Date: 12/26/2004 2:58:00 PM
From Authorid: 49101
My mom has a VERY high level of ESP. For Example; She dreamed about the Challenger exploding about a month before it happened. She told my Step Dad about it that very night, and then forgot about the dream until after it happened and my step dad reminded her. (She also kept a dream diary, but had forgotten completly about the entry till that day) Things like that happen to her a lot. Mine isn't quite as strong, I would say a 7 or an 8. |
Date: 12/26/2004 3:02:00 PM
From Authorid: 63026
i got a 8. i knew of the 9/11 attacks before it happened. I woke up at 5:40 and started to cry for no reason. In july 2003 the night before they issued new hijacking warnings, i wanted to call the fbi cuz i had such a strong feeling something was going on with new terror attacks. I can see dead people in dreams, and i can read people |
Date: 12/26/2004 6:20:00 PM
From Authorid: 3835
If it is on a scale of 1 to 10, then at 98.72% accuracy, I am a 13. (-: |
Date: 1/5/2005 6:12:00 PM
From Authorid: 5886
I'd say my own is a 2, while the rest of my family is a 3 or 4. I used to be able to see sudden things about three seconds before they would happen, but that talent has faded. Both of my parents though have had bad feelings about my brother driving to Tennesee, so they wouldn't let him go because of that. A few weeks later, his car brakes completely failed... when someone mentioned the canceled trip to the mechanic, he said that driving a car on such hilly terrain would have ruined the brakes much sooner, and my brother might not have made it back home. |
Date: 1/8/2005 8:23:00 PM
From Authorid: 63010
ummm i think my esp is like a 2 because some times i can move stuff with my mind.....Puppet Master |
Date: 1/16/2005 7:45:00 PM
From Authorid: 63035
If one were the best, and ten the worst, I'd say 5. Tho, I dont practice as much as I should =/ Dr.Stargazer |
Date: 1/16/2005 7:48:00 PM
From Authorid: 63035
Hey, I jsut noticed.. Even if ten were the best and one the worst, I'd be a 5 like in the comment I made earlyer ^_^; Dr.Stargazer |
Date: 1/19/2005 5:47:00 PM
From Authorid: 55251
That depends. I find myself extremely aware of whats going on around me, and I find myself very empathic. At times, I have been able to describe someones whole day, by just the sound of there voice. So I guess...At times you could say 8? Although there is no way I could actually know. |
Date: 1/22/2005 10:45:00 PM
From Authorid: 62914
Hmmm...I would say my ESP is pretty high up on the scale! Around 7 I would think. My most easily described prediction can not be posted on here I don't think cos of some stuff said in the FAQ about how this site is menat for ppl of all ages. but I only found out how true it was last year. |
Date: 1/22/2005 10:46:00 PM
From Authorid: 62914
Wait I put my score down as 1 being lowest and 10 being highest....Is that right? |
Date: 4/4/2005 7:45:00 PM
From Authorid: 50678
SUR5R would be a 20, lol heehee |
Date: 4/4/2005 7:45:00 PM
From Authorid: 50678
well I have been an empath my whole life and have had some every spiritual or Psychic experiences. I have even see a friend of my cousins murdered through channeling. I can channel really well, I use other spirits to channel. But if I had to rate my empath abilities I would give my self at least a 8. |