"Don't try to run from me!" He shouted. His voice echoed in the basement. Hazel was startled when she heard his voice. She wanted to scream or to cry out but she bit her lip so hard,in fact, she tasted blood. She was hidden in the basement with five other girls. Only moments earlier had she figured out a way to undo herself from the handcuffs that bounded her. Now, she was hidden in the shadows beside the staircase. She waited for Him to pass her before she ran up the stairs. Somehow He had known where she was and what she would do so He was only a few paces behind her. He made a grab for Hazel but tripped instead on a broken stair and Hazel made it out of the basement slamming and locking the door behind her.
She was in His kitchen now and it was flooded with sunlight in which Hazel cried out in pain. She hadn't seen the sun light in almost 2 years. She half staggered, half limped into the adjoining living room. Even though it was darker in here than in the kitchen her eyes still throbbed. Behind her, she heard Him trying to break the door down. Hazel had to move faster. He was very strong and in a few moments He would break down the door and come for her. She renched open the front door and began to cry. At first out of joy and then out of fear. Of course He wouldn't have kept them out in the open! He needed to put them somewhere secluded where noone would be able to hear them scream. So, He picked a cabin in the middle of the woods. There was a crash coming from the house. He had gotten out. She wasn't going to wait for Him and ran deeper into the trees. "Stupid leg!" Hazel thought trying to move faster. This wasn't the first time she had tried to escape Him. The first time He had caught her and slammed an ax into her leg. "You can't hide from me!" He shouted. She couldn't tell which way his voice was coming from. And then she didn't hear him at all and it scared her.
She stood sd still as she could listening for any signs of a twig snapping or the slightest rustle of leaves. The sun was beginning to disappear and she didn't want to be in the woods at night alone with Him sneaking around. So, she ran as fast as her limp leg could carry her. She just ran in a straight line. And before long, Hazel knew that He had caught up with her. She heard His ragged breathing, she was too terrified to look behind her and to keep from doing so, she focused her mind on getting the heck out of there. And before she could stop herself, she plunged over a cliff and into the icy water below. Had she made it? Had she finally beaten Him at his own game? A few times while floating down stream she could've sworn she saw Him standing on the edge of the river and both times a surge of fear pierced through her but when she blinked he was gone and Hazel thought the cold was getting to her. She didn't know how long she was in the water but it felt like hours and she was exhausted and struggled to keep her eyes open and when she had just about given up, she felt strong hands lift her out of the water and wrap her in something warm. It's Him! He's decided I've suffered long enough and now He's going to kill me! Hazel thought and began to kick and scream with all her might and finally, she discovered that she didn't care anymore about what He did to her. She just wanted to sleep and sleep she did.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .