Just as the tour bus was rounding the lake a strange current went through all the band members, causing them, in that second, to freeze, as if stuck in a moment in time. When the moment had passed each member had a look of pure and unadulterated terror on his or her face, Jason the bass player for Slam 49 even let loose a small scream that echoed off into the night.
Their manager Clive was looking at them funny and suddenly wondering if this publisity promo stunt was really worth coming to this god-forsaken, back-water area. Afterall he had been against this venture all along but one didn't tell the head of ones company that they're an idiot, it just wasn't done. Instead he had to put up with moody musicians, disgruntled technitians and wasted groupies, whilist cooped up on a small bus headed to a town that didn't even have cable TV in the hotel rooms! If that wasn't enough to send him stark raving mad he didn't know what was, later he would find out just how prophetical his thoughts were. For now though Clive and the rest of Slam 49 were just glad to be arriving in Little Rock so they could get this tour over with and get back to civillisation as soon as possible.
Back at the town everyone was lining up along the high street so the bus could parade through the town and eventually stop at the town hall the mayor could give his speech. Alcohol had been following freely all evening thanks to a rather inventive teenager who had the good foresight to spike the punch whilst the mothers were having their 'heated disscussion'. Consequently everyone was in quite a joviall mood and even some of the young kids were a bit mellow. So it was no surprise that still no one had noticed that there was a lack in the number of men apart from the mayor and his cronies who were busy bossing people about.
Well when I say no one that isn't quite true, Mary Benton had just been looking for her seven year old son when she realised she couldn't find his fater either, unfortunately as soon as she thought this the street erupted into cheers as the bus finally arrived and began driving down the high street. Had she mentioned this then the whole disaster that resulted could have been avoided, alas it would only be until later that she remembered and by then it would be far too late... You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 58892 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .