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Why do you fear Death? Posey

  Author:  48809  Category:(Angels) Created:(12/9/2004 12:46:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1627 times)

Has it ever occurred to you that from the moment you are born that you begin to die? Because of a lack of understanding and superstition , there is a great fear of death. To die is due to the operation of the same natural laws that are responsible for our birth. Many people refuse to speak about death and may not even carry life insurance because they fear doing so will hasten their passing! What is it that people fear so greatly? Much of the fear comes from the fact that we have been told of an ever burning hell fire that we will be thrown into for eternity , because of our "sins" and because we have not chosen the right religious beliefs! However , those of us who have the Spiritualist beliefs are not of this mind set! We have been told that God and spirit look upon the mistakes we have made ( sins) as something to be corrected ... not punished!

When people die they leave their physical body because it has ceased to serve it's purpose. They are then free of all disabilities and defects of every kind and these things are then left behind with the body they have been released from. They are now in their spiritual body and retain the appearance that they had in this life. The elderly get younger ...usually back to their prime and the children continue on to maturity. There are those who believe that when they pass over that their climb towards perfection will be over and done with and they will sit at the right hand of God and sing praises to him eternally... I will tell you that nothing is further from the truth than this! We will have a time after our passing to become acquainted with our new surroundings and we may take our time ... but eventually we will feel the urge to be "up and doing!" Most of us will return to school ... either to learn new things or to "polish up " something that we already enjoy doing! We are still going to be on the spiritual path and continuing to grow spiritually for many eons yet! If you decide that when you reach the next dimension that you need no longer try to become a better person , then you will simply stay where you are.... while your loved ones and friends continue on into higher realms of light!

Why we are here on the earth is still a mystery for most people .To Spiritualists the purpose of earthly life is clear.It is the school where ALL HUMANS come to learn their lessons as preparation for their continued existence in the next world! We who are Spiritualists are priveleged to know that the operation of natural law continues on into the next world , just as it is in operation here on the earth. It is a tribute to the infinite intelligence of God ,the supreme divine power , that the natural laws never fail and that they regulate every phase of life. To survive death is as natural as it is to be born... in fact, this is what many know as the second birth ... or to be born again. Some believe that by committing suicide that they will know nothing and will sleep forever and so escape the misery that causes them to do such a thing. There are those too, who grieve for a loved one who has passed on and think that by committing suicide that they will once again be with there loved one. Many times they are separated even more from the one they love and may even be sent back into this life and assigned an even harder life than the one they presently have. Stay here and do the best you can ... you will be very happy that you did!

How it changed my life:

Sometimes I meditate on what my life and beliefs were like before I heard about this great truth that is mine now, and there is no comparison.

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 12/9/2004 12:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 36700    I don't fear my own death, good post.
Date: 12/9/2004 12:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 13119    I don't believe the part at the end about suicides, I think that they have learned what they needed to learn out of this life and it was because of the pain that they were feeling that they ended it. I don't feel sorry for them, for they are free of their demons now, I feel sorry for those that they left behind but I believe even that (having someone close to you commit suicide) is a lesson that needed to be learned. Loss and hardship. We stay and learn all we can in this life and continue on to the next life.  
Date: 12/9/2004 1:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 13119    Ms Morality why are you YELLING!!!! It is not very friendly looking. I don't belittle any religion and I frown on those who do. Maybe you don't agree with the Hindu religion but what makes your way right and theirs wrong?  
Date: 12/9/2004 1:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 23075    Ms. Morality..try not using caps next time...it is yelling at us..and we do not need to be yelled at....for you to get a point across..I am afraid of death to a certain degree for I do not know what is on the other side.  
Date: 12/9/2004 1:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 53284    I don't fear death. I also don't believe in he!!. I would like to live a healthy life and watch my childrens lives unfold.  
Date: 12/9/2004 1:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 25828    i don't fear death.  
Date: 12/9/2004 1:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 27534    Very good post...I do not fear death...I embrace that....it is life I fear.  
Date: 12/9/2004 2:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 36700    Ms. Morality's comment is a little hard on the eyes.
Date: 12/9/2004 4:58:00 PM  From Authorid: 3835    I do not fear death. I actually welcome it when it approaches, as I know in my heart, that is a new beginning to another journey within the universe. I do not feel remorse for the death of others. I accept The Reaper when harvest time has come to fruitation, for any kind of wheat in the field of life.  
Date: 12/9/2004 6:02:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Ms.Morality thank you for your comments. You seem to be referring to reincarnation when you mention that re-birth is essentially a belief of the Eastern religions. Yes, I understand this , but I am not of the Eastern beliefs ... although I certainly agree with much of what they teach! I am of the Spiritualist religion and we get our truths from those higher evolved spirits in the other world through our mediums both past and present... received in the same way that the Christian Bible was received over 2,000 years ago! There are many angels and teachers from the higher realms who have been there for thousands of years and so they are very learned and knowledgeable! Perhaps you are not aware that reincarnation was once a doctrine of the Christian Bible until King Constantine ordered it to be removed from the Bible in 325 ad.....just as many other things were removed from it at that time. It is true that you have Bibles and I respect your beliefs , just as I expect others to respect mine. Spirit says that we will all evolve into the higher realms eventually, but none of us can ever be as high as God. You say that reincarnation is a sick way of giving people hope. From your viewpoint you perhaps see it this way ... but what can be sicker than to tell people that Jesus died to save them from their sins... when in reality we are all responsible for our own actions as many of these poor souls will find out someday!  
Date: 12/9/2004 6:11:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Thank you to each one who took the time to answer my post ... I am glad that there are so many here who have no fear of death and why should we fear it ....... we only graduate from here into a higher and better life and into a land that is very much like where we live right now... except it is far more beautiful!  
Date: 12/9/2004 6:49:00 PM  From Authorid: 62367    Do I fear death? I suppose so, because it is the great unknown, there is a great deal of uneasy anticipation. A friend, who held beliefs similar to yours told me the newly passed on spirits go to a sort of spirit hospital where they are helped to adapt to their new state. I still like this unusual view of the afterlife. My father visited me in the most vivid comforting dream I ever experienced, 3 months after his death, to tell me he was cured and all right. I have treasured this as a form of reasurance that we will live on and see our loved ones. By the way some Jewish sects believe in reincarnation, the Hasidim for one. Very interesting post. Are you part of the Spiritualist Church? They have a summer camp in the town in Iowa where my family lives.  
Date: 12/9/2004 7:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 17560    I don't really fear death, it's leaving everyone here behind that bothers me. I do believe one day I will see my mom and brother and everyone else that has passed over when I do die. That does make me feel better inside. They weren't religious people, but I know they are in a better place because they were good here on Earth. So many people believe you must be "saved" or "religious" to get to "heaven" but I believe differently....good post....  
Date: 12/9/2004 8:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 62100    Personally, I totally fear death..probably because of my own uncertainty about what happens afterward. The thought absolutely terrifies me..  
Date: 12/9/2004 8:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 62593    reincarnation is not a possiblity. It's a fact. To think that we are supposed to discover the true nature of our souls in one lifetime is down right silly. Not to knock anyone's beliefs...but God is bigger than that!  
Date: 12/9/2004 8:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 42945    it's the way that I could die that frightens the heck out of me...I never used to worry about death until just recently watching my mother die...my goodness..it terrifies me now..I suppose its "fear of the unknown syndrome" that kicks in for me now.... good post.....hugs  
Date: 12/9/2004 8:56:00 PM  From Authorid: 12341    I don't worry about death, I feel whatever the outcome, the journey will be peaceful and easy. I don't want my loved ones to feel hurtful, so I hope I leave enough good memories and they will only have good and lasting thoughts. Thats enough immortality for me.  
Date: 12/9/2004 9:17:00 PM  From Authorid: 30742    Sorry, Everyone about the caps, sometimes I don't notice these things until its too late..  
Date: 12/9/2004 9:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 30742    With the great body of manuscript evidence, it can be proved, beyond a doubt, that the New Testament says exactly the same things today as it originally did nearly 2,000 years ago. Corroborating Writings. Critics also charge that there are no ancient writings about Jesus outside the New Testament. This is another un true claim. Writings confirming His birth, ministry, death, and resurrection include Flavius Josephus (A.D. 93), the Babylonian Talmud (A.D. 70–200), Pliny the Younger’s letter to the Emperor Trajan (approx. A.D. 100), the Annals of Tacitus (A.D. 115–117), Mara Bar Serapion (sometime after A.D. 73), and Suetonius’ Life of Claudius and Life of Nero (A.D. 120).

Date: 12/9/2004 9:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 30742    Hinduism does not give any hope to the starving children. The provery is un-imaginable. In India, you will see children wondering the streets naked begining for food, their religion and culture is that they are paying for the bad deeds in their previous life. Its much easier for well fed americans to believe in the concept of karma, than it is for poor hungry people in India. The hindu faith teaches its their fault and they have no hope and no help. Thanfully in America we still do not have a culture that allows thousands of children to wonder in the street with out clothes or food , to pass them by with a callouse belief they must pay for their past bad deeds.  
Date: 12/9/2004 9:58:00 PM  From Authorid: 30742    Posey, I respect your belief, how do you know reincarnation was in the Bible, we have over 25,000.00 copies of the NT and not one has reincarnation in anywhere. in fact, what the 25,000.00 manuscripts found , they all uniformly teach that a man is appointed to die and then face judgement. I don't want to debate, just clarify some mis-conceptions about the Bible. You are right, we sin and we are responsible for our sins.God acquits us from the Courtroom of Eternal Justice on the grounds that Jesus Christ paid our fine. We are "justified" (made right with God) by His suffering death. The resurrection of Jesus Christ was God's seal of approval of the fact that His precious blood was sufficient to pay the fine.
Think of it this way... You have violated the law and face a $50,000 fine. You tell the judge that you are truly sorry for your crime, but he answers, "So you should be -- you have broken the law! Now, can you pay this fine?" He can only acquit you if the fine is paid. If someone else pays your fine, then he can let you go, but he must have "grounds" on which to release you.

The reason we need a substitute (a savior) to pay our moral "fine," is because we have broken God's Law. To see how much we have transgressed this Law (the Ten Commandments), we will go through some of them -- Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever stolen something? Have you ever lusted after another person? If you answered "Yes" to these questions, you admit that you are a lying, thieving, adulterer at heart, and you have to face God on Judgment Day! If you have used His name in vain, then you are guilty of "blasphemy" -- you've substituted God's holy Name for a curse word. Perhaps you've hated someone, then the Bible says that you are a murderer. On Judgment Day, you will be found guilty and end up in spiritual prison, eternally seperated from the truth and the light and love( Jesus, who was God in Human form).

Jesus said, I am the only way to the Father ( God). Jesus said that many will choose the easy road, the road that leads to eternity with out God, and few will choose the narrow road that leads to life.
Date: 12/10/2004 12:29:00 AM  From Authorid: 35720    Death is something I don't fear.  
Date: 12/10/2004 1:26:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Peridot, what your friend told you about some people being taken to a sort of hospital after they pass on is right. Many people who suffer long , debilitating illnesses or those who are in terrible accidents and are in shock or a weakened state , must sometimes be taken care of for a time at these places until they are ready to begin their life again on the other side. How wonderful that your father visited you and it is very true that many people who have passed on will come back to reassure their loved ones on earth that they are still living. This is such a great experience for those people here who are not yet convinced that we really do live on after death. I have had many of these experiences myself and have had hundreds of people tell me of the visits they have received from someone who has passed on too... each one unique and very interesting! Yes, I am familiar with the Spiritualist summer camp in Iowa that you mentioned and have been there many times! My first visit there was in 1968.  
Date: 12/10/2004 1:50:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Tootsie, many think that they must belong to a certain religion and abide by a certain set of doctrines in order to find a place in heaven . This is not true, whether we belong to a particular sect or not is left up to us . There are those in the next world who have never heard of certain religious beliefs that are evolving just the same. We all have a conscience and we are expected to use it to keep on the straight and narrow path. God would never condemn anyone who has done his best to live a good life to a fiery hell for eternity! Those who believe that they can cheat and rob others etc. and that they are going to get by with it though are going to find out how wrong they are when they arrive there, because we can never cheat God's Laws.  
Date: 12/10/2004 2:08:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Xylanthia, there is really no need to fear death hon... think of it as being born into a beautiful place where you will see your loved ones again. It was never meant that we should be afraid of simply passing over to the other side, and as long as we have done our very best to help others and to make the world a better place we do not need to fear anything! God does not expect us to be perfect and He expects us to make mistakes ...after all that's why we are here... to learn! If we were perfect we would already be in the higher realms and not down here where we are. I hope this helps....  
Date: 12/10/2004 2:15:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Satori Crush, you are right that it will take more than one lifetime to make us perfect. I wonder how many of us really feel like we are? I know I sure don't. Spirit says that there are some things that cannot be learned anywhere else besides here and I think they are right!  
Date: 12/10/2004 2:32:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Thank you for your wise comment Brenda, I think you have the right idea hon....  
Date: 12/10/2004 2:45:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    I am glad that you do not fear death Rika. I believe that more and more people are beginning to understand that there is no reason to, as long as we have lived our life the way we should.  
Date: 12/10/2004 4:02:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Ms. Morality, I have never been one to believe that a loving God would ever require a blood sacrifice from one He loved and spirit confirms this. They say that our world has many hundreds of years of wrong teaching to undo. I am sorry for all those who suffer in India and elsewhere , but I remain firm in my belief that "we reap what we sow" and that those who are suffering now are simply repaying a debt from another life time. If you think that God is punishing them , you would be wrong... they have chosen this life for themselves because they have erred and gone against God's laws and for that , there is always retribution... because everything in the universe is ruled by law! You asked how I know that there is such a thing as reincarnation? My answer is because those who bring this knowledge to earth say so and since they are not liars , then I must believe them. Not only this , but it is the only thing that makes sense when people find themselves in such a sad condition as these people are in. Perhaps these are some of the people who were rulers of nations in the distant past and who are now being called into account for the many horrendous acts that they have committed upon others. God is always fair and just and the condition in which they find themselves today is no more than what they have earned because of their transgression of God's perfect Laws. There is much more knowledge avaulable to the world today than what some think. The Bible was written for the people of the long ago past and for that time in history and was given in such a way as to be understood by the people of that particular time! Teachers from the spirit world have always come to speak to us in every age and their message is always progressive and so as we will continue to grow in understanding in years to come , so will we receive knowledge from God that is in keeping with what we are able to understand and absorb at a particular time. Spirit tells us that Jesus is not God and that He should not be worshipped as God, because we limit the greatness of the Almighty who created man and all expressions of the universe and compare Him to a man who lived on the earth for only 33 years. This is not to say in anyway that we diminish the wonderful teachings that Jesus gave us to live our lives by, but God is the great Ruler and Creator of the universe and it was He who sent Jesus to the earth as the Messiah and our teacher and it was also He who gave explicit instructions to Jesus while He was on the earth . Even Jesus cannot change any of God's natural laws that govern the universe and as great as Jesus is ,He is still under God. Thank you for you comments.  
Date: 12/10/2004 5:33:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Zema, I agree that it is scary when we watch someone pass over who has a hard time of it. But just because this happens to some hon , it doesn't mean that it will happen to everyone. Our soul knows what we personally need and so chooses for us that which will uplift and strengthen our soul. The things that happen to us in our lifetime are all part of the scheme of things and those things that we dislike the most are what are most valuable to our soul and it's progression. We are all spirit and our soul is eternal , when we look back some day we will be able to see how our soul has grown through the heartache , tears and sorrow that we have suffered along the way. We must remember that the life we are living here today is the one we agreed to many years ago! I hope you are feeling better , but it always takes awhile to come to terms with our new condition when we lose someone we love ... even if the parting is only temporary ! Hugs to you too Zema and peace to you and your family!  
Date: 12/10/2004 6:01:00 AM  From Authorid: 17560    Posey, so what does happen to the ones that have passed on...I don't know alot about reincarnation but I'm it sounds very interesting. I've always wanted to communicate with my loved ones who have passed on but I don't think I have yet. The dreams that I do have about them aren't very clear and it's always about the past. Are they still in spirit watching over us?  
Date: 12/10/2004 8:38:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Tootsie, what happens to those who pass on is that they continue to live their lives over there just as they did here. For instance, if someone is a Dr. or a nurse and they enjoy their work , they will usually continue to do the same thing there that they did here. Of course , no one there needs a Dr. so they must learn how to send healing to the earth people . Sometimes , those Dr's. and nurses will also come to the earth to assist an earth Dr. with a patient who is having surgery etc. You would no doubt be surprised at what people do when they pass on. I have had spirit Dr's. come to me and tell me that they were going to do something for me too! There are just as many things to be done over there as there are here! By helping others is how they progress in the next world too. Yes, our loved ones continue to be interested in what we are doing here and some of them usually watch out for us too. Unless you are born psychic or take classes in communicating with those who have gone on, you may find it hard to reach them. Go to the Book store and ask them there for books that will teach you how to do this or even look on the internet for free directions! If you are really interested in learning how this is done, go to a Spiritualist Church and see if they have a class for this type of thing!  
Date: 12/10/2004 8:47:00 AM  From Authorid: 17560    Thanks Posey, you are very interesting and I love reading books on stuff pertaining to this. Thanks for all the positive replies...  
Date: 12/10/2004 9:08:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Thank uou Tootsie... and good luck to you!  
Date: 12/10/2004 9:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 12341    Posey, everything you write has meaning for me, nothing else makes sense to me.  
Date: 12/10/2004 9:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 30742    Posey, Jesus did not give us the opption to believe he was a teacher or good prophet, Jesus claimed to be God, and that is why he was crucifed by the religious leaders in His life here on earth. It doesn't make sense to you that God would require blood, but that does not matter, God's ways are not our ways.Jesus claimed to be God. No world religion's key figure claimed to be God.

Jesus lived a perfect life and showed his deity in the miracles he performed...healing the blind, quieting a violent storm at sea, raising people from the dead, instantly providing food for thousands of people. World religions have leaders who gave interesting messages, but none of them showed their miraculous power like Jesus did. Jesus said, "Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves."

In many world religions people whip themselves for their sins or perform extensive self-sacrificing rituals. Jesus offers us forgiveness because as God, he paid for our sin for us. "God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." On the cross, Jesus carried all of our sins for us and paid for them.

Jesus rose from the dead three days after he was crucified. Many religions talk about reincarnation. Jesus, on a number of occasions, told others that he would be crucified and would then rise from the dead three days later. Jesus wanted to publicly prove his deity beyond any doubt. The Roman authorities were aware of this, and so posted an 11-14 man Roman guard outside Jesus tomb, and sealed it with a Roman insignia warning people to stand clear. Yet, three days later his body was gone from the tomb and Jesus showed himself alive to more than 500 people. No world religion claims that their central figure physically rose from the dead or even said that they would.

The message of the Bible is unique. It is not a compilation of poetic, disjointed ideas. The Bible reveals God and His plan for our lives. It records for us that something in history went wrong and that the relationship we had with God was broken. It tells us how to restore that relationship and what the benefits are of doing that.
Date: 12/10/2004 9:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 14314    I am not afraid of death,I beleive in eternal life, I am afraid of hell, and I beleive in Heaven and I can´t wait to be there with my Father GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!  
Date: 12/11/2004 12:30:00 AM  From Authorid: 3125    Posey, I would like to ask you a few questions.. You stated "they continue to live their lives over there just as they did here"... What do you think happens to the murderers, child molesters, rapists, etc, when they go to the next life? Also, you stated " those who bring this knowledge to earth say so and since they are not liars , then I must believe them.".. How would you know that a spirit is not lying to you? Can you believe EVERY spirit that you talk to, especially if a person who passed on was a habitual liar in this life? Some who claim to be spiritualists say that they talked to evil spirits, etc.. Spirits would have to be more powerful than we are, so how would you know if they are not even better at lying than an eartlhy person and are capable of easily deceiving you?  
Date: 12/11/2004 7:46:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Thank you Brenda, I always value your comments because you have such a wonderful mind.... and you think outside the BOX, as they say! lol.  
Date: 12/11/2004 7:49:00 AM  From Authorid: 62476    I fear it only because it's a mystery what happens afterward and it's something you can't talk to people with what it's like  
Date: 12/11/2004 8:32:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Cissy, I am glad you are not afraid of death hon, because there is no reason to be , as long as we listen to the still small voice of our conscience. Have you ever wondered if maybe we were all afraid to be born on the earth too? I rather think that it might have taken a lot of courage for us all to leave such a lovely place to come here to the earth, where there is so much sorrow and grief? You say that you are afraid of hell? I know that many other people are too... but again as long as we are loving and kind to others , do what we believe to be right and obey the Laws of Love and Service to God and man.... then we are preparing our future life in heaven. There is no such place as a fiery burning hell, only darkness and sorrow for how we have lived our lives if we have intentionally done wrong or if we have neglected to develop our souls by simply doing nothing of any consequence here... except having a good time ! Thank you for your post!  
Date: 12/11/2004 9:52:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Rusure, Of course ,when I say that we continue to live our lives over there just as we do here, I am speaking of those who have lived good and honest lives while here and who do not deliberately harm others . We all know that those who have no spiritual values to live by and who seek only the darker side of life ...instead of the light will go after what THEY want in this world ... no matter who they may harm in the process. There are those of course in most societies who murder, rape babies and children , rob and mistreat anyone who gets in their way. There are those too who do drugs and are not satisfied to just ruin their own lives... but also sell it others and ruin their lives as well... a very BIG mistake! There are also those who smoke and drink alcohol , and none of the people who do these things realize that they are carrying around a former alcoholic, rapist , robber, smoker or drug addict on their backs and they wonder then why they cannot "kick the habit!" Another one of God's laws is," Like attracts like" and these people who have passed on who were former addicts STILL retain their cravings and will go to ANY WEAK PERSON that they can find to get relief from what they crave! Many people will be very surprised to find that passing through death WILL NOT relieve them of their habit... but they will take their craving with them and then have no way to satisfy it ...except by vicariously getting the fumes from those on the earth! These people have sunk so low that it may take them many hundreds or even thousands of years of darkness and sorrow before they realize the enormity of what they have done. But once they realize this and are ready to start back into the light again....there is ALWAYS ample help for them and though their trek back is long and hard they will be helped along the way....never, never is anyone ordered into an eternal burning hell... never! You wondered how I can tell the difference between the good spirits and the bad ones? Hon, I do not dwell on devils and demons because I do not want them in my life! I know that these spirits are not some particular race that God has purposely created to harrass us or to make our lives miserable . A loving God would never do such a thing .These are simply spirits who at one time lived on the earth.... or perhaps even may have come from other planets..who knows? These are the ones who are in a dark and foggy hell and those who have done such unspeakable things while on the earth and their misdeeds were so foul that they had to be separated from the good people! Why would any thinking person want to connect with any of these people, certainly not I! I seek only that which comes from God and I have blessed angels and whose job it is to protect those who are doing God's work. We must live our lives so that we do NOT attract these beings to us! Of course those who inhabit the dark realms have free will , just like we do and if we dwell upon them and keep them in our minds... then it is simply an invitation for them to come "play" with us and they take the invitation literally!... no thanks! I trust my spirit guides and teachers because they have been with me for many years and if they were not trustworthy, I would have discovered it in the many years they have been with me. I have never seen or even been approached by what some call devils and demons because I try to keep my vibrations higher than theirs . Another long answer, I am afraid! I hope I answered your questions.  
Date: 12/11/2004 2:10:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Ms. Morality, Spirit tells us that Jesus never was and still today is NOT God, but that he was a messenger OF God sent here to fulfill a mission ,just as other great ones before him have done. He came to teach us how to live our lives so as to develop our souls and to demonstrate to us that life is eternal and that we continue to live beyond death! He also demonstrated that he was still the same person after death as he was before, by showing the marks of the crucifiction on his materialized body ! He was simply showing us that this is the way it is for ALL of us and that NO ONE ever dies. There are still people even yet today that believe eternal life was meant only for Jesus... but this is not true! Orthodoxy has long considered that all the unusual things that Jesus did when he was here were "miracles "... they were not...everything that Jesus did was in line with Natural Law which is always in operation and always will be. If we were all as spiritually evolved as Jesus was/is then it would be very simple for us to do the exact same things that he did. Didn't he say that what he did , we could do also? Spirit tells us that there are no "miracles" in the universe(s) but that what we call miracles are simply the operation of a natural law that we know nothing about, but which has ALWAYS been in existence! When we evolve and we become more spiritual , then we will also be able to do the things that Jesus did! You may think that I am not appreciative of the good that Jesus came here to demonstrate for us... you would be very much mistaken to believe this , because I have the utmost reverance and respect for this great soul and his teachings and what he is continuing to do for mankind...right up to the present day! I am just telling you what the people who KNOW Jesus personally have to say about WHY he came here and they too have great reverance for him! The reason that the things Jesus did seemed to be so miraculous was because he knew HOW to work with God's Laws and the rest of us did/do not! Neither did Jesus come here to "save us from our sins" as so many wrongly believe and will find out when they pass on.... a very great error. God would never demand a blood sacrifice from any one of us and would certainly never ask one He loved so well to die for the rest of us.Too many times have we on the earth accused a loving Father of having a human character and of doing the horrible things that only the vilest of human beings would do to their own children. Are there any reading this who would want to sacrifice one of their OWN children for others? You say the message in the Bible is unique... when there are thousands of people who disagree on what is in it or how to interpret it? Doesn't it seem that if the Bible was written by God that it would be easily understood by all and that there would not be any mistakes in it? Would He have given us a mesage that would be understood by almost none and that people would go to war and kill each other because they differ in the Bible's understanding? Oh no , oh no! Thank you for your Post Ms. Morality!  
Date: 12/11/2004 5:18:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Shorty, thank you for your comment... you can talk to me about these things if you want to. I have lots of people who talk to me about what they see and the experiences they have had!  
Date: 12/11/2004 6:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 3125    Posey, Questions, questions, and more questions. Where is the book that you use to gather your information? Who claims to be the author of this book? When was it copyrighted? Another question..Most who believe the way you do believe that we cannot remember our past lives, but yet, we are correcting past mistakes perpetrated against others; and suffering the consequences of crimes we have committed. If we are not conscious of our crimes which we commit in the past life, then how could we try to correct the crimes we were guilty of so that we could move on to the next level?  
Date: 12/12/2004 8:41:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Rusure, you have asked where I gather my information from. Some of what I write here comes from the Spiritualist teachings , which is information received from the teachers in the other world . Some of it is given to me personally by spirit teachers and I then pass it on to others for their benefit.... if they care to accept it . There are thousands of books written by many people both past and present who are favorable to Spiritualism and of course , there are those who disagree with it. There are many good books on the market today that have been written by people who are giving out the same information that I have also received...... beginning 36 years ago, so I know that most are telling people the truth! There are some very good authors and I personlly like Sylvia Browne for people who are unfamiliar with these things , because she is easy for people to understand , but there are others too of course, such as Dr. David Joshua Stone and Patricia Cota Robles etc. who are excellent teachers , but on a higher level . I think if you would want to find out more information on this that the Library might be a good place to start looking. I would suggest that you might ask a Spiritualist minister too, but not sure you would want to do that. Rusure , I think what most people mean by saying that we cannot remember what we did in other lives is not anything that pertains only to Spiritualists, but must include all faiths of course. There are reasons for us not being able to recall what happened in our past lives , because some of the horrific things we might have done would so overwhelm us with grief and sorrow that we would not be able to function in this life and to carry out our reason for being on the earth today,which is the development of the soul. We might even have been some outstanding Biblical personage or King or Queen ,which would turn our head if we knew this, and could also interfere with our present life in a less than favorable way.... and yes, it is true that some of the Biblical people are on the earth at the present time and some have long ago evolved into the higher spheres. It is understandable to me that we are unable to remember what we did perhaps thousands of years ago when some of us cannot remember what happened even a week ago. Another reason we may be unaware of the things of the past is that we are all multidimensional beings that are operating on many levels of spirituality , but many do not know this either! However,there are some people who say they can recall their former lives and I believe them , but whether we remember what has happened to us in the past or not does not really matter, because our soul KNOWS and will guide us unfailingly to that which we have earned for ourselves. We will however , be allowed to remember every life we have ever lived when we pass to the other side. Spirit has always spoken of the necessity of being certain that we must always be aware that it is so important to continue to progress spiritually and not to be satisfied with where we are now! I hope I have answered your questions for you.  
Date: 12/12/2004 12:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 3125    
Thanx Posey..but now I have another question. You stated "We will however, be allowed to remember every life we have ever lived when we pass to the other side."..What do you mean by the OTHER SIDE? Do you mean heaven or what?
Date: 12/12/2004 2:08:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Hi Rusure, yes hon, when I say "the other side" I am referring to the place where we will all find ourselves when we first pass over... which is usually the astral plane... not really heaven as such .... except as the lower realms of heaven could be called.... because actually, heaven is in the higher realms than where most of us will go to begin with. We will stay on the astral plane for awile it is said, and then we will gravitate to the place that we have earned for ourselves! So you see that no one goes into the highest realms immediately to live with God as some have been led to believe. However, we are all allowed to work towards the higher realms where the more advanced spirits reside. I hope this helps.  
Date: 12/12/2004 4:08:00 PM  From Authorid: 3125    Posey, Funny thing that you recommend Sylvia Browne. I have listened to her many times on several talk shows and I have heard some of her claims and perdictions. Honestly, the more I watch her, the more disgust I feel toward her.
A few of her claims or "predictions" that comes to mind are these..She said that she thinks in 100 years time we will experience the end times.
(In a previous interview she said there was no such thing as the end times.)She stated that Bin Laden is dead and would be found before the end of 2003. (We know that Bin Laden released a video message on Oct. 29th 2004. She then attempted to cover up the failed claim by saying that she thought he was dead because she saw him underground) Here are just a few others..John Kerry will win the election..There are no WMD's in Iraq.(Not difficult to call this one. We can count on one hand the number of people who thought there were WMD's in Iraq. Most of us here were saying there are no WMD's in Iraq.)
In Feb. 2004 she stated that the US troops will be home by the end of the year.
(She had previously stated that they would be home by June or July 2004. Both claims have failed, unless there is a possible chance that the soldiers will be home in a few more weeks, seeing this is the middle of December.)In July 2004, she stated that Ken Jennings on Jeopardy will carry on winning for another month. (Ken Jennings finally lost his 74th game winning streak in November 2004, winning $2,520,700.)If spirits had informed Sylvia Browne of any of these things that she claimed, then it is obvious that those spirits lied to her. One last thing..
Sylvia Browne also says "There are no new souls, they are just recycled." Then wouldn't this also be true among animals and insects? If so, what would be the purpose?

Date: 12/12/2004 4:24:00 PM  From Authorid: 3125    Posey, It seems that you are saying that those who must go from one life to another are being punished by God for what they did in their past lives. That God knows what perfection is and He expects us to achieve a certain amount of perfection before we can be rewarded in the next life. God made these righteous rules for everyone to achieve but He left us no guideline to follow and only those who are in tuned to spirits can know what God expects of us. If you know what God expects of you because you heed spirits, but many others do not, then wouldn't that make God a respector of persons? Not ALL people would know to find what God expects of us by doing things your way.  
Date: 12/12/2004 4:25:00 PM  From Authorid: 3125    The way I see things is that in giving us ALL His Word through the written word, then there is no respectors of persons, there can be no excuse of "God, I didn't know what you expected of me". His rules are there in black and white for us all to read and He tells us that He is not hard to find, which He isn't. You see, I have known God's hand in my life time many times and I KNEW beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was God. We all can know God personally, that is IF we go to God on His conditions, which He in His wisdom made known to ALL. Regardless, I thank you for answering my questions, and having patience with me.. ((Hugs))to you

Date: 12/12/2004 10:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 30742    Posey, I have read Sylvia Browns books, you know what I found interesting. Sylvia's grand mother was a spiritist, so she comes from a generational line of those who the " gift". First, note in her one of her books sylvia wrote, I have many spirits around me, so many that when I go to sleep at night I can not sleep in totaly darkness, she has a night light, because she is somehow uneasy with these spirits she see's. First off, that is a red flag, if her spirits are good why would she fear them? You know why? Because internally she knows she spirits are not good, but evil. Second point Sylvia writes in ther book, that he spirit guide, ( sorry 4 got the name) sometimes will control her and will speak through her, Sylvia, wrote, I told my spirit guide, not to do that, Sylvia does not like this, but yet, her spirit guide has several times taken control and enters sylvia's body. Another red flag, a spirit from God would never enter a body against someone will. These spirits, are not from God , the creator and Holy Light of truth. These spirits are from the god of this world, whom the Bible , the only word of God wanrs us is satan and his deciecing spirits. You are not the only one who has spirit guides, many people have thought they were bery spiritually enlightend, to later writting auto biographys of their demonic spirit guides who had to be exorcised out of their body. " For even satan can disguise himself as an angel of Light". 2 cor 11:14, the Bible. It is not unusaly for those who have a generational line of spiritism to hate the Bible, Sylvia is a awesome lady, I love her, but having been involved in spiritism myself and later meeting God as my source of truth, I know that Sylvia is a human host that demons has attached themselves to to blind and deafen those to the truth and the light.. the spirit of God. Satan is the deciever here and will decieve through angels, religion and will go so far as to possess human bodies.  
Date: 12/12/2004 10:58:00 PM  From Authorid: 30742    Ms. Morality, Spirit tells us that Jesus never was and still today is NOT God, but that he was a messenger OF God sent here to fulfill a mission ,just as other great ones before him have done.. Spirit is a liar and the Father of lies, Jesus claimed diety, " My father and I are one". This is why the religious preists had Jesus killed. Jesus either was a liar, a crazy man or who He said HE was...  
Date: 12/12/2004 11:01:00 PM  From Authorid: 30742    John 1:1-3, 14—“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.... And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”

Date: 12/12/2004 11:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 30742    I would contact the dead spirits and how I came out of spiritism is when my neighbor told me that God did not want me to do that, I knew this women cared about me, while many other times people would tell me to stop the other things I would do in contacting the spirit world, I got angry, I thought they were fools. I listened though to my neighbor, it was just the way she said it, I stopped to think, what is she was right about my involvement with contacting spirits. I know God sent her to protect me, because soon after I began to have spirits harass me. They would touch me, tease me, harass me, and try to smoother me when I would sleep. I don't know you Posey, but please don't put God in your box, making Him in your image or in the image of the books you read. Please, read a Bible. Start in the book of John, when you hear voices telling you lies , that the Bible can not be trusted, those are spirits trying to keep you from coming into the truth and the light, they do not want you to come to the only source of light, they are of the darkness and want to destroy you. Look at Sylvia, she is not well, health wise, and they are just using her....it makes me sad Posey. Your in my thoughts and prayers. I have been decieved by the angels that desgiuse themselves as light...

Date: 12/13/2004 10:45:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Rusure, if Sylvia Browne disgusts you then why do you keep such a close watch on whether she is right or wrong in her predictions? She is a human being just like the rest of us and of course she is going to make mistakes. No medium or psychic that ever lived is EVER 100% right all the time that I know of. If they are right 90,80, or even 70% of the time they are considered to be a GOOD medium! There are any number of people that we can choose to get information from ... it doesn't have to be her. Why is it that people demand that those who do this work should be perfect ? Are any of us always perfect? I know I'm not...are you? I can tell you that even though you may not think she is too good in answering the materialistic questions that people ask her ... that she is VERY GOOD in describing what the conditions in the other world are like, and I consider this to be much more important than if someone asked her what their boyfriend is getting them for Christmas! lol. Really , I think for the many thousands of questions that people ask her, that she does very well, and she can certainly be credited for bringing into the world much wonderful and helpful knowledge that was not here before! If you do not believe what she says... then ignore her, but I will tell you that she has brought things into the world that has helped many people and has brought much happiness to them. You say that she said the end times would come in 100 years and then another time she said there is no such thing as the end times. Many people think the world is going to end and we will all be annihilated and the world will exist no more. Perhaps someone asked her this question and she gave the answer that "there is no such thing as the end times"... meaning that the world will always survive! Perhaps someone else asked her when we could expect the "New Order" of things to come into being, and she replied "in 100 years" which means that the world will still be here, but under different conditions perhaps! I can understand that this could have happened. None of us HAVE to believe anything that ANY medium reports, but I will say that this very sick world would be far worse off than it is.... if we who live here did not receive much needed information from the other side ! You seem to think that this mediums guides have lied to her , if this is so then this would account for all the mistakes in the Bible too! God sends us liars? No, no never , never . You say you speak with God... why should we believe you if you give us a message .. how do we know that you are not speaking from someone who is imitating God? We should never claim for ourselves what we deny to others, because they have the same rights as we do! If these people see the things of heaven , then they must be evolved high enough to be out of the reach of those who are in the lower realms! How we blaspheme a great and loving God who seeks only to lighten our world... and must surely wonder why we choose darkness when we could have the light! Has it ever occurred to you that she may have misinterpreted what the guides told her,this happens many times. If you are not psychic, then you cannot know what passing on a message from the other world entails! Many times , spirit will show us symbols instead of telling us outright what they really want to say , and we are left to our own devices to figure out what they mean. They will NOT live our lives for us and we must work sometimes in trying to put the message together and to TRY to be accurate in doing so! Sure there are mistakes made ,how could there not be? But to say that all those who bring knowledge into a dark world are being led by non existent "devils and demon's" is simply not true! Let us all be thankful for the light that has been sent into our dark world and to be grateful to God that we have at least expelled some of the dreary darkness ! Sylvia Browne says that there are no new souls and you want to know if it is the same way for the animals? We are told that animal life is similar to ours ,differing only in the degree of development, so it seems that she might be right on this... but I'm sorry that I have no personal knowledge on it myself.  
Date: 12/13/2004 12:52:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Rusure,God does not discriminate against anyone. We all began from the moment we were created with the same chance at life as everyone else has. Where we all find ourselves today is because of the way that we have lived our lives in the past and this has shaped the lives we live today! In every age God has sent to the earth a teacher who was bringing forth a new message for the people of THAT particular time ! This has gone on and on in each age and still into the present day .... each message that was delivered to the earth was MORE progressive than the one before, ever and always evolving upward for our spiritual benefit!! When Jesus was sent here to enlighten us with a new message of love and truth, many people so disagreed with him that he was crucified ( murdered) for his beliefs. However, some of us chose to follow what he taught and have tried to live our lives as he told us was right. We will not get into all the wrong things that those who had the power in those days did to change things to suit themselves... including the Bible. When God created the world he also created unchangeable Natural Laws for all to live by. When we do wrong and go against any one of these laws ... our punishment is automatic and when we do something good.. the law will work in reverse! How can things be anymore fair than that? God is not punishing anyone... we punish ourselves by going AGAINST God's universal laws that governs the universe! It is just the same as the city or town you live in... they have certain laws in place that must be obeyed for the benefit of ALL who live there. If you go against the laws there, then you will no doubt be arrested and perhaps taken to jail or given a fine! So you see how things must be managed if we are to have things fair for everyone ? We cannot allow certain ones to run amuck and make life miserable for those who try to live their lives right! You say that some have no way of knowing what is the right way to live their lives...oh, but you do! Why do you suppose that our Father God sent Jesus to tell us what was right? You seem to think that those who have spirit guides have the advantage over those who don't.. but hon, we listen to what the guides have told us and when we try to pass on to those who are not in contact with their OWN guides we are accused of dealing with demons and devils... so why should we try to help those who believe we are evil? Yes, I know I am sitting here typing until my fingers are like bloody stubs ( kidding) but I CARE for people and try to do what I can for them.. , but it gets rather tiresome to try to help those who think we are "snakes" lol. It is really nothing to us what others choose to believe... we just try to help where we can! You are wrong hon, to believe that God expects perfection from us ... that is the reason we are here to LEARN and to evolve ever higher and higher so that some day in the distant future we CAN reach a perfect state! You say that you have no guidance ... but spirit says that we must open our minds and "let in God's light" and be open to other knowledge instead of stagnating in one place, if we wish to evolve spiritually!  
Date: 12/13/2004 1:11:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Rusure, it is not possible that all of God's vast and limitless knowledge can be found in one small book... such as the Bible. There is so much more in the universe to be learned that would be so advantageos to our spiritual progression . We limit ourselves when we refuse to learn only what we find in the Bible.... but to each his own! T/C!  
Date: 12/14/2004 7:04:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Ms. Morality, I am not going to spend much time answering you, because you have apparently already made up your mind that Sylvia Browne is a fake and anyone who thinks like she does is also under the influence of those from the lower realms. What a dark world you must live in to always be so suspicious of those that you do not understand.I will say that when you bring into the world the happiness and hope that she has brought to people by proving to them that those they love and have passed on are still living, then you will be as blessed as she is! Has it ever occurred to you that the spirits who come to her at night are people who are anxious to have her tell their loved ones that they STILL LIVE? Don't you know that it is easier for spirit to get her attention while she is sleeping and the mind is at rest? It is always easier to accuse someone of something underhanded than it is to take the time to study it for yourself and then make an informed decision! You said that you had been into things like this before and you met up with some bad spirits. This happens to many people because they do not KNOW HOW to protect themselves and they do not know that by their OWN dark thoughts and ugly suspicions that they draw the very things to themselves that they warn others about. Whatever you dwell on you will automatically draw to yourself... this too is one of God's Laws... Like attracts Like! I wish you well!  
Date: 6/17/2005 12:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 16376    Death can be scary because of all the uncertainties involved in it. I believe in an afterlife, and as long as I am with all of my family again someday I have nothing to fear.  
Date: 6/17/2005 7:02:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 48809    Thank you for your comment Danielle!  

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