ok...my friend Mandi she is what people would call a "gothic chick" but she is just herself, lives with her parents, and have normal family problems. but she has depression really bad because of stress at school, and recentaly got into a car accedent(she her and her mom had to go the the hospital), and got minor injorys. she is a very very nice girl and people take one look at ehr and go "i dont like her" or " she is too creepy". any ways the reason why she needs prayers is because last night she was rushed into the hospital because she cut herself, deep. today in school she came up to me crying and her eyes were all red and puffy. i was already scared. i asked her what happend, and this is what she told me... "amber i am so scared...i regret what i did." then she pulled up her sweatshirt sleeve and lifted up this gawz around her wrist, and underneath that were 8 stitches. i asked her what happend and she said"my dad pushed me over the edge last night" she didnt tell me how, i didnt ask. then she goes" so i went up to my room and grabed sisors and started to cut but those wernt working, so i grabed the next sharpest thing ...a razor. i put it to my wrist and sliced it. alls i wanted was a scatch and some blood...NOT this! i didnt knwo what i was doing...i was so scared! then i urryed up and took off my bracelettes as fast as i could(she has at leat 11 or 12 on that wrist), then i ran to the bath room and blood was dripping everywhere, there was a trail. not like a couple drips here and a couple drips there, like puddles. i was so scared!i washed it with warm water and took soem toiletpaper and tryed making it stop bleeding but it kept on gushing and gushing.my moms sink and bathroom was coverd in blood. i didnt knwo what ot do so i ran out to my dad and said'please dont be mad at me please i need help i think that i am gonna die' and she showed him then he said "god mandi! this is what i get mad about!' the then took me to my mom and she was crying and grabed a wet washcloth and wraped it around my wrist and rushed ne to the hospital. it took 20 mins to get there i was reall scared i thought that i was gonna die. then the doctor put this brown stuff on it to clean it and it burned really bad. tehn he took an needle and numbed it. then put 8 stitches on it. i have to have thses stitches for 10 days.i am never gonna cut again!" well she had been cutting for aq while but not liek this. she really scared me.i could have lost my good friend last night.alls i did was hug her and cryed with her and told her not ot do it again and if she needs to talk to anyone she could come to me. you guys she said that she would never do it again ...bu ti thinkt hat she will. i am so scared for her. please help me and her and pray for her. i think she really needs it, thank you for reading my post.take care...
*Cherokee Gemini* You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62771 ( Click here )
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