Twas the night before Christmas,when all through USM. Not an author was stirring,not even an Admin. The posts were submitted all with the great care, None were deleted because they knew Radman was there.
The Poets were writing stuff from a thread, Much were from the visions dancing in their heads. And Kronk was into mischief, the usual madcap, And Heather rattled our brains with another mystery zap.
When out on the net there arose such a chatter, The numbers in a post made all see what was the matter. Away to the story we flew like a flash, Another great ghost story by 32nd Degree in the dash.
The discussions were full of those wanting to know, About life out there, about heaven and below, When, what to my wondering keys should appear, But Hey Hey Paula, with a birthday wish and cheer.
Then there was Wooden Nickle with another laugh trick, With all the latest jokes that you could not read quick. More post hit the pages, in succession they came. There were quotes, and poems, discussions, mysteries and too many to name.
"Now CC28, Now Spacecase! Now, Gothic Angel and Grey Eyed Girl! On, Aromatics! On, Korn Girl! On, Kethria, Wild Bob and Magoo! To the top of the Page! To the top of USM Mall! Now Post away! Post away! Post away all!"
As post came with thoughts and questions to why, When there was a lull, there arose a brief sigh. Then up on the page top, a post would appear anew, With the site full of joy, all the readers went too!
And then, in a twinkling, I had my poem to proof, Another poor poem I posted in the form of a spoof. As I constructed it in my head and was getting it down, Here came Firstborn posting something profound.
Then there was another with some mischief afoot, None other than Man of Asguard with his latest published book. The site was a bundle of posts from Ancient Times way back, Freaq, Heather, Goldenunicorns were leading the pack.
Then there was Ms. Priss with quotes oh so Merry! Zema, SPG, and Flameon won the awards that are cherry! For the Conspiracy Theories, Sk8R would be in the know. And for stories many who would the honor go? Ginger is there to keep the site free. Tagmakers are artists to help personalize the identities. Then each has relations in their USM Family trees, Some are real relations and some are profile fantasy.
Some are the nephew or niece or hubby or self, Some are very short reads and some need a bookshelf. Some are created after another profile is read. Some just happen after going to where a conversation led.
USM addicts come from home, school, and work, And all are good people, not a one is a jerk. And my favorite place there is the poetic prose, And I think some of the best is written by Pammie Rose.
So come do the internet search and hear yourself whistle, At USM you may read about the latest government missle. USM is a great and wonderfully entertaining site.
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good USM night!"
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