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Last Nights Debate and the Bible Quoting.

  Author:  62675  Category:(Discussion) Created:(10/14/2004 6:15:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (1124 times)

As I was watching the debate last night a thought occured to me and I wanted to see what you all thought.

How do atheists out there feel about our canidates quoting the bible during the debate? Or not even atheists, any religion. Does it affect who you will vote for? Or will you not vote since both canidates are very religious?

I am personally Christian, but it bothered me to see Kerry quoting the bible during the debate. I feel that it was a good way to alienate the rest of the population who aren't Christian.

How did you guys feel about this?


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Date: 10/14/2004 6:20:00 AM  From Authorid: 25390    I didn't watch the debate...I was exhausted and went to bed at 8:00, LOL. I personally don't have a problem with candidates quoting Bible verses, as long as they use it sincerely and not to show off their beliefs.  
Date: 10/14/2004 6:31:00 AM  From Authorid: 24924    Sunni, Kerry is a Christian. There are many many Christians, perhaps as much as half of the population here in America, so his quoting is very appropriate. It doesn't bother me one bit; and besides, I KNOW very well that Senator Kerry would never use his religion as leverage, or exploit and or change laws and legislate matters of faith (He even said that). Contrary to what many religious folks think or are trained to think, we atheists do not care what anyone believes WHATSOEVER....period. We only get our feathers riled up when they insist on plastering their slogans or beliefs up all over everywhere, anywhere, on public property, in public schools, and try to legislate mandates that are clearly in violation of the Constitution and Seperation of church and state. Kerry's scripture was very appropriate since he was ask a direct question about something that REQUIRES an answer in the manner that he replied. Perhaps you would need to ask yourself why YOU, personally, were so bothered??  
Date: 10/14/2004 6:35:00 AM  From Authorid: 24924    Also, may I add that there have been remarks on here from a few "You don't like Bush because he is a christian". This is totally, 100% FALSE. But no amount of explaining will do with these people...they think it, therefore in their minds it must be true. I've voted for several Christian Candidates; one that comes to mind is Jimmy Carter, who I admired very much.  
Date: 10/14/2004 6:37:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62675    Thank you for your comment Thinker. I just didn't think it was appropriate is all. I don't care what relgion a president is either as long as they an do the job. I was just curious if it bothered anyone.  
Date: 10/14/2004 9:40:00 AM  From Authorid: 16671    Personally I have nothing against quoting bible scriputre however I did feel that Bush did so because of his beliefs and it was heart felt, I believe that Kerry did so simply to try and gain points with those that live their daily lives for God and I figure if one is going to quote scriputure before the world they should at least get it right. Kerry, said, " Thou shall love the lord thy God with all thy heart, BODY and mind. Thats not what it says, this is what it says Mt2:37: Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.. I notice he misquoted other scriputures also but this one stood out the most..Now lots of us misquote scripture and one would think its not such a big deal, but kerry is smart, he is said to be a good speaker, he seemed to be able to remember what other so called FACTS that he wanted to, but couldnt remember one little scripture? I personally dont think that anyone in office that legislates or tries to, laws, according to their beliefs are going against any laws simply because that is their beliefs, thier lives, as long as they dont violate the main rule that the Christians that came to this country put in place and that is that the government CAN NOT make us be ONE religion or government sanctioned religon. I don't think either man has or would try to put that into law.  
Date: 10/14/2004 9:52:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62675    Thank you for responding FirstBorn! You make a very good point. Maybe that is why it bothered me, the fact that it didn't seem heartfelt.  
Date: 10/14/2004 9:53:00 AM  From Authorid: 25183    I am not a Christian, but it doesn't bother me that either candidate used scripture. Kerry may have misquoted the Bible, but at least he is proficient in the English language.  
Date: 10/14/2004 10:15:00 AM  From Authorid: 16671    YEP sunni, I think so too.
Doodlebug, while that may be true, Ted bundy proficient in the English language also did that make him a good person? Should we have made him president? I know some people that are such, what would one called them? Hillbillies? They are not really proficient in the english language and of course they were born in the USA, but while they may not be able to say things in a manner that society may want, they are smart enough they built up a million dollar bussiness. So its not always WHAT or HOW you say something, but what you DO. Kerry talks a good talk, but his record condemns him. He is not a man of his word as far as I can see and all his proficient talking isnt going to change that.
Date: 10/14/2004 10:25:00 AM  From Authorid: 25183    Whoa Firstborn, I don't see anywhere in my reply stating that Bush is a bad person and Kerry is great person because of their grasp of the English language. I was simply stating the obvious as you were.  
Date: 10/14/2004 10:33:00 AM  From Authorid: 24924    Suni, nothing will please the people who go round saying "he/she isn't a "real" christian" or "he/she didn't seem sincere". Looks to me like the only time they'll consider it sincere is if it is like Bush's constant sounding like a Preacher all the time since he took office. Yeah, that's the way to do it. Ram it down the throats; bring it up in every conversation or speech...means your sincere, right?  
Date: 10/14/2004 10:35:00 AM  From Authorid: 48531    But there are also Different Versions of the Bible and they are Not EXACTLY the same making this arguement illigitimate. Also, nobody but Kerry himself and Bush himself know why they said it. All it is concerning why they said anything is pure speculation. How do we know that Bush hasnt rehearsed this with an acting coach for the last week so he could get it right? There is no way to say this unless you yourself were in the mind of the person speaking.  
Date: 10/14/2004 10:52:00 AM  From Authorid: 25183    Good points Modder.  
Date: 10/14/2004 10:56:00 AM  From Authorid: 24924    ^^^Very good point^^. And hey, I'm sure Bush never misquoted anything in his life, right? Sometimes I might quote a scripture but then say "I'm not sure the EXACT words here but I'm sure you have heard this before". No one nit-picks and insist that it be exactly word for word or read from the Bible. Many different versions and translations and word configurations in the Bible.  
Date: 10/14/2004 11:11:00 AM  From Authorid: 16671    doodlebug, I didnt say you said bush was bad, but just because someone has a good handle on the english language doesnt mean they are the one to vote for, or not vote for. It sounded in your comment that if they cant speak well, they must not know much, if that wasn't your thinking, then I'm sorry my bad.
Madder12::: yes there are different versions of the bible. Here are a few: Matthew 22:37 :: New International Version (NIV),,

Matthew 22:37 :: New American Standard Bible (NASB
Matthew 22

Matthew 22:37 :: Amplified Bible (AMP,,Matthew 22
37And He replied to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind ,,Matthew 22:37 :: New Living Translation (NLT,,Matthew 22
37Jesus replied, " `You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.'[1]
Matthew 22:37 :: Darby Translation ,,Matthew 22
37 And he said to him, Thou shalt love [the] Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy understanding.
Matthew 22:37 :: New King James Version (NKJV)
Matthew 22
37Jesus said to him, ""You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' and in CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH
SECOND EDITION , which by the way kerry is catholic, it says, YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND" Sorry for caps, I copy and pasted it from the site. So yes, while there are different versions you would think being catholic he should know the proper quote.
Now I personall use the old king james or the new king james version, and when one studies the bible they tend to use the bible that is more familiar with the kinds of church they go to. And apparently kerrys bible says the same thing mine does.
If you can find one, bible translation that is that says body, I will stand corrected.
Date: 10/14/2004 11:12:00 AM  From Authorid: 48531    And to reflect one major other point that everyone keeps throwing to the mix is as follows. : we have seen George W. Bush make commitments to Congress, Senate, and us citizens, and blantenly lie about it. Not once but over and over and over. Sure, hes resolute, but that does not mean someone else wont be. I dont know what planet anyone came from when i say, to have the President, the man in charge, the guy trying to lead us currently, the one who looks out for us in every way, lie to me, it makes me mad. It kills any spirit that may have liked him. He lied, and still does about major life changing, world changing events. We punish our children for lying, we ground them and take a way privliges, yet all the people I see supporting Bush, dont care. Well I care, I care that the one person we need to trust more than any other single man in our country, lied, and you are all ok with it. Instead of faceing that issue, you try and dig up garbage on Kerry. Well, heres a monkey wrench for you, I dont care who wins, as long as its not Bush. Bush lied, continues to say he was justified. Keeps trying to push attention elsewhere, "and it seems hes done that pretty well", to places like Kerrys record in the senate. No one sees that Kerry was never President, and never did anything remotly close to what Bush has. I am sorry but as a reasonable man, there is no way you can count raising taxes that many many many many many other senators, congressmen and such that WILL remain in office regardless of whos elected President, is the same. So his one vote changed the face of life for everyone. YAY. thats pretty dilusional if you ask me, and it still dont answer, nor does it justify Bush lying, going against his own promises to us, and no one other than non Bush supporters question this. WOW. wake up people. I dont care, at all, who makes President, but, I do know, it wont be Bush. So my vote goes for someone who I know isnt Bush, goes for anyone that can change, and as a Human, I am willing to let him prove himself. Bush already proved that his lack of Honor is enough for me to feel, "what else are we in for after the election if he wins, seeins he will then feel like he got away with huge lies before, lets keep it up.", so instead of seeing what else this guy can do to lie and circumvent us the citizens, i just want him gone. I dont wanty to take the chance that while almost all our troops are over there in Iraq, we are at our highest vulnerability here in our own land.
If some country with troops, korea, China, Japan, Iran, or any other nation, has been lying, (kinda like what bush has done) and are secretly scheming behind our backs and are waiting till a time like now when all our troops are over in some fight our President got us into, what in the world is going to protect us here. If they brought 50,000 troops here to the USA, I am scared to even think of the casualties of US people that didnt have a chance.
Date: 10/14/2004 11:18:00 AM  From Authorid: 28363    I didn't see the debate last night, i was watching proof-positive and ghost hunters on the scifi channel   
Date: 10/14/2004 11:18:00 AM  From Authorid: 42461    Well I will tell you flat out what I thought. Many people may not like this, but this is how it is. The ONLY and I mean ONLY reason Kerry said anything about christianity is because he wanted to say it before Bush does. Kerry knows that most Christians suppory Bush and he is hoping to get some Christians to switch to his side. Kerry is so fake. He is a snake in sheep clothing. Okay okay I will keep the rest of my opionions to myself and be quiet. Sorry I cant stand indecisive people. *hug*  
Date: 10/14/2004 11:32:00 AM  From Authorid: 2030    But Bethie that's called nuance and complexity. favorable traits or so I've heard lately.  
Date: 10/14/2004 11:36:00 AM  From Authorid: 43807    Me Too mystery man... and smallville at the same time...!!!!!  
Date: 10/14/2004 11:38:00 AM  From Authorid: 48531    I saw smallville too...they had a tribute to Chris reeves at the beginning and end.   
Date: 10/14/2004 12:55:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62675    Bethie I agree with you. I guess it was not so much the bible quote but who said it and how it was said. I felt like he was just throwing it in there.  
Date: 10/14/2004 1:17:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    Madder12, oh so when kerry said, A Vote Against The Funding As "Irresponsible.Talking about the 87 billion dollar bill to support Troops, he said anyone voting against it was Irresponsible. So He voted against it, this must make him Irresponsible, as he himself said so. Or was he lying? Oh I know, he changed his mind. Bush gets slaughtered when he changes his mind, then its said he lied. Or if bush changes something because he cant get congress to go with him on it, and YES we do have to depend on congress to PASS what the president wants to have done, but when they dont, then bush is a liar? I dont think so. But then Kerry said he was PROUD that he voted against the 87 billion dollar funding for the troops, because it was complicated. YES there is that word once again COMPLICATED. YET he has the nerve to come against bush because the men/women dont have all the body armor, bullet proof autos and supplies they need? HE SAYS he will make sure they have the funding for that if we vote him president, yet he votes against SAID FUNDING? Oh but thats ok, how do we classify that? As lying or change of mind. OR could it be saying one thing and doing the next? The Facts: The $87 Billion Supplemental Funding Bill Kerry Voted Against Provided Health Benefits For Reservists And Guardsmen Called To Active Duty, As Well As Support For Their Families.The $87 Billion Supplemental Funding Bill ,Kerry Voted Against Provided "Extra Money For Body Armor For Soldiers ,,Kerry's Claim: Air Cargo Is Not Being Screened For Explosives. The Facts: Kerry Voted Six Times Against President Bush's Department Of Homeland Security, Stalling Its Creation By 112 Days. Kerry repeatedly sided with labor unions against President Bush in the creation of a Department of Homeland Security. Right I can see where Kerry is much more dependable in what he says and does. I dont think so. And even if you dont care who the president is as long as its not bush, then dont bother to vote as it seems either way, you will be voting for a liar or your defination of a liar.  
Date: 10/14/2004 4:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 37101    I hesitate to respond in this discussion turned debate but I don't mind the candidates quoting the Bible in their speeches. Their beliefs are their beliefs and mine are mine, that's how it is. You can't bash them for upholding what they believe in. Heck, that's supposed to be one of their greatest strengths. -  
Date: 10/14/2004 5:34:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    I am Athiest - and while i have no problem with people beleiving whatever it is that they wish to beleive, it does drive me crazy when religion is mixed in with politics, it is part of the reason I don't care for Bush, because he is slapping athiest in the face every time he says God bless....  
Date: 10/14/2004 8:26:00 PM  From Authorid: 48531    wow, if he hadnt lied, things would be different, more countries would support the effort with more than afew thousand troops compared to all ours, the issue with the bill about the money for armor would have been resolved, etc etc. He sent the troops, knowing they didnt have the armor anyways, because the child didnt want to wait for the bill to be restructured. It could have all been prevented. But that wasnt even my point. My point, is I cant stand someone the lied to us just to get his way, especially when its such a big subject such as war. *kerry voted against the funding for the 87 billion dollars because the bill would have that money running through haliburton who then could distribute it, and he didnt want that* *Not because he didnt want to pass it for the troops, but because he didnt want soome dang 3rd party dipping into the funds that were to go to the troops* How come no one states that? You can find the documents online that say exactly that, at the library of congree. Go do some homework. I wish Dean was still in, Id vote for him, id vote for Hillary Clinton, Id vote for Radman, but I wont vote for someone, whos supposed to be setting an example for the country, who blantently lies about why and how he needs permission for war, which also is on file at the library of congress, and turns right around within weeks, and shows all of us, including the senate, congress and all others, that he only promised it, so he could goto war, because he never really intended to follow through with the promises. He didnt have to admit he lied, because actions speak louder than words. I still cant believe people are ok with a President who lies to them, especialy over war, when you same people crucified Clinton for his action with the young lady, that had no bearing what so ever on the future of us. So firstborn, i want you to just answer one question directly, without trying to divert to some other reasoning. Are you ok that the president lied to lawmakers, congress, senate, and all uis citizens? You dont care that he lied to everyone? because that has absolutely nothing to do with kerry what so ever. just a simple yes/no question. thanks  
Date: 10/14/2004 8:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 12341    Conscience should matter more than personal opinion or religion. Lip service has little meaning, look deeply into what each person has done for public service and decide on what matters to you as an individual what each stands for and what promises will most likely be kept according to their past "public service" and in the end we do vote for those who best represent those who best our own values and beliefs.  
Date: 10/14/2004 8:50:00 PM  From Authorid: 12341    ^represent our own values..and opinions  
Date: 10/14/2004 11:03:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    Ok modder, I conceed, its RADMAN for president!!! A simple yes or no question, I think ALL people lie to some extent, Its just who lies the most?? And for bush , no I dont think he lied. your right BRENDA and it wouldnt matter if bush was christian or not, I dont like all things that he does, but after watching the two of them and the debates and reading all I can get my hands on. I believe that kerry is for kerry and I find him lacking in what I think a president should be.  

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