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Things to do at a movie
1. When you are choosing a seat, point at someone and say loudly in a childish voice, "I don't want to sit to that guy, he smells funny!"
2. Everytime there is a gun shot, scream, "Hit the floooor!", jump to the floor and cover your head.
3. Quote all dialogue five seconds after it's said on screen.
4. Ask the person at the ticket counter "Do you come here often?"
5. Start an standing ovation at the end of the movie.
6. Become a bookie. Take bets on which character (or audience member) will die first.
7. Throw popcorn in the air and yell, "It's snowing"
8. Clap and cheer when the good guys gets killed.
9. During the previews, yell out "Can you fast foward it please?"
10. Try to start a Mexician wave
11. Argue that no-one can sit next to you because the seats alreadly taken by your invisible friend.
12. Stand up during the picture and announce to the others the movies twist.
13. Shout "look behind you!" at the actors.
14. Wear 3D glasses. Complain about how bad the effects are.
15. Everytime someone curses, cover your ears and shout "oh the freaking profanity!"
16. Hum the theme music.
17. Bring a flashlight. During the film, perform a shadow puppet show on the ceiling.
18. Go "Ooooooooooh...." whenever someone kisses.
19. Wear a huge fake afro wig, blocking the person behind you's view.
20. Shout out "Help, I'm a beautiful butterfly"
21. Clap loudly everytime a person walks into the theater late.
22. Enquire what the theater's return policy on popcorn is.
23. Ask a friend to sit four seats beside you and to call you to your mobile phone, answer after a few rings and start to talk loudly about any anoying subjects you can or about the movie. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62946 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .