Date: 12/19/2004 3:15:00 PM
From Authorid: 28190
Hiya, and my only wish is just to spend a nice Christmas with my family, like we do every year.. Nothing fancy *hugs*  |
Date: 12/19/2004 3:15:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 43267
I will start, Hi its me, and I wwish for some new tools for work.  |
Date: 12/19/2004 3:19:00 PM
From Authorid: 11341
Hi *waves* I wish for a good Christmas meal for my family.  |
Date: 12/19/2004 3:20:00 PM
From Authorid: 8278
Merry Christmas!!!!! i am here (for comp keeps freezing, so i may log off and re-boot soon LOL) my Christmas wish is for continued health and happiness for my family. and keep hinting about those tools monte!! LOL i put the request in to santa....wait and see if he feels you deserve them. =)  |
Date: 12/19/2004 3:23:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 43267
I do deserve them, I do I tell you. (Gazelle)and I REALLY need a 18volt cordless drill, preferably, Craftman or Black and Decker or Makita. And, (Gazelle) I would LOVE a new 3 Ton Floor jack. too.  |
Date: 12/19/2004 3:36:00 PM
From Authorid: 26363
I would like a geode filled to the brim with amethyst.  |
Date: 12/19/2004 3:37:00 PM
From Authorid: 26363
Doh! Forgot...Scotland...for the moment. It's freezing and very dry (for a change) but still no snow.  |
Date: 12/19/2004 3:39:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 43267
Scotland? As in Europe?  |
Date: 12/19/2004 3:43:00 PM
From Authorid: 62881
Hi...Green Eyed Froggy here in West Central Georgia...43 degrees out, cloudy, no rain. I wish a safe holiday for everyone!  |
Date: 12/19/2004 3:43:00 PM
From Authorid: 8817
Hi! The only thing I really want this Christmas is for my family to be happy. My grandfather passed away a few months ago and since then all of our traditions have changed. My grandmother wont even let people over her house anymore. I come from a very large traditional Italian family so it is difficult to have a Christmas without any of our old traditions and customs.... Oh and it is -4 degrees here in Detroit Michigan.  |
Date: 12/19/2004 3:48:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 43267
Allisa, I would give up my Drill AND floor jack just for you to get your wish. That was one of the nicest wishes i ever read. Prayers to you this year.  |
Date: 12/19/2004 3:50:00 PM
From Authorid: 18516
I wish I could be at two places at once. I'm here in Northeast Ga and it's snowing..brrr  |
Date: 12/19/2004 3:51:00 PM
From Authorid: 8817
Thank you monte *hugs* But Christmas really does not feel like Christmas without all the traditions and family around. It is bad but I have been a real grouch lately. Ever since I was a little girl Christmas Eve was always my favorite day and now I just want it to pass. But thank you so much for your kind words. They are heartfelt and meaningful thank you so much.  |
Date: 12/19/2004 4:08:00 PM
From Authorid: 28190
Oh.. you added to the post... It's 28 degrees here in Alabama with an 18 degree wind chill... VERY cold for us, we arent used to cold weather like this.. No snow though, usually isnt ever any. *huge hugs*  |
Date: 12/19/2004 6:04:00 PM
From Authorid: 33925
Hi Monte. Well here in New Brunswick Canada it is COLD COLD COLD!! Probably about -10 Celcius. The wind is really strong as well..We woke up this morning to a big ole snowstorm. Probably the one you are getting right now. For Christmas I just want my kids to be happy. My biggest wish is for my oldest Son to get the help he so desperately needs now in order to live a normal, productive life. Merry Christmas Monte and give Cage a big ole hug for me!  |
Date: 12/19/2004 10:16:00 PM
From Authorid: 53558
Goodmorning Monte I am in the UK and it's Monday 6.18.a.m. and it is freezing. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year..:-)..hugs..  |
Date: 12/19/2004 10:21:00 PM
From Authorid: 62887
Hello. Have a merry Christmas!!! What I want for christmas is thousands of toys to give to all the kids who are homeless...~~Distraught~~  |
Date: 12/20/2004 5:16:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 43267
Some of you has made me realize that I ask for materialistic stuff, and while I do that you ask for Nice stuff. Like for the homeless, and all. Well, now that I feel kinda rotten for that, I decided to change my wish and chip in with you guys. So, I too wish for some warm coats, and toys for the Kids without..  |
Date: 12/20/2004 11:11:00 AM
From Authorid: 26363
Yep Scotland Monte! But soon to be in Pensacola.  |
Date: 12/20/2004 11:14:00 AM
From Authorid: 26363
I still want a geode! LOL But I have donated a near houseful of stuff to people in need.  |
Date: 12/20/2004 4:23:00 PM
From Authorid: 11176
hi me here, christmas wish: white christmas, weather: Cool and Crisp,home klahoma  |