Date: 10/15/2004 11:23:00 PM
From Authorid: 62752
i see it too, but in FL they will be in trouble i have seen ppl get pulled over for it i love it  |
Date: 10/15/2004 11:23:00 PM
From Authorid: 42945
they shouldnt have kids at all!!! thats my opinion of their stupidity and danger to their children...hugs  |
Date: 10/15/2004 11:28:00 PM
From Authorid: 62146
sounds like pretty irrisponisble adults the girl with the baby in her arm should get herself a babys seat but who knows she could have been busy. but as for the guy on the cell phone with the kid jumping around he could have not seen it because he was on the cell phone who knows.  |
Date: 10/15/2004 11:36:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 50434
There are no excuses in the world a parent could use to allow a child not to be buckled or in a saftey seat. As far as that guy goes the kid was right next to him, and that girl, well I dont care how busy you are, thats no reason to risk your childs life. Im not jumping on anyone about their comments left, just repsonding back to them. If you feel that im being snappy, sorry, but reread what I said without emphizing <SP> any words and but no emotion into it. Thanks!  |
Date: 10/16/2004 12:29:00 AM
From Authorid: 59418
I was at the beach once and there was this dad shouting at the top of his lungs at his little boy for no apparent reason....I felt so bad for the little kid...  |
Date: 10/16/2004 12:40:00 AM
From Authorid: 62893
Here in Texas you will get a hefty ticket for not buckeling kid up. It's like 250.00 or more. But I have never seen any one doing thoes things yall talked about above. Police are not very nice hear about unbuckled children.Misty  |
Date: 10/16/2004 6:58:00 AM
From Authorid: 30986
Some parents can't handle thier kids crying or begging to get out of the seat. My kids are always buckled in, but I knew people who "caved" because of their screaming, kicking kids didn't WANT to be buckled in. I'm like, if you stopped caving in so much, them thinking they CAN get out of the seat would eventually stop. Kids learn their possiblities and the right buttons to push to get their way FAST.  |
Date: 10/16/2004 8:05:00 AM
From Authorid: 62401
That maked me terribly mad. I did call the cops on one lady one day. She was driving a very small car, had a young 2-3 year old child in the front seat standing on the seat with his head out the window, and 3 more kids in the backseat, 4-6 years old, with their heads, all out of the window. She turned a corner and the kids went flying into the car. it was crazy.  |
Date: 10/16/2004 6:16:00 PM
From Authorid: 15677
these people tick me off I am comstanlty going off on someone about this kind of thing. Another big one is the parent who walks aways from the shoppin cart like the baby cant go anywhere....duh......  |
Date: 10/17/2004 3:51:00 PM
From Authorid: 4144
i've seen that a lot. once i saw a mini van with a bunch of kids jumping around. it looked like they had a trampoline back there. usually, if you make your kid use a car seat from day one you don't have any trouble. my kid tried one time to not sit in her seat when she was about 2 years old. i told her the car wouldn't start if we didn't have our belts on. of course i had to prove it to her but the car didn't start that day! i have an in-law that lets the kids do whatever they want and she just does it because she don't tell her kids no for anything. i mean anything! three of the brattiest little creatures you have ever met. i mean these kids are so bad that people don't want them in their yards let alone their houses.  |