akin to pulling teeth for Mike. We were really having a hard time financially...really stressful on a relationship, you know.
Anyways, Christmas was a gift with 12-16 inches of white snow and much merriness. I just hope 2005 is a little less eventful as far as scary stuff is concerned, LOL
Tell me some of your highlights and low lights, if you'd like to share :D
:)(:spacecase:)(: How it changed my life:it was one heck of a year and it aged me, slowed me down, took me down another notch :)) Bah...LOL HUGS You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 53836 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .