So, I get this puppy for my grand-dad for christmas. He's 7 weeks old, but there is a problem.
I've had him a little over a week, and about, maybe 4 days ago, he starts doing something that's been making me pretty nervous.
He, like most puppies, get's carried away with the play biting. He loves to chew on things and play.
Well, when he starts to bite too hard (and when I say hard, I mean HARD. He's actually clamped down on my hand a few times.) I try to take my hand away and he starts to growl and snarle.
He also likes to grab onto the bottom of my pant legs and pulls on them. When I go to take him off of them, he does the same thing. Today, it got pretty bad.
I took him outside to do his buisness and he started to grab onto my pant leg. I bent down and tried to take them out of his mouth and I said "No." Well, he then started his nasty growl, did his snarl thing and started biting my hand, very very hard. He actually broke skin.
He only does this when he is playing and sometimes when you try to take something away from him or you push him away (not hard, just enough so he gets off of you).
Other than that, he is the sweetest dog in the world. He loves to cuddle and be next to people, and if someone walks to where he can't see you or get to you, he starts to whine.
The thing that worries me is how nasty he gets as I mentioned above. I am sure my grandparents aren't going to get down and play with him like I do. But, I do have a 3 year old cousin who I am worried about, Megan is obviously going to want to get on the floor and play with him. The thing is, I don't know if this is forshadowing what he is going to be like when he gets older or what. It might be because of his age, but I am still pretty nervous about it.
I haven't had a puppy in a decade and if I think back, I don't remember any of my puppies that I did have being like that.
Has anyone had a dog like that? Or, know someone who did? If so, did the dog grow out of it or did it get worse and was there anything they did to make them stop?
(Oh, and the puppy isn't treated badly or anything to make him be like that. It just started out of no where.) You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 24319 ( Click here )
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