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My 2004 In a Nutshell...Reflections... ~ SpaceCase

  Author:  53836  Category:(Interesting) Created:(12/30/2004 1:10:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (1118 times)

The year started off with a literal blast! I slipped one of those five in one firework shells down in it's tube, lit it and ran...well...it never shot out, it blew up the tube and began firing off on the ground shooting sparks at us and all over the place....Scary! It was the closest to a war zone I've ever experienced, or would ever want to for that matter.

Then I almost had a heart attack before realizing that I was the only one in the room that noticed the Super Bowl Half time flub that unnecessarily rocked the headlines for a full month afterwards. My husband and boys didn't notice, LOL...but it took me at least 15-30 minutes of quiet time to recover.

It snowed here on Valentine's Day...it was only 2 1/2-3 inches, but it was our boys first snow and was fun while it lasted.

During half of February and all of March, Mike was out of work...we ended up using up our meager savings...BAH...

I believe it was in February when my sister married a man almost twice her age, aquiring 17 year old and 11 year old step sons, thus making me their step-aunt...just don't step on me.

It must've been April when Mike ended up having to go to South Carolina for work. During that time, I got stung by a scorpion and my van died on me...luckily I had his partners car...and it didn't die on me until a week before Mike finally made it home, LOL

In May my pc died.

I played outside alot, LOL

Oh yeh, we traveled down to my sister's house for a big birthday bash for all Mom and Dad's grandkids...but due to something really horrifying that happened between two of the cousins on Labor Day Weekend, well...that was the first and last Big Birthday Bash...ce la vi...hate to be a spoiled looser, but I didn't like the idea in the first place :P

Things were mostly uneventful until July when Mike found out he was to return for more work in South Carolina. And I still had no pc...and we were almost flat broke again, LOL

Well, about a week after he left, I started an accidental, but huge brush fire....YIKES! So scary...and to top it off, my phone was DEAD and not for lack of paying the bill...so I was screaming on the top of my lungs for help and LUCKILY a neighbor heard me and called the police and fire department when they saw the blaze. It hopped over my fence and was quickly burning the neighbor's unmowed property and trees....Luckily he didn't press charges or I'd be typing this during my free time in prison, LOL

Then the hurricanes started threatening to pummel Mike out there on Parris Island, and my nerves were so SHOT...and then the Ukrainian school tragedy occured...and I still had no computer...man was I getting blue.

Mike returned at the begining of October, and finally I was able to get my pc and back to USM, LOL ahhhhh...feels good too :D

We threw a really fun Halloween party for the boys...

But October was short and sweet and November was filled with sorrow and disappointments...

Well...actually that started in October too. First my beloved Tux E. Deaux disappeared...and then our fish Peter jumped out of his fishbowl in the middle of the night...do animals commit suicide? I was begining to feel like I was unloved, LOL...

On November 1st, my husband was suddenly indisposed for about a week...Then Bush won...bah...and Wednesday the 3rd, I got the news that my Uncle Glen passed on. And I had a sneaking suspicion things were only gonna get worse.

During the rest of November and all through December, getting paid was akin to pulling teeth for Mike. We were really having a hard time financially...really stressful on a relationship, you know.

Anyways, Christmas was a gift with 12-16 inches of white snow and much merriness. I just hope 2005 is a little less eventful as far as scary stuff is concerned, LOL

Tell me some of your highlights and low lights, if you'd like to share :D


How it changed my life:

it was one heck of a year and it aged me, slowed me down, took me down another notch :)) Bah...LOL HUGS

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Date: 12/30/2004 1:46:00 AM  From Authorid: 59418    LOL That was a fun read Stacie...I hope that overall you had a very good year My year has had quite a few ups and downs...with lots of exams in the middle, followed by periods where I did absolutely nothing for a couple of weeks lol..In general, I guess I've had a pretty good year, but I'm gonna make sure next year is even better Wooh!  
Date: 12/30/2004 2:45:00 AM  From Authorid: 62893    What a year for you! My year was about working, moving and taking care of my boys! My new years resolution is to quit smoking and excerise more. I start it in 2 days!!!!Misty  
Date: 12/30/2004 3:43:00 AM  From Authorid: 62971    Great post....fun to read...I cant remember what I did....so your doing pretty good to do that...LOL....but this year Im going to be more loving to my wife and Im going to try to go to school so I can get a better job....Arc Angel  
Date: 12/30/2004 5:35:00 AM  From Authorid: 46069    Sounds like 2005 has to be better than 04 for you guys SPacey. Hmmmm now... let me think. Usually really bad things i try to block from my memory..... but last April , Emily had surgery .. minor surgery but still had to watch that brave little girl walk into surgery with the nurse and be put under... auuuughhh.. that was hard......the most turn around point in our lives this year was when the company Joey worked for went under... it was a blessing in disguise. That very same day , we had just signed for a loan on our SUV.. and only a few hours after that,, they came in and changed the locks to the plant. I had a bit of a break down that day. The very next day at his new job.. he hacked off the top knuckle of his middle finger. But other than that.. this year has been pretty good.  
Date: 12/30/2004 5:52:00 AM  From Authorid: 46320    Space the year was full of adventure (good and bad) for you wasn't it. I hope that 2005 brings you nothing but happiness and good times. I am glad that you survived the year with most of your sanity in check. Love ya bunches! Hugs to you and the boys. Be Good...  
Date: 12/30/2004 7:45:00 AM  From Authorid: 62993    My year's been ok this year, though it's ended with a bad cough, finals, Christmas, and joining USM. Happy New Year!  
Date: 12/30/2004 8:24:00 AM  From Authorid: 30229    Well, Stacie, my friend.. HAPPY 2005, you need it!!! I love ya kiddo, if that helps at all... hang in there... life DOES get better... Huggggs....  
Date: 12/30/2004 8:48:00 AM  From Authorid: 18527    I liked that post I hope you have a wonderful and blessed 2005  
Date: 12/30/2004 8:51:00 AM  From Authorid: 53961    Wow... I pray that 2005 will be wonderful for you and your family! God bless Sweetie!  
Date: 12/30/2004 12:24:00 PM  From Authorid: 46527    This made me laugh so much! 2005 WILL be a better year for you...it could hardly be worse! Huggsss  
Date: 12/30/2004 12:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 62876    Space! It sounds like you have had a few challenges this year. What is the old saying - what doesn't kill us makes us stronger....an idiot must have thought that one up...LOL! Things will get better...I have faith! This was a rough year for our family....not quite as difficult as what you have been through, but sort of life-changing. My hubby's step-father passed away in July and left a huge gap in our family. Christmas just wasn't the same. He was a wonderful, decent man. Well...life goes on, and thus a new year. It is kind of refreshing, like a new beginning....God bless you and your family in 2005...luv ya...HipChik  
Date: 12/30/2004 7:33:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53836    I have to tell ya, I've never felt more like an Acme cartoon character in my life, LOL   
Date: 12/30/2004 7:41:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53836    I just re-read this thing I submitted at 3 am last night and realized I forgot about the nice dime-size burn itching in the center of my palm caused by another firework explosion almost three weeks ago...We were at my parents house, celebrating our Christmas early and Dad shot off some fireworks...I caught a cinder as it flew into my hair near my ear. I didn't loose any hair or hearing But my hand paid the price, as the cinder was still burning well as I flung it away from me, LOL...so in and out with a bang, I hope...*knocks on wood* Maybe I should wait until 12:01am tomorrow night before I start shooting the fireworks I picked up yesterday! HUGS I am glad you all got a kick out of this...is was some crazy stuff, but makes for good stories, LOL  
Date: 12/31/2004 7:28:00 AM  From Authorid: 62881    Hey SpaceCase...my year was mostly work. I earned more money this year than any other year since I began working at age 19...and I didn't work but 2 weeks in October and none since! Overtime was out of control...but I have a job..thank God! I also had an Uncle who died unexpectedly in November. My Dad was living with me over half the year but finally insisted he wanted to go back to his house to live...that was in August. A test ran on my Dad Wednesday confirmed his blood vessels are closing in the leg he has left and in time will lose the right one as well. What a way to wind up the year!...Good luck in '05...Green Eyed Froggy  

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