I feel a great need to put my thoughts into words on this topic, which was inspired by some wonderful usmers and their posts here :) thank you.
I have taken a very serious look on my view of life and have realized many flaws. I have been through tremendous heartache, sorrow, betrayal, depression, and I have battled myself often to try to find a way through this life. Overcoming all these obstacles I have realized I never fully learned the lessons until maybe now.
We have all been injured by heartache, betrayal, sorrow, death, depression, illness, and many other forces in this world. And we have all cried and asked the same question, Why? We failed to see any good around us and often focused only on the hurt and darkness. For example, if a friend betrayed you, did you focus on the betrayal and the horrible events that took place? If so did you fail to see the friends standing beside you? You are never alone. The friend that was loyal and gave you a hand when you were down, a friend that stood beside you through thick and thin no matter what? See... all your energy was placed on the betrayal that you couldnt see the good that was around you all along.
Have you ever felt such sorrow and heartache that you felt like giving up? Again, you focused on the hurt inside and the events or people that caused the heartache that maybe, did you neglect someone else standing beside you? For at the time it wasnt them you wanted, they werent good enough, but they were there.... have you neglected a child that was there for you after a husband/wife left? A friend after another had wounded you? A parent after a boyfriend/girlfriend hurt you? Or perhaps a new opportunity to life? A new job you have always wanted? Did you place your full attention on the hurt that you couldnt see the good around you?
Do you tend to focus on the negative things in life? Do you often look around and become sad? Angry? Alarmed? Drained? Close your eyes and now look with your heart. Instead of focusing on the bad.... think of all the good you can do. Think of all the good that is in your life that you have neglected. Think of all the wonderful little things you have or have happened. Often we want to change the world..... no, change starts within us.
Accept the bad in this world for what it is and instead of dwelling on it.... change it. Maybe the person you wished was with you isnt, but dont neglect the wonderful people all around you. Maybe the job you wanted you couldnt get, but dont become bitter find another maybe more meaningful and rewarding. Maybe a best friend betrayed you, dont become dependent on the hurt but realize there are many more wonderful people out there who will treat you better. Dont worry about the future, worry about today and the change you can make with starting with just a simple smile or a kind word.
I have found that for many times in my life I only focused on the bad.... and this lead me to a destructive road. Life can be very hard and often unfair, but be the change that you want to see. Focus on the good and know, yes, one person can make a difference. When we look to the light all darkness will fade and our lifes will become filled with love and happiness because we defeated the evils within, fear and hatred.
Mission.... look to the light and focus on the good, leave the evils and darkness in the shadows where they belong. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 11097 ( Click here )
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