I didn't really want to do two separate posts because both of them have been on my mind and heart for quite a while. This past school year was my senior year at Wilson High School in Florence, AL. Your senior year is always supposed to be the best year ever, right? Wrong. All was well at our quiet little school until April 17th. That's when the world exploded. Our Lady Warriors were in a softball tournament, taking names and..well, you know the rest. After one game, our girls were celebrating a victory, and two of them, Suzanne Kristen Stowe and Cory Lee McKean, decided to go to a convenience store and pick up another friend. Excited, the trio zoomed up and down a roller-coaster like road in a Killen subdivision at somewhere around 85-90 MPH in Suzanne's 2000 Celica. Suzanne's car came down a steep hill and upon gaining air and hitting the pavement, did a quarter turn and flew sideways into a tree. The car was crushed in three feet on the passenger side, where Cory was sitting. Both of the car's bumpers flew off into the yard beyond, and every window in the car shattered. Medics were soon on the scene and Cory was flown to Huntsville Hospital, but to no avail. She was pronounced dead at 12:17 p.m. that day. I had known her since I was in the 5th grade and she was in the 3rd. I graduated with her big sister this past May. I attended the wake that Monday, held in our school's gym. I have never seen so many people in all my life. I waited in line for two and a half hours to see her, this beautiful 16 year old whose life was taken tragically in a senseless accident. Pink was absolutely everywhere; it was her favorite color. As I approached her, her sister came out from her place next to the coffin and gave me a huge hug. "Thank you for coming to see us", she said. She was acting so strong, but I know it broke her heart. When I looked at Cory, I couldn't stand it anymore. I burst into tears and sobbed like a baby. My friend Michelle who had graduated the year before came and hugged me and cried and said "She looks beautiful, doesn't she? Like she's asleep." She did. I went to her mother next and grabbed and squeezed her hand. She pulled me into a bear hug and said "No hands, now. I need hugs." I cried right along with her. Rest in peace, Cory. We all love you more than you'll ever know.*************
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .