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please help me guys..really big guy problems... Honey Bubbles

  Author:  61472  Category:(General Advice) Created:(10/30/2004 10:51:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1405 times)

okay my ex and i broke up on the 15th of september. [i broke it off] we went out on sept 1st. why didi break it? cuz i felt like i wanted to kno him better and that i dint kno him real well before i said 'yes' to him wen he asked me out. he goes to anotehr school btw. so after a month, on my birthday, he tells me he likes this girl at his school and is plannin on asking her out even tho he knew her for only a week. and he says she likes him too. i got really mad and like told him not to talk to me ever agian and he got really sad but bought me a forty dollar present neway..which was really sweet but we made up 2 days later. but neway 2 weeks later and he says he doesnt like her and he thinks he only liked her cuz she was like me but he has always liked me. he told my friend that he only started to look at other girls and like other girls becuz he thought i was seriously over him and that since he had a lil crush on that girl, he persued it. but like here's the thing, a week before he told me that he liked that girl, i told him i still liked him but didnt really want a bf at the time and he sed he'd wait for me. then on my bday he tells me he didnt kno why he sed it wen he didnt really mean it. and like today he told my friend he told the other girl that he'd wait for her too after she told him that like she wanted to get to kno him better. but he sed he stopped waiting for her and he's stopped liking her cuz he loves me. i mean i like the guy i really do but like..all my friend seem to hate him and so does my sister..they all tell me he's not the guy for me or that he's a big jerk. i meani guess it WAS my fault and it isnt his fault for liking another girl since i was the one that broke it off and made him wait without telling him why i broke it off in the first place. and now that he's chosen me only and has waited for so long..its kinda unfair that i might say no to him if he asks? and he told my friend that he's plannin on asking me on monday..november the first..which is the same date as wen he asked last time..but here's the catch..

i started liking another guy during that time he liked another girl. lets name this guy todd. well ive had a big crush on todd for a long time now. 2.5 years to be exact. but like he's my brother's friend so he's NEVER goin to like me..and he's like 3 years older than me. he's the only reason [besides my friends' and family's comments] why i would MAYBE say no to my ex. but neway he always attacks my ex wenever he has the chance. like he'd say that my ex was ugly and he doesnt believe that i went out with him or would still think bout goin back with him. and that my ex is a ghettowannab [tru]. so i was really tempted to tell todd that i liked him right? so today i sorta hint that i like him and asked if he'd ever like somoene younger than him. and he sed he would. and like honestly i think he knows i like him lol and he told me to be patient and always have hope cuz the other guy might like me back even though im his friend's sister. he sed age didnt really matter to him unless it was a disgusting big number. he sed to be persisitent and wait. and then he sed this to me online:

cause i think if a girl were to tell me that she liked me.

and then went off and dated another guy

kinda shows that she gives her self up too easily

or that she jumps around

really doesnt make anything special

why do i like him? he's like the perfect guy in my opinion. he's funny, outgoing, cute, plays the guitar, sings, is sporty, is religious and has his morals, and easy to get along with. and i can talk to him about stuff.

why do i like my ex? he's really nice and caring, i can talk to him for hours and stil hav more to talk about, he's funny and cute. and like its like we're not even split up cuz we talk every day and call each other daily. he told my friend today wen she asked him "i thoguht u were over ruth??'' and he sed "NO i dont like ruth..i love her.." so yea iuno

wat should i do guys?? should i go back with my ex and give it a chance or blow my only chance with ever goin back with him and hold on to something that might not even be there wiht the other guy?!

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Date: 10/30/2004 11:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 42945    you're the only one who can decide who you want hun...stay with your ex is my opinion!!!!  
Date: 10/31/2004 1:32:00 AM  From Authorid: 62915    Ok I see you are 15 That was the age I became serious with my boyfriend. I don't like the sound of your ex. He sounds like he may be a bit obsessive and your friends and family don't like him which can be a big sign. My advice is to look somewhere else even though he does seem to like you. The fact that he tells everyone he loves you doesn't seem right to me. You should be the first person he tells that to and it should be special. I wouldn't recommend going after your brother's friend only because he is probably more "advanced" than you if you get my drift. It can lead to a whole heap of unwanted presure. Anyways it is totally your choice Good luck! Ghost-Chick  
Date: 10/31/2004 1:49:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 61472    see thats the thing. my ex did tell me that he loved me lol and like my brother's friend is religious and he wouldnt try anything so that's why that's a good thing too lol..aah this is really hard..lol  
Date: 10/31/2004 4:14:00 AM  From Authorid: 46530    You have issues. Your "ex" doesnt seem to know what he wants, so you should make him wait if he really does want to be with you, because if he is going all over the place now, who is yto say that he wont even if he is supposed to be with you? As for your brother's friend, I would steer clear for now. I know he is older than you etc, and religious doesnt mean he doesnt want to get "physical", but maybe the gap between a 15 yo girl and an 18yo boy IS too much. I was with a younger girl at 18, and it didnt work out because people move in different directions at that age, I would imagine that the same would happen to you. Save the serious relationships for when you are older and know your own body and mind...  
Date: 10/31/2004 1:55:00 PM  From Authorid: 30786    Always keep in mind that whoever you're supposed to be with, you're going to end up with. I don't think you should go back to your ex because he sounds really immature and plays a lot of head games. It sounds like he would cause a lot of grief and you'd have to worry about him all the time. The other guy sounds more promising. The way you talk about him shows that you do really like him, and that the spark is there. Start new with him.  

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