When you get turbuloids, It's really really bad. It's the worst time, That you've ever had. Because when you get turbuloids, You really start to cough And you cough so hard that your fingers drop off. And when you get turbuloids, You nose gets all runny, And your eyes start to water And it really isn't funny
Because when you get turbuloids You really get the shakes, And your tummy starts hurting And your lungs start to ache. You feel all down like there's no one around, You're the one they avoid, When you get turbuloids.
And your skin starts to burn then it peels to the floor, And your eyes go crazy and you can't take it anymore. And the worst of it is, When your brain starts to get hot So you drink lots of water, but your bowels start to rot.
Then your insides get twitchy, And you make all these noises, And your intestines get painful And you start hearing voices.
So when your knees start knocking And your minds Freuds are coined that's when you know that you've got turbuloids. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62821 ( Click here )
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