Gigi came running home. Moonbeam was glad to see her. "Gigi, I heared some noise coming from the sewer." Moonbeam said. "MB, we hear noises from the sewer everyday and night." Gigi's good natured reply came. MB was short for Moonbeam. "No. It was diffrent." Moonbeams voice sounded worried. After about 5 years togther Gigi knew that if MBs voice sounded worried, than something was wrong. "Ok. What did it sound like?" Gigi asked. "Footsteps and voices." "Lets go check it out." Gigi said happily. So they waltzed into the sewer in search of the FAV, as Gigi called it. "Its dark." Gigi squeaked. Moonbeam shone some light with a fire ball that turned to a lantern when it hit the wall. Moonbeam sniffed the air. "We're not the only ones here." Moonbeam said in a unsual hollow voice. "Huh?" Gigi was confused. "Someones watching us." Moonbeam sounded like a solider getting ready for battle. Just then something dropped on MBs head. "Ah!" Gigi gasped. Something made Moonbeam gasp too, but it wasnt the thing now digging in her hair. Gigi had fired a ball of light. "Huf! No powers you said!" Moonbeam scoffed. "Right." "Really, I didnt know." Gigi muttered. Whatever it was in Moonbeams hair it was gone now. Moonbeam scoffed and they walked back to the entrance of the sewer. Moonbeam started a fire and Gigi stuffed herself into a sleeping-bag that Moonbeam made. When Gigi fell asleep Moonbeam noticed something unusual. Gigi was sleep-talking. This would have been normal if she did it before, but she hadnt. "No. Im not weird. I'm not like you. I need light...your keeping me traped in darkness. Stop. More light...need light....Goodbye." Gigi complained and complained about being traped in darkness by Moonbeam and how she wasnt weird. Moonbeam thought Gigi was having a bad dream at first, but it never changed through out the night. Same complaining, same things...Moonbeam decieded she would talk to Gigi in the morning.
Watch out for: Gigi's friend! Coming soon!
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .