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  Author:  600  Category:(Discussion) Created:(10/22/2004 9:25:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (1147 times)

Have you ever noticed that crimes committed in cities get far more media coverage than those committed in rural areas? Here's the story... A few weeks ago a man, age 33 was the victim of the police department and area hospital. He was blind, a severe diabetic, and on dialysis. A friend of his had gone to his home to pick him up and take him to receive dialysis. When he got there, this man was having a seizure (brought on by diabetis). He immediately called 911 and asked for an ambulance. With every 911 call the police and fire department have to also be dispatched. When the police arrived at this man's home, rather than listening to the friend that had called for the ambulance, they assumed that the man having a seizure was actually having a bad reaction to amphetamines. In the course of their "restraining" him, he received a punctured lung, as well as some bone fractures. Then, when they took him to the hospital, the doctor on call decided to give the man an injection to counter act the amphetamines, without running any blood tests. His grandmother was physically blocked from going into the treatment area, but could hear him crying and begging the doctor not to give him the injection. He repeated many times that he had not taken any drugs. The doctor then chose to ignore his pleas and gave him the injection anyway. As a result, he went into a coma, was transferred to a metro hospital where he later died. Strangely the story was only aired one time, during the noon hour, on the metro news station and ran in the local paper, on page 2 once. However, they have run the story about a woman in another state who has three children, but was caught throwing rocks from an overpass at oncoming traffic, over and over again. I would think that the story of this poor, disabled man would rate more coverage than that. Unless of course, it is because the police dept. and hospital are on the burner. However, we continually hear of other police brutality cases on a repeated basis. I am really heated over this. By the way, the metro hospital ran a blood test on this man and found that he in fact had NO amphetamines or any other illegal substance in his system.

Side note: This same hospital nearly killed my son a few years ago. I had taken him to the emergency room with a temperature of 103.5. He cried the entire time we were in the waiting room because his neck and back were hurting him terribly. When he finally saw the doctor on call he looked up my son's nose and said "the fever is due to a sinus infection, take him home and call your personal physician in 3 days if he doesn't get better". There was no blood testing ran or anything. I asked him why a sinus infection would cause such incredible pain in his neck and back. He told me that it was nothing to worry about, that he had simply pulled a muscle and gave me a prescription for liquid tylenol with codein, as well as an oral antibiotic. By the next morning he had gotten much worse. His fever had spiked to over 104 degrees. I called the hospital and was told to keep giving him the tylenol with codein. I was not at all comfortable with that, so I called the ER of a nearby "small town" hospital. They told me to get him there immediately. When we arrived they performed a spinal tap, which confirmed that he had bacterial spinal meningitis. Had I taken their advice and waited, my son would have died within the next 48 hours. I complained to deaf ears at the first hospital. I even sent them a letter detailing the mistreatment and let them know that they could have access to his records. I never heard anything from anyone there.

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Date: 10/22/2004 9:30:00 AM  From Authorid: 609    Thats really aweful. I hope the family sues big time!! I would love to hear the cops try to justify what led them to think he was on drugs. I do think your right tho, cities seem to get more coverage on things like this. Maybe thats why it takes so long to change things in rural areas, they don't have the same pressures to feel accountable for their actions.  
Date: 10/22/2004 9:37:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Absolutely true Phe...I have heard of many other instances of police brutality and/or corruption in this area, but this is by far the worst. Unfortunately there isn't much that can be done in the less populated areas. It just makes me so crazy! I know of three other cases that should have been handled differently. I wish that something could be done. Supposedly the matter is "under investigation" by the OSBI. However, there are some agents that are also "questionable". I just feel terrible for this poor man and his family.  
Date: 10/22/2004 9:48:00 AM  From Authorid: 15228    That is terrible! What a bunch of idiots to just assume it was drugs and kind of scary for me personally. I have seizures and became violent during one horrific episode about 6 years ago--I never stopped to consider I could be accused of taking drugs. I really need to get a medical alert braclet.  
Date: 10/22/2004 9:53:00 AM  From Authorid: 15228    Could you write a letter to the local newspaper and demand an investigation? How about your local city councel? Aren't they responsible for overseeing the police department?  
Date: 10/22/2004 9:54:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Yes you do Kelly! Sadly, this man's friend was there telling them about his medical condition and they simply chose to ignore him.  
Date: 10/22/2004 9:55:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    I have thought about doing that, but in order to get in a "letter to the editor" you have to sign your name. With this particular police department, I and many others are afraid of painting a bull's eye on our backs.  
Date: 10/22/2004 10:34:00 AM  From Authorid: 53284    Was he wearing a medic alert bracelet? Everyone who has a seziure condition should be wearing one. That way the emergency room won't have to guess what is wrong. I simpathize with this mans family however I don't thing that a "BIG LAWSUIT" will benefit anyone but the lawyers involved.  
Date: 10/22/2004 10:39:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    I'm not sure if he was wearing one or not, Bob. I would think that he had medical records at the hospital though, especially since he was receiving dialysis there. I also know that a drug test takes only a few minutes to perform and if it had been done, he would probably still be alive. I just keep thinking about how frightening it had to be for him. He was blind, ill, and apparently unable to get anyone to listen to him. I do hope that the family will carry through with this and at the very least force the hospital administration and police department to take a hard look at their own conduct.  
Date: 10/22/2004 1:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    Ya know, I think I would campaign to get rid of those doctors as the emergency room. Matter of fact I dont know where to find it but I'm sure someone on here would, on line you can check doctors credentials. Just cause it says MD doesnt mean he/she knows what in the world they are doing. I think I would check and see how many malpractice suits have been filed by people toward that doctor and or hosptial staff, then I would call every newpaper in the state, tv stations and get a stop put to this kind of stuff. Thank God you have the right attitude of getting another opinion on your son, I'm thinking I would have got medical records from going to the er and sue the crap out of them for almost killing your son. Especially if you pushed for blood tests and or xray. AS for the man in this post that is just awful. Contrary to popular belief not everyone is on drugs.  
Date: 10/22/2004 2:03:00 PM  From Authorid: 48809    What a sad and sick world we live in, where everyone is guilty of whatever the cops choose to charge us with and no one is to be trusted except those who are in authority! John and Jane Doe are treated like they just fell off the "turnip truck" and don't have a lick of sense. This is one case where I hope this family sues the pants off the hospital and the Dr's for mistreating this poor man! I am appalled at the treatment he received at the hands of people who are supposed to have at least a clue as to what they are doing! I get so furious when I hear things like this.  

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