My boys are going to be shocked, amazed, surprised, thrilled, all of the above and more come Christmas morning!!!
Monday afternoon, the Mailman comes to the door, poor ol' fella, with a two ton ;) box with my name and address on it.
I quickly relieved him of the Heavy load, *WHOA* thanking him, before quickly turning back inside, trying to keep the lil' nosey ones at bay, and I stashed the big box, from a certain ~*USMer*~ in my bedroom closet, for a later peek.
So...tonight after the children were snug in their beds, I showed Mike the package from Santa...he asked WHO?...Santa.
One of Santa's lil' helpers and a true gift from God.
After lugging it to the bed, I slowly removed the packing tape and a trove of treasures lay within... Inside lay many of Disney's Classic films, such as Bambi, Aladdin, and Tarzan...a Shirley Temple film, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's Nativity special, and one of my all time favorites...All Dogs Go to Heaven! *Charwie* :D (let me add that all were in MINT condition!) WOW!
I am not sure how comfortable this very special lady, filled with the spirit of Christmas, would be, with me announcing her identity…
This was a beautiful, behind-the-scenes-of-USM display of the true Christmas spirit, and she might appreciate the anonymity… but there are a few clues here and there and Hey...hey over there too! So, if your a smartie-pants USMer, you'll dig it :D
And as I hope this person reads this public note of my Heart-Felt appreciation towards Her and Her BIG BEAUTIFUL HEART, I just want to thank you, ~*Sweet Lady*~, for prescribing all of the joys of warm thoughts and laughter that box of goodies cradled safely all the way from the North Pole to await my wonderful boys on Christmas morn. You have enriched their video library, for sure and will cure many a rainy day!
Thank you for lacing the box with lollipops and music and for helping us have a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year! With all my heart, I pray that your selfless giving rains upon you in a tenfold fashion, created by Our Heavenly Father Above!
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .