A few hints if you're thinking of pulling off a heist: Don't wear extraneous jewlery A man who escaped police by kicking out the window of a patrol car window was later seen at a Wal-Mart buying bolt cutters. An employee called the cops, who arrested the man minutes later in the bathroom as he was trying to snip off his hand cuffs.
It's all right to be camera-shy Three men robbed Eric Haney at gunpoint and stole his SUV. They celebrated their joy by taking photos-then left the camera in the car where the cops found it.
Bank robbery notes belong on blank paper Mike Mikitka entered the Citizens Bank in North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, and handed the teller a robbery note written on a blank slip that included his account number, which was traced to him.
Auld Lang Sign Last New Year's Eve found my friend in the hospital scheduled for an operation to remove hemorrhoids. So while other donned party hats and sipped champagne, she wore a hospital gown and swigged painkillers. That's not to say the holiday spirit was completely absent. The next day, January 1st, she woke up to a banner on her bedrrom wall. It screamed: "Happy New REAR!" You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 48758 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .