Date: 12/24/2004 9:31:00 PM
From Authorid: 62893
How cool. We got snow on Wendsday but it all melted. We have not had a white christmas at all in a very long time.Misty  |
Date: 12/24/2004 9:39:00 PM
From Authorid: 53961
More than me and I'm in Iowa!!! lol! But - I'm not putting my shovel away just yet!  |
Date: 12/24/2004 9:53:00 PM
From Authorid: 20750
Very kewl! Merry Christmas!  |
Date: 12/24/2004 10:46:00 PM
From Authorid: 47618
Seriously! Corpus is like blanketed in whiteness. It's an amazing sight to behold! <3 michael  |
Date: 12/24/2004 11:41:00 PM
From Authorid: 62752
well it has been snowing here but then again thats nothing unusual  |
Date: 12/25/2004 5:25:00 AM
From Authorid: 56489
We usualy get hammered in Pensylvannia, & knock on wood still nodda, all rain, clear today but high of 24 & same for tomorrow. At least you got some snow Kronk, it's good once in a blue moon.  |
Date: 12/25/2004 8:25:00 AM
From Authorid: 46486
In all of my years in living in Vermont, there is NO SNOW FOR CHRISTMAS. Our winter has pretty much consisted of no snow, THANK YOU GOD.  |
Date: 12/25/2004 11:07:00 AM
From Authorid: 4548
what a gift lovely! merry christmas and happy holidays to you and yours.  |
Date: 12/25/2004 1:31:00 PM
From Authorid: 7574
Snowy Christmases are so fun None here though, but I can live with that...  |
Date: 12/26/2004 5:18:00 AM
From Authorid: 58308
No snow here since '89. My dad lives in Ohio and said the weather man there said we would be getting some snow here. He was WRONG!! lol! It was cold and rainy... Happy New Year!  |
Date: 12/26/2004 11:11:00 AM
From Authorid: 26363
Snow in Texas! Wow! That is hard to believe, but then again, I thought I would never see snow on a beach....till I came to Scotland. The world never ceases to amaze me. So dude, write us a poem...heheh  |
Date: 1/29/2005 7:19:00 AM
From Authorid: 28363
i would have loved to seen that - it missed us but snowed southward. I remember in 6th grade, on the coast they let the whole school out to enjoy the snowfall.  |