Well, I live in Chicago, which is known for its hauntings, but I spend a lot of time out in the suburbs...especially Evergreen Park, where I work and where all my friends live. well...my one friend Chuck, has had a lot of strange things happen at his house, people ALWAYS try to break in for some reason. well one night, in about March, him and my friend Brendan and my ex-boyfriend Jeff were at his house watching TV and they heard something outside. Chuck looked up and there were these yellow eyes staring at him through his window and his dog was going nuts inside the house. They went outside to look and they didn't see anything at first and then they walked around behind the garage and there were paw prints in the snow...BIG paw prints...it was as if something had run from the nursing home he lived behind and hopped the fence, which had been bent downwards in the middle so it was like a U, and then hopped onto the roof of his garage and then landed in the neighbors yard and kept running, and they heard something howling...and seriously...Chuck is too stupid to lie. I don't mean to be mean, but it's the honest truth. I used to sit on his garage roof at night in the summer and i'd feel weird, like something was watching me, and I'd get all tense and have to get off the roof and go inside.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .