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  Author:  55408  Category:(Hauntings) Created:(10/15/2004 8:49:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (22601 times)

Patagonia - The Patagonia Market or General Store - The only store in this small town is haunted. Something or someone frequently makes noises and moves items in the back room or stock room of the store. One late evening a shelf had moved approximately thirty feet as 1 witness had stepped away into the stores other section, which today is a separate business. The shelf had crashed on the ground in the back stock room, but had come from the front of the store. No other people were present to have moved it. On other occasions, dog chew toys hanging plastic bags would squeak at night. It is unknown whom or what is haunting the store. The town started up in 1890s because of mining and in it's heyday had a few thousand people in it, but today the town has less than a 1000 people. The store sets on a major intersection in the town, suggesting that a major structure has been there during most of the town's history.

Peoria - Old Charter Hospital - The old adolescents ward used to have adults. A lawyer checked himself into the hospital, and then hung himself at night with his shoestrings. Sometimes he appears in his old room or in the hall. Also, very sad negative energy could be felt in the room that used to be his, and it would get very cold. The hospital is now closed.

Peoria - Peoria High School - It is heard that a young high school girl fell off of the catwalk of Peoria High School's Performing Arts Center. She has been heard/seen wondering around the stage and catwalk...

Phoenix - 5th Ave - between Roosevelt and Fillmore - A 9 year old girl was killed tragically on August 6,1995,by a hit and run driver, who was never located, and brought to justice. It is felt that this little girl made herself known to some people for some time after her death, and even now, it is believed that people can still feel a presence in certain areas of Phoenix. One such area is where she was killed. Another area is in the neighborhood of 17th Ave. and Grant. At the time of her death, a man who was sleeping in the bedroom and whom no one else was in there during this time had a box fall on him, awakening him. And his wife, who was in the kitchen preparing the evening meal. She had a vision of the little girl smiling at her, and saying how much she loved them both. Another sighting of this little girl happened near 19th Ave. and Camelback. A mother was walking a little girl, unknown to the older sister and her friend who was following behind them, and the little girl kept turning to look at the two behind her, smiling and waving. This little girl's facial features appeared to be exactly the same as the deceased little girl, and so did her hair and hair color! At the time of the girl's death, when the ambulance, fire truck, and police cars were there at the scene, the girl's body was placed in the ambulance. As the ambulance was pulling away, it was reported later that others seen her up against the windows on the back of the ambulance, face and hands pressed against the window, as the paramedics were trying to save her. All of this was reported to the mother ranging from a couple of days to 6 months later, and the mother would often awaken bel ving she had just been talking to the girl, after having seen her in the mother's dreams!

Phoenix - 19th Avenue & Northern - Before the construction of the grocery & shopping center on the northeast corner, there stood several older buildings which were eventually torn down. These structures stood dark and vacant for many years, collecting numerous rumors of spooky apparitions and ghostly dwelling. Teenagers were known to scare themselves by entering late at night through a portion of open fencing, and investigate the scene by flashlight. Many heard whimpering sounds and crying down the long dark corridors, and most were too afraid to venture deep into the basement where stories of torture and murder ran rampant. By the light of the moon, some teens say they saw gravestones, a set of three to be exact, (one large in the middle and two small on either side) that were not there in the light of the following day.

Phoenix - 51st in Indian School - Strange sightings of a woman walking in the road and getting hit by a car people claim to here screams near 61st Ave. an Indian School some say that she goes in peoples houses and knocks there stuff to the ground and at night they see her on there couch.

Phoenix - 55th Ave and Northern - In the grave yard near 55th avenue and northern, there has been report of people seeing the spirits of those who have died running around the grave yard aimlessly, also it is said that there are spirits of teenagers running around, back about 10 years ago some teenagers were playing hide and seek in the graveyard, some of the teens heard a scream and thought nothing of it, the next day one of the teenagers was missing and later found near the grave of his great uncle, word has it that you can still see the teenagers playing hide and seek and that the one that got killed will me up to you and bother you until you leave.

Phoenix - Arizona State Prison Complex - Flamenco Unit - Unit was built in 1920 and was for years a division of the state hospital. It is now used to house inmates with mental health issues. Numerous patients and inmates have died in the facility over the years, and now at night you can hear keys rattle, (most officers think another officer has entered the area only to find that no one is there and everyone is accounted for on other units) a woman is seen in the female units library, doors open and close on there own, and very often extra inmates are counted, and when rechecked they are not there. (It is not unusual to undercount the number and need to recount, but with inmates locked in their rooms, it is very difficult to count one twice. You can miss someone who is in a non visible corner, but extra inmates just doesn't happen...)

Phoenix - Billington House - The youngest daughter has reported almost all the sightings. She has heard foot steps and people talking while she has been home alone. She has seen a glowing figure of a person with one arm standing in the second-floor window of her playhouse. She said that it stood motionless, and that she only saw it at night. She saw it three nights in a row. She told her dad one night, and he looked out the window by her bed to the tree house directly where she said it was standing and did not see a thing. On the fourth night there was no such person in the tree house, as if it had never been there at all. The same child has awoken in the night and looked out her window to see a man in a long black coat and a hat standing on her patio. She closed her eyes for no more than a second and when she opened them the man was gone. She has also seen a woman looking at her and smiling at her from her closet.

Phoenix - Deer Valley H h School - auditorium - Ask any Deer Valley drama student where Dwex is, and they'll probably answer, "up on the catwalk". Dwex is Deer Valley's resident ghost. Although he has only been seen in the auditorium, his presence is known school wide. Stories of how Dwex died range from a love story gone wrong to a construction worker who fell of the scaffolding while the school was being built. People who have been in the auditorium have experienced cold spots, equipment malfunctions, heard voices and crying near the auditorium bathrooms, and some people have even seen him. He peers down from the catwalk or from the equipment rooms. My friends and I have seen him on the catwalk and have even been 'pushed' by him during an after-hours, pitch-black auditorium visit.

Phoenix - Jo Jo's Alley - When traveling down that alley, and would be chased out with strange lights and if driving down, would hear noises as if being hit by pounding hands on the tops of their cars.

Phoenix - Maricopa - Trevor G Browne High School - In the early 90s when construction workers were building the auditorum for the high school one of the workers fell off of a high beam and was killed instantly on impact they say you can hear moans and crys of pain in the auditorum at night during closing time .

Phoenix - Pioneer - The house of the first governor of Arizona can be found here. The house is haunted by his young daughter who died of Namonia long ago. People who have been there at night have experienced sudden coldness, the sight of things moving by themselves, and whispering voices.

Phoenix - San Carlos Hotel - haunted by suicide victim Leone Jensen who killed herself there. It's bad enough when you stay at a hotel and irresponsible parents allow their children to run (literally) up and down the halls, day and night. What can you do when the running children are ghosts? That's the long and the short of it at this hotel, which was built in the 1920s. It seems the hotel now occupies the site of the first elementary school in Phoenix.

Phoenix - Pioneer - The house of the first governor of Arizona can be found here. The house is haunted by his young daughter who died of Namonia long ago. People who have been there at night have experienced sudden coldness, the sight of things moving by themselves, and whispering voices.

Phoenix - The Vistas - It is a home in this neighborhood "The Vista". However, every one that moves in asks if anyone knows if anyone dying there. People see shadows, hear sounds, and go to sleep with dirty dishes. However, when they wake...the dishes are clean. It was told an abusive husband lived there, and wouldn't allow his wife to go to sleep without having the complete house clean first.

Phoenix - Southwest Supermarket - 35th Ave. & McDowell - - Update: burned down March 14, 2001, when firefighter Bret Tarver was killed in the line of duty. - Reports of strange lights, and object moving.

Phoenix - Tappatio Cliffs - The Point Hiton - The main ballroom is haunted by a drunken man who, when at a wedding reception some 20 years ago reportedly walked up to the cliffs right behind the ballroom, and fell head first. As told by a couple of security guards there, he haunts the boiler room, and no one is allowed down there after midnight.

Picacho - A man has been seen by many people riding on his horse from mountain to mountain, apparently he is suppose to be looking for his hidden gold, before he was shot to death.

Pinal - Dudleyville - Lepsy - Near or around the reservation, it is said in the late 1800's a man whose last name was Lepsy, would hire Chinese and other minority workers. When the work was done, however, he would burn the workers instead of paying them. The sheriff and a posse went in to get him, and they where burned too. When you pass through the canyon, you will see charred walls, and smell a disgusting aroma, and hear screams, and feel horrible/agonized energies.

Prescott - Angeline's Grave - For years many people have seen the ghost of Angeline, a small girl, that rumor has it died in the 1800's from a plague, while traveling in a wagon train headed west. Several sightings of Angeline and experiences such as tiny handprints on the outside windows of cars, bad mishaps for those that try to steal her headstone, she has even been sighted near the area a few miles from her gr e in search of her mother. Her grave is the only grave in the direct location area; it is fenced, has a headstone and a single tree and is located near Lynx Lake and Diamond Valley right outside of Prescott.

Prescott - Hassyampa Inn - Believed to be haunted by a woman and child, a bouncing ball is often heard.

Prescott - Head Hotel - Woman was killed in the bottom floor and you can hear her and she turns lights of and on. Also a very tall cowboy paces the hallways up and down the stairs shutting doors behind him. Lot of negative spirits are felt as well.

Prescott - Hotel Vendome - In 1921, the owner of Hotel Vendome, Abby Byr, ill with "The Consumption" was deserted by her husband when he went to get medicine and never returned. Refusing to eat or drink, Abby and her cat Noble passed away in room 16. Today, Abby continues to wait for her husband to return. Haunting the halls and rooms of the Vendome, guests have been recording their experiences at the hotel ever since. Those who stay in room 16 have seen her, felt her and report a wide variety of friendly encounters.

Prescott - Lynx Creek Farm Bed & Breakfast - Sharlot Hall - Visitors report cold spots, and feeling of not being alone. A definite presence in this room. The portrait in this room does not help that the eyes follow you where ever you go.

Roosevelt Lake - Roosevelt Lake - A lot of things happend here, there are rumors of an indian burial plot that no one has found yet, or has it been built over by a triler park. Also a lot of workers died whill building the dam. There is a strange presence that surrounds the lake.

San Manuel - First Avenue Elementary School - People have encountered a small boy holding his head, it seems that he was bleeding from his head and he began crying "Teacher! Teacher, i fell off the merry-go-round." Then he disappears. in 1989, a young boy got caught between the dirt and the bottom of the merry-go-round just after school was let out. As it spun around, he was crushed by the pressure of the metal and hard dirt floor. He died instantly but wasnt found until several hours later when someone saw him trapped underneath the playground equipment. It has been said that as the child was hauled away by ambulance (pronounced dead at the time) he whispered "teacher, teacher, i fell off the merry-go-round" About 3 years ago, several parents complained about the safety of the merry-go-round and it was eventually taken off of the playground. About a year ago a security fence was put up enclosing the hall ways.

Scottsdale - On Saguaro High School Grounds - A 16 year old girl was accused of witchcraft. She was found guilty and hung near what is now one of the girl’s bathrooms in the year 1786 by twenty of the town’s people. It is said that the she still haunts that place because it is where she played hide and seek with her three siblings. People think that they made a mistake in hanging her since she only practiced white magic with her family. The rest of her family fled in panic after her death and were never heard of again.

Sierra Vista - Daisy Mae's Stronghold - This restaurant is haunted by a ghost named Charlie. This place was built in the 1880's it was a stage stop, post office, and a brothel.

Sierra Vista - Bus Barn - When you go there at night between 7pm-12am rocks and sand will mysteriously be thrown at you, you will also hear footsteps, screams, and see shadows.

South Phoenix - Superstition mountains- The mountain range is reported to have paranormal activity though - strange lights, shadows, etc. There are Indian burial grounds scattered throughout, as well as the hidden gold mine somewhere.

St. David - Downtown St. David - Screams, cries, and voices can be heard. Apparitions, and strange feelings of being watched.

Tempe - Arizona State University - On the sixth floor of Palo Verde East at Arizona State University there was a girl who committed suicide in room 605. She is now seen wondering the halls on the sixth floor in a white dress while she hums to herself.

Tempe - KC Moore's Bar and Grill - Woman haunts the upstairs banquet room and an unknown man or woman has been seen in downstairs bar area, very old building in old town Tempe use to be a house built in the 30's or 40's

Tempe - Marcos De Niza High School - There is a saying that you should never go in the auditorium after 9:00 pm. Because of a worker who fell through the stage and died. This was when the school was starting to open. Some people say they have seen a man who appears to be finishing the job he had started. You can even hear a voice that sometimes SAYS SOMETHING, That is hard to understand. Some students have even said they have felt someone touch them.

Tempe - Trails Store on Mill Ave - The building used to be a Mountain Bell phone company building. Early in the 1900's a young woman, who worked for the company, committed suicide on the second floor of the building near the bathroom. The lower level is occupied by a part of the Trails retail store chain, but the second floor stood empty for YEARS. There were footsteps reported coming from upstairs, when the second floor was gutted and empty. There have been reports of the young woman wandering the stairwell, and standing in front of the locked door to the first floor, which has since been boarded over and covered up. The photo booth that used to be in the Trails store had to be removed due to the machine taking pictures when no one was in the booth. The developed pictures often-showed nothing but a bright white ball of light, whether someone was in the booth or not. The doors to the offices and bathrooms on the first floor are often heard opening and closing, when no one is near them. Many employees and customers over the years have reported a strange feeling when in the store, and some have gone as far as to refuse to be left alone in the store after dark. (Take it from someone who worked in the building for years, and experienced the entire phenomenon first-hand.)

Tombstone - Big Nose Kate's - numerous cowboy ghosts have been seen and photographed

Tombstone - Bird Cage Theater - Female singing and crowd voices/noises, unidentified individual (s) manifestations, object relocation's.

Tombstone - Buford House - This Bed and Breakfast is the home to a Young man who committed suicide after the young lady he intended to marry jilted him. She happened to live across the street. He has been seen around the house and walking in front of the Buford House. The door bell rings in the middle of the night but no one is there. When we stayed there in April 2002, we experienced knocking on the walls and the faucet in the bathroom down the hall turning itself of and on. Strange lights are said to be seen and cold spots that move around. They were featured in Haunted History Tombstone.

Tombstone - Nellie Cashman's Restaurant - Custamers here have reported countless instances of playful pranks since frontier days. Expect the usual crashing sounds and objects that move on their own volition.

Tombstone - OK Corral and surrounding places - it is believed and even witnessed that the ghost of the Earps and the ghosts of the Clanton brothers are seen around the OK Corral and the old western buildings around there

Tombstone - Tombstone Graveyard - Reports of strange lights and ghost sightings in and around the cemetery. Many famous outlaws and citizens are buried there.

Tombstone - Nellie Cashman's Restaurant - Customers here have reported countless instances of playful pranks since frontier days. Expect the usual crashing sounds and objects that move on their own volition.

Tucson - Bloom Elementary - the principle pasted away in the school and ever since then they have had many weird experiences, like a brick falling out of a wall in the bathroom, door unlocking them self's, and some people have even seen her in the halls.

Tucson - Catalina High School - Students have reported that during school events that all bathroom stalls were locked, and many times bathrooms were closed off because of unexplainable floods. Rumor has it that a man had died from a heart attack in the school, and that it might be him that is creating this havoc.

Tucson - Centennial Hall - Two spirits are known to haunt this theater. One is a woman wearing a long white dress from an earlier time. The man is a more recent specter, thought to be a patron who died of a heart attack within the last 50 years. The woman has been seen to frequent the upper balcony seats in an area that was once a balcony but is now sealed off, as well as the green room. She is very protective over her space and has been known to push employees down the halls and stairs. The man seems to be the counter balance and helps anyone who has been injured by the woman.

Tucson - Collier Elementary School - There has said to been seen kids hanging in the middle of the halls by ropes. And mysterious things happening like doors closing immediately when it is not windy at all. And Mrs. Collier (the founder of collier)walking around transparently.

Tucson - Colossal Cave - Reports of feeling a hot breath on your neck & your batteries get drained, the figure of a man, that charges at you with a pick ax, singing/moaning by the miner's shaft.

Tucson - Davis Bilingual School - A female figure has appeared repeatedly in a classroom. She has appeared at dawn only. Various adults have reported feeling someone touching them on their shoulder. Doors that were checked to make sure they were locked have opened and closed on their own Student reported hearing weird and eerie music. The most recent one, students saw a water faucet turn on slowly then full blast. Next they saw the actual water faucet handle turn itself off.

Tucson - Desert View High School - A young boy was killed by an unknown thing is now haunting all over the school.

Tucson - Desert Views Ranch - there is a young girl dressed in prairie clothes wearing a white apron that wanders in the area of the old chicken coop and horse corral. She is said to have died from a fever. She will sometimes laugh and be seen standing by an old tree. Younger children will talk of her and have said her name is Lillian.

Tucson - Evergreen Cemetery - Voices of young children when no one is around. Negative presences also at certain times.

Tucson - Fox Theater - A strange man dressed up from the 1920's has been seen around this theater. He will ask for money to feed his family that is suffering from The Great Depression.

Tucson - Fred G. Acosta Job Corps Center - Students report seeing a girl playing with a ball in the female side second floor dormitory: the 2nd floor 2nd bathroom has also reports that around 12:00 at night showers turn on and off by themselves, rumors have it a girl who used to go there slit her wrists and drowned herself in the tub in the 2nd floor, people sometimes have dreams about this particular girl.

Tucson - Fred G. Acosta Job Corps Center - 1st Floor female dormitory - at around 5 am the toilets sometimes flash by itself.

Tucson - Fred G. Acosta Job Corps Center - room 509 - at a strange light seems to come in but all of a sudden it disappears.

Tucson - Holaway Elementary - Sightings have been reported to have seen, Mr. Holaway him self, checking rooms, sightings were reported to have been around 11 or 12 at night by janitor! Its said that the janitor waking the school corridor, on his way to clean a room, and he saw a figure of a man trying to unlock a door, so he called out to him, but there was no answer, so he attempted to walk towards him, but as he reached the door the man disappeared!

Tucson - Hooters Restaurant, Gotham and The New West nightclub (now closed) - Strange presences and energies felt.(Gotham and the New West are both closed down now due to a gang-related shooting last summer that led to someone's death.)Reports of cold chills and the strong presence of a spirit who would follow you throughout the back part of the club. A former worker at the club for a long time, says he was working the closing shift. He and a few other employees were finishing up for the night. It was around three or four in the morning. He had his back facing the front door when all of a sudden he felt the sensation of a human being coming right toward him! He turned around and immediately swung out his fist instinctively. He says that nobody was there and that "something" went right through him.

Tucson - Hotel Congress - One of the rooms in the hotel is haunted by a man who had a heart attack and died. He has been seen looking out of the window.

Tucson - an old Jail - People have seen ghost in jail uniforms. In 1800s a woman named Mary-Sue was arrested for a murder that she didn't do. She hung her self by a rope in the jail. Later in 1830s they found out she was not the killer after a man named john was found killing another person and the finger prints match the same killing.

Tucson - Pioneer Hotel - Rebuilt after a fire killed trapped occupants on the top floor. It is said top be haunted by the spirits of those who died in the fire.

Tucson - Radisson Hotel - Believed to be haunted by a woman that was murdered by her boyfriend when he found out she was seeing another man in the hotel. Witnesses report seeing and hearing a ghost of a girl in the kitchen and around the ballroom area. She seems to be crying or moaning for help.

Tucson - Sabino Canyon - Reports of at night there is a ghost of an angry mountain lion or 'wildcat' that will follow you until you reach the main paved road. It is a very heavy, negative presence, often angry.

Tucson - Sam Levitz Furniture Store on 36th St. - A long time ago a man was up on one of the racks and tragically fell off of the rack. He fell so may feet below and did not survive the fall. Witnesses have seen the man. He wears a black shirt and a black hat and still thinks he is working. They've also have had a psychic come into the building and try to make him go away but the man will not leave. His appearance usually happens between 4 a.m. & 5 a.m.

Tucson - San Manuel - Magma copper mine - Several mine workers have reported seeing lights and workers not having been assigned to their level. One worker reported having another mine worker come into his line and help him work for over 30 minutes only to find out later that there wasn't another worker on that level all day. A mineworker died in a cave in when this mine was first being built and it is said that the body could not be recovered due to the size of the cave in.

Tucson - San Xavier Mission - It is said that on the outside of the mission in the artwork on either side of the main doors there is a snake and on the other side a mouse. If the snake catches the mouse the end of time is near. Several people in the area have heard whispers of his story come from a shadowy figure of a man outside the church. He has been seen pointing to each sector as the story is told. Also there has been sighting of an old Padre wondering throughout the church, usually dusk or dawn, the time when candles needed to be lit, or extinguished. Also a specter of a nun is seen leading five children to the chapel from an out building that was once used a schoolhouse. The schoolhouse burnt to the ground killing all inside. It is believed the nun was trying to get the children to safety.

Tucson - St. Mary's Hospital - There are a number of different experiences, such as people seeing someone walking into an elevator and then disappearing, elevators opening into strange places, strange people riding on the elevators with staff, and a host of other things, but the majority of the stories revolve around a nun on the fourth floor. One night, one of the nursing staff was looking down the 4 north hallway and saw a nun standing in the middle of the hall, pointing into a room. The staff member went to see what was going n, but when she got there, the nun had disappeared. In the room that she was pointing at, there was a female patient who was suicidal and was attempting to take her life. The nun was warning the staff. It is, presumably, the same nun that walks with staff along the hallway going from the North halls to the West halls. Staff has seen her reflection in the glass windows at night, she follows them as they walk in the halls.

Tucson - Tucson High Magnet School - One of the many classrooms in the vocational building has been condemned because of rumors of a student killing himself there. The student now haunts the room. Students and teachers have reported hearing loud taps on the door, cold spots, and eerie footsteps when no one is around.

Tucson - Tucson Medical Center - A former worker at Tucson Medical Center for a year experienced strange and unsettling occurrences. This old hospital that dates back to the 1940's holds many secrets. They saw an apparition of an older woman dressed all in black roaming the hall near unit 450. She would walk through the walls and doors of that hall. Also in the same hallway a child would also run through the doors and walls. Also seen a black cat running through the wall of are dept. at various work shifts. There were also many COLD spots in various locations of the hospital. The female co-workers experienced hair and whisper in their ear strange sounds. The office chair with wheels would roll by itself.

Tucson - University of Arizona - English Building - Where the building stands now used to be a running track years ago. The body of a woman raped and murdered was found in a well at the edge of the track. The apparition of a woman is often seen through the windows of the locked building late at night, running and panicked, perhaps still trying to escape her ttacker.

Tucson - Vail High School - There has been rumors of spirit visions in the male restrooms of Vail High School. Sinks turn off and on while toilets tend to flush constantly when no one else is within the room. Teachers have reported an adult male in the restroom, and disappearing without a word in a split second.

Whiteriver - Medicine Forest - Screams and cries can be heard in these forest. Also reports of a demon like creature with red eyes can be seen by the river

White Mountains - Diamond Rock Campground - Ghost Camp - In the late 80's, this day use area used to be a camp area. The local camp hosts along the Black River would meet here at night for coffee and cake. One summer, for posterity, someone decided to photograph the group of 10 to 12. When the photographer developed the pictures, a woman that nobody had seen walk up or walk away, was standing behind the group in the picture.

Wickenburg - Chamber of Commerce - Old train depot - Reports of hearing whispering and witnesses claim to have caught orbs in photos. This depot was built around 1840's.

Wickenburg - Vulture Mine - The Vulture mine was founded by Henry Wickenburg when he found gold there. There are a couple of haunted places. One is the caretaker’s house in which the man and wife heard strange noises. They will openly share their ghost stories. The other haunted spot is the mess hall. There have been smells of food even though this kitchen has been deserted. It is on the self-guided tour of the mining camp. Also further down the road to get to the mine is the Vulture Mine cemetery. In which old miners have bee buried there. There is said to be a headless Indian horseman. Visitors say that they feel watched and you can sense death. There a couple places on the tour where people have died such like the hanging tree and where a cave collapsed on miners.

Williams - Old graveyard by Best Western - Weird things show in photos, such as glares at nighttime and threes a high presence of spirits .

Winkleman - Hayden-Winkleman Unified School District - It was said that a high school grad from Hayden High School in 1988-1989 was going to be a cheerleader for the Phoenix Cardinals. But she had got caught with marijuana thought she was going to lose her spot as a cheerleader. So she got a gun and committed suicide. The sighting that is known for sure was in about 1998 or 1999 Hayden's softball team had a tournament and one of the teams stayed in the Jr. high gym. They said at about 12:00 am they saw a young girl dressed in a cheer uniform was doing a routine. And as soon she was done she disappeared. There is also another story of a man who lost his life on the Hayden High School football field. He was running the ball and as he was running he got tackled and broke his neck and died instantly. It is said on some nights you will see a football player running the ball and fall and disappear in the f tball field.

Yuma - Mary Elizabeth Post Elementary School - Students often hear and see visions of Mary Post, as she haunts the school. There is also a picture of Mary above the exit doors, and sometimes when you walk out, her eyes will follow.

Yuma - Yuma County - Hotel Lee - At least 3 spirits have been seen by guests and employees of the Hotel Lee one of a young teenage girl usually seen late in the evening carrying towels down the back hall. The other is believed to be the original owner of the Hotel she is seen walking the halls late at night and has been known to knock on or rattle the doors of the rooms. The 3rd spirit is that of an Indian woman believed to pre date the hotel. She has been seen hovering above the guests beds and is known to take small screwdrivers and awls later to return them in odd places.

Yuma - Yuma Territorial Prison State Historic Park - There are two predominate places within the prison that the spirits were active: the dark cell and the visitors' museum. The dark cell hosts a ghost that likes to pinch; attracted to children and the color red. There are supposedly two spirits in the visitors' museum; a woman who sings quite early in the morning and a poltergeist who likes to play with the money; he's attracted to dimes.

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 10/15/2004 8:56:00 PM  From Authorid: 8817    sweet deal. I am moving to Arizona this January I am gonna have to check some of these places out. thanx  

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