Altus - Ozark - High School Stage - At the Ozark High School the stage used for musicals and plays is supposed to be haunted by a student who longed to be in a production. The director never cast him and the boy told the director that one day he would be on stage. He later moved from the district and later died in a car wreck. They say about a week before production, things are misplaced and missing but he never disturbs anything the nights of the production
Arkadelphia - Henderson State University - Arkansas Hall - haunted by Simon, who haunts the theater. He is particularly fond of the balcony section, where he flips seats, giggles, and makes footsteps. He is also known to drop harmless objects, such as newspapers, onto the stage from the ceiling. And A girls haunts the dorms at night searching for her lost love. After he left her, she just wasted away.
Arkadelphia - Ouachita Baptist University - there have been claims of orbs in the basement, eyes in the corners, blood on walls of most of the dorms, and windows of the dorms (especially girls' dorms) breaking at night with no explanation as to why they are broken. Hauntings seem to happen mostly at night, although people have spotted orbs in the basement night and day.
Bald Knob - Shady Grove Cemetery - When you first walk in the entrance you are greeted by a cold burst of air even in the night the crickets don't go there. On Halloween you can hear voices trying to get to there holy resting place.
Batesville - Lyon College - Used to be an old orphanage and burnt down in the early 1900's. Said that late at night up in the chapel you can hear (what sounds like) a rocking chair going back and forth. Then down in the auditorium on a certain night the walls look like they are burning down. Around the chapel there are 4 posts and there's only a shadow of 3. children’s voices, laughing and screaming has also been heard.
Beebe - Arkansas State University - Beebe Princess Hall - Second Floor - Someone or something was heard running down the hall and screaming no one else heard besides one person. Some unknown being nudged a residents bed then there was scratching heard on her desk next to her. Her roomate heard none of this. One resident reported someone trying to open their door forcefully. When she got up no one was even spotted near the scene. Right after she got back from checking her door the air conditioner that had never made funny noises suddenly began making creepy knocking noises.
Benton - woman was killed the day of her wedding and when you go down the road in saline county in Benton going towards Sheridan on the second bridge at night time when it is raining all you have to do is flash your lights on and off twice and she will appear in her white wedding gown.
Bentonville - Peel Museum - Haunted by the former owner, the museum, open to the public, has light poltergeists and corner of the eye apparitions.
Benton - Saline Memorial Hospital - The smell of foul odors can be found in the hallways of the sixth floor. Also doors slam without notice. Water sometimes drips from the ceiling even thought it is not raining outside. Cries for help can be heard coming from rooms that are not occupied.
Bradley - Conway Cemetery - you can here voices at midnight on a full moon there is a tree that they hung people on you can here a lot of things.
Camden - Burkett's House - Established in late 1800's, in the French port community near Camden. Home to a young girl that was allegedly beaten by parents, locked in her upstairs room until dying of starvation during the civil war era. Tales from travelers swore of ghastly sounds coming from the home and strange mishaps have occurred to passing vehicles even to this present day. The young girl is supposedly buried in an unmarked grave across the road from the house in Jones Cemetery. The Cemetery itself has its own reports of strange occurrences such as if you turn your vehicles motor off, it may not start again and missing mechanical parts to vehicles after entering the Cemetery’s gate.
Camden - Cemetery - You go to the back of the cemetery and find the tombstone of Dracula. It is very dark and it has to be quiet. You sit on the actual grave and you get the feeling you are being pulled under. Then if you look at the big tree beside the grave, look at the big branch and you can see where a woman was hung. You may even see her swinging there still.
Cave City - Witches Hollow - Its called Witches Hollow by the townspeople because legend has it that in the abandoned like village houses, a witch practiced her magic it is said that she murdered her husband and died later. Many people have reported seeing her walking along the can still visit the old village and houses
Charlette - Charlette Baptist Church - A worker has been found hanging in midair with chains around hi neck. Strange noises have been heard in the church as well as the cemetery. Children’s voices have been heard in the schoolroom when empty and an apparition of a preacher that passed away has been seen at the pulpit.
Clarksville - American Legion Hall - It is said if you sleep under the American Legion Hall (camp) you will see and hear ghosts of the old stronghold.
Coal Hill - Opossum Walk cemetery - You can go up to the gates in the middle of winter, and they will be hot to the touch. There is a trail that goes completely around the cemetery, when you walk it either in the night or day, you can hear somebody walking behind you. You can hear whispering and grunting. If you are luck you can see glimpses out of the corner of your eye of someone standing there looking straight at you, but when you turn to see who it is there is no one there.
Conway - Nursing Home - Hearing children laughing and playing. Unexplained doors opening and closing. Bursts of cold air embrace you as you enter certain halls.
Cotter - Historic Cotter Bridge/ Springs - reports of an apparition of a woman being chased by hounds, children playing on the train tracks below, and Sounds of a baby crying.- February 2004 correction – additional information: also hear footsteps and see footprints but no one is there.
Crossett - railroad tracks - A light is seen at night going up and down the tracks. It is said that a man that got hit by a train and lost his head is searching for it. The light appears to be swinging as if someone is holding it and you can stand in it's path and it disappears as it gets to you and then reappears behind you continuing on it's path.
Dardanelle - Dardanelle High School - Footsteps in the ceiling, strange shadows walking through the back of the gym and cafeteria and screaming from behind the curtain in the stage.
DeQueen - Avon Cemetery - There is a well in the middle, that if you drop a rock in it at night, you can hear a baby cry. There have been some people say you can even see & hear the babies mother running through the grave yard, near the old burned down church. The story is told that a woman was in at the well, drawing out water, before it was a grave yard, getting water out-of-the well, she sat the child on the edge, & the baby fell in & drown.
Dover - Dover Lights - The ghosts of Spanish Conquistadors search for their lost gold in a valley in the Ozark foothills.
Dyer - the over pass to the Almo compound - when you come back across the bridge put your car in neutral and something pulls your car over the bridge.
Eagle River - North Slope Saloon - There is a mysterious "lady in yellow" who appears during after-hours. It becomes angry if it is mentioned.
Eureka Springs - Crescent Hotel - Room 218 - is haunted by an Irishman named Michael. On the 2nd floor a ghost of a nurse pushing a person on a bed. As well as ghostly senses of a business man walking around in the lobby, a man pushing his wife down a flight of stairs, and a school girl who was pushed out of a window to her death. This place also used to be a cancer hospital. The founder of the cancer hospital was "Dr." Norman Baker was said to have buried his cancer patients under the floor of the old hospital morgue. He also used to have 2 St. Bernard dogs with him and they died in the hotel. Sometimes people have reported feeling cold wisps of air hit their legs as if being licked by a dog. Witnesses report to have seen Baker in the basement part of the hotel while going on a ghost tour. Some old women are said to pull their rocking chairs into one of the hallways in the middle of the night and have a chat.
Evansville - Split well - It is said that a little girl fell into this well when she was playing with her dog. The well is in a field and split down the middle. You can hear the little girl crying and get the impression that your not supposed to be there
Fairbanks - Westmark Hotel - In room 277 - there is a ghost that is probably a large man. ghost was active mostly at night. He pushed lightly on their bed and poked one of them on the shoulder. One of them heard something on the floor, like a person running his finger along the carpet. There were other small noises that could not be explained. There was no one staying in the next room that could have made any sounds either.
Fort Smith - Judge Parker Court House - Judge Isaac Parker, that hanged around 80 people here haunts the court house (that is now a museum) as well as the people he hanged. You can sometimes see the ropes at the gallows sway back and fourth with no wind. Also, you can hear the banging of Parkers gavel in the courthouse.
Grant County - Ico Cemetery - Located off Grant 58 in Ico. Reports of lights, gravestones being relocated, a feeling of being chased from the cemetery, and ghost cars following you back down 58 towards the highway.
Grant County - Old Redfield Road - Reports of everything and anything, from ghosts wandering the road, apparitions in the cemetery, flashlights and radios going dead with no explanation while in the actual cemetery. An actual experience within the family occurred when driving down the road and the hood of the car flew open for no apparent reason, other than passing the "haunted" cemetery. Upon arriving home, they found nothing wrong with the car that would have caused the hood to unlatch.
Grant County - Prague Cemetery - Located off Prague Road (off 270 E). Reports of voices, lights and faces in the trees, and ghost trains actually barreling through the cemetery itself. There is also a rumor of a girl who was tied to the train tracks(no longer present), in the near area, but authenticity of that rumor is unknown.
Gurdon - Gurdon railroad tracks - If you walk down the tracks late at night you will see a green light down the track. They say there was a man that was walking on them one day had got stuck in them. A train had cut his head off and ever sense then you can see a light that looks like a lantern going down the tack. He is looking for his head. It was on unsolved mysteries.
Gurdon - Railroad Tracks - Legend has it that a man carrying a lantern haunts the railroad tracks outside of Gurdon. Numerous people claim to have seen a bobbing light on the train tracks in this area. It has been widely publicized, including a spot on the TV show Unsolved Mysteries.
Hampton - Tinsman - On the Tinsman Highway across the road there is a solitary lost and forgotten grave. At exactly three in the morning no later, no earlier, a pale form of a man in a old confederate uniform appears for a mere second and is gone. Other than that if you sit on, touch, or disturb the grave in ant way a false sense of security falls over you and things are misplaced. Often car keys, hairbrushes and small objects.
Helena - Overgrown Civil War Cemetery - there is a cemetery that was recently "rediscovered". People knew about it previously, but it was an old overgrown Civil War cemetery, and no one had the money to renovate it. Recently the community college became affiliated with the University of Arkansas so the got some money to restore it. It is in an area just outside the official city limits, so the roads aren't paved. It is also right beside 3 of the town's other major cemeteries. The area is set back in the woods off of a dirt road, and it's pretty creepy. Mists, orbs (green and red along with the white) etc.
Hickory Valley - Hickory Valley Church - At night when you go in the church if you listen carefully you can hear people singing "Amazing Grace" and other old hymns, and if you bring a candle you can just about make out figures. Mostly of young children and some teenagers that have not crossed over yet.
Horatio - rest stop in between DeQueen & Horatio - there is a hill at the exit of the rest stop, if you stop at the stop sign & put your car in NEUTRAL, you get pulled UP the hill.
Hot Springs - The Old Malco - At night people hear screams from the basement, see a glowing woman in the basement, a broken clock's hands wind around, and light fixtures fall!
Hot Springs - The Poet's Loft - A former worker at The Poet's Loft, and one of the people who help run the place told them this story. It was on a Wednesday before the regular poetry reading. She was awake, but couldn't get her eyes to open completely. She thought she saw me walk into the kitchen. She asked the other person there if there was anyone else up there with them. He told her that they was in the kitchen. During this whole time, she was laying and then sitting up on a couch, he was sitting in a chair. She felt a pair of hands, female hands, grab her roughly and hold her down to the couch. She yelled out to the guy sitting in the chair, asking if there was anyone else in the room. He went to the kitchen and saw that no one was there and told her that they were the only two people there. As soon as he told her that, the hands let go. When the submitter arrived for work, she told them the story. And she said she had seen me out of the corner of her eye, and that they were wearing the exact clothes they were wearing when they walked in the door. The other person there told them, that he'd been sitting in the chair the whole time, and had seen nothing out of the ordinary. He also said that he'd seen me walk into the kitchen. The Poet's Loft is located at 514B Central Avenue in Hot Springs, in the famous Bathhouse Row district.
Jacksonville - North Pulaski High School - The North Pulaski High School Band Room is haunted by two band students that have passed away years ago. The doors open by themselves and random percussion instruments, especially the wind chimes, are heard all though no one is playing them.
Jonesboro - Craighead Co. - formerly known as the Strand Theater - An apparition of a man has been seen by many people including play cast and personnel. He has been seen in the attic, the catwalk, the boiler room, the balcony as well as the projection room and has been affectionately named Charlie. He has appeared wearing different clothing at various sightings. According to one eyewitness account, he was sighted by a visitor who was making his way to the projection booth. As he rounded a corner in the balcony he came face to face with Charlie who was wearing a red shirt and casual pants. The visitor stopped within two feet of the apparition and made eye to eye contact. The visitor was not startled because he believed it to be a friend of his. Charlie vanished before his eyes. Another eyewitness reported that he had seen him sitting on a heating duct in the attic when he went upstairs to check on a faulty heating unit. There have been many other strange occurrences as well as poltergeist type activities at the Strand/Forum theater since its construction in 1927. One of these took place as workers were unloading the new grand piano. When the workers left the room momentarily to take a break the piano began playing a recognizable tune while still sealed within its packing crate. The piano was not a self-playing piano.
Jonesboro - Craighead Lake - The story is that one night a few teenagers where out at the lake drinking and one of them went out into the water at a non swimming area and he drowned. They say that if you go out there and look out across you can see a young man trying to stay above the water and can hear him screaming for help. Also, people have reported that a young man will come up and start talking to them and then all of sudden they turn away and turn back and he is gone.
Jonesboro - The Forum Theatre - Rumor has it that The Forum theatre is haunted by a spirit named Charlie. During the most recent summer musical, they're were various sightings of the mischievous ghost. Some of them include- A techie was cleaning up the dressing rooms when she heard a young man laughing gleefully as if playing a game, upon further inspection she found that there was no one in the theatre, let alone down stairs with her. One of the lead actors was running lines in the upper level when a mans voice began echoing her, at first she thought it was one of the other actors, but all of the male actors at that rehearsal were onstage at that time. Before a performance, a few people involved in the production went to the theatre to set up; they decided they needed to turn on the lights from the lighting booth so they headed upstairs to it. About half way up, the lights suddenly came on. The techies ran up to find nobody up there. They shrugged it off and headed downstairs. But as they reached the bottom of the stairs, the lights went off again. A bit frightened, they went back upstairs, still no one there. This went on a couple more times before the techies shut the system down and turned it on themselves.
Jonesboro - Keller's Chapel - There have been strange sounds heard of babies crying as a result of the 9 Keller babies dying and they buried there. Perfect circles of rings of fire have been sited. Wooden crosses with animal skeletons have been found there. If you turn your car off at the gates of the chapel it will not start for a few hours. Strange things have been spotted moving around the cemetery and strangest sounds coming from inside the chapel itself.
Jonesboro - Nettleton High School Gym/ Band room - Under the bleachers is where the band keeps their instruments. Don't think that they just sit there; there is a room where all of the instruments are stored. One day, three friends were putting their instruments up. It was too early in the morning for anyone to be out in the gym, it was supposed to be locked and the janitor had finished cleaning. When they put up the instruments they heard a blood-curdling scream. They ran from the band room to the gym. It was locked; nothing could get in, unless it was something hard to explain. They ran back to the band room, at first, the trio was skeptical because it was the day before the band Halloween party and they thought that it was a prank. They went back to their instruments. Then again they heard the screaming. Except it was yelling for someone or something to quit. The three ran from the band room, leaving the instruments behind. From that day you can still hear the yelling if you are quite early in the morning standing in the Nettleton High Band Room. - One night after a band party, a group of band members decided to go run around in the gym. This was pretty late and almost everyone was gone home. The group split up and decided to go up to the cheerleading room. There they found that the room was extremely cold and for some odd reason they couldn't find the light switch. After leaving the cheerleading room they ran down the stairs where they heard screams. Now these weren't any ordinary screams, they were the kind of screams that you would only hear if someone was being stabbed or hurt. There was no explanation for the screams because at the time the group had all reunited. The whole group then ran down the stairs to find leaves falling from the ceiling of the gym, as if it was a tree. One of the girls in the group saw the shadow of what looked like a football player. They all thought that this was a joke until they heard a door slam and then saw another door swinging.
Judsonia - Judsonia Cemetery - If you go to the Judsonia Cemetery at night, you will see a large statue of an angel. Stand directly underneath her and it appears that she is looking right at you. Some even say that her eyes light up red.
Leola - Jenkin's Ferry - Reports of orbs and the sounds of a battle emanating from the surrounding woods. There have also been reports of someone calling out from the water for rescue, but no one could be found to save.
Little Rock - Old State House - thought to be haunted by various politicians.
Little Rock - Quapaw Quarter - This is Little Rock's historic district. 100's of homes built from the 1830's thru 1900, many which have ghosts. Ghostly pedestrians, carriages, and horses have been heard and seen on streets and roadways.
Little Rock - Quapaw Quarter - Macarthur Park - This area was a military training ground starting in the 1830's. The Old Arsenal Building (built 1830’s) has ghosts that are seen in its basement and standing upon its staircase. Site of a Civil War conflict, and a 16 year old boy was hung there by Federal troops in 1864.
Little Rock - Quapaw Quarter - Mount Holly Cemetery - Burials dating back to the 1820's. Large Cemetery. Graves of 6 Confederate generals, as well as the wife of Cherokee chief John Ross. Statues have apparently been seen moving; some are repeatedly found in various areas of the neighborhood as if they "just wandered there." Many people were reburied there in the 1800's. Ghostly flute playing is heard as well as apparitions. Many graves have trinkets placed upon them.
Little Rock - Vino's - There are things that happen without explanation. Like after closing time, when all the chairs are put up after people leave, a person can come back into the building and the chairs are back down. There are strange sounds coming from different areas of the building. And, cold spots throughout the club and pizza restaurant.
Little Rock - Woodson Ladural Road - Legend says that if you go down Woodson Ladural Road, you will see a motorcycle headed your way. All you can see is the headlight, but you can hear the sound of a motorcycle. The light will approach rapidly, then quickly disappear. The driver is believed to be a young man who was hit by a car load of drunk drivers and left to die. People claim he is back seeking revenge.
Magnet Cove - Baroid Mines - events include someone whispering your name, feeling someone push you and things being rearranged.
Magnolia - Southern Arkansas University - Bussey Hall - The girl at that place hung herself in the 1950's University's Bussey Hall. And the one of the room in the female resident hall is said to be in that room.
Magnolia - Southern Arkansas University - Horton Theater - It is said there is a ghost in the theater, any information, please email Haunted Places
McCrory - American Greetings - Several workers have seen people or images walking past them inside the factory. One janitor saw a little boy dressed as an Indian standing at the bottom of the stairs then he vanished. One power truck driver screamed one night because she said a little boy was staring her in the face when she turned around and then he just disappeared.
Melbourne - old Philadelphia cemetery - strange lights have been seen and the closes source of light is 10 miles away. Ghost of an unknown confederate soldier floats around the cemetery. Blue orbs have been sited.
Mena - Rich Mountain - Ghost light of young girl that died trying to take care of her family. She is said to wander the mountain with a lantern looking for her family's cabin. She is actually buried in old pioneer cemetery on the mountain. It has been seen by local folks for many years.
Mena/Potter - Billy's Bridge - On dark nights when the moon is not bright, Voices can be heard, and weird lights can be seen, also, rocks skip across the water
Mountain View - Old Charlie Fowler Christian School - at night footsteps can be heard coming down the stairs. The old cafeteria has voices that can't be explained. It is believed to have been built on an old Indian burial ground. Water drips from the ceiling on the hottest driest days. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 55408 ( Click here )
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