I started a story in my English class today. My teacher said that she wanted a short story full of imagery. Well, being in Creative Writing II, I love writing stories. She said it could be about anything we want. Well, normally this is hard for me to just grab topic ideas out of no where. In CW, we usually have a topic or theme to write about. So, I just started with a girls name, then I added a setting and something interesting to happen. I was making it all up as I went along (I do that alot) and this story came into my head. It wasn't until I finished writing this section that I realized what I wanted to happen. And there is one seen (unwritten as of yet, but still planned) that I will want illustrated. Anyway, I have a huge plan in store for this. I'm thinking of writing a whole book even.
Ok, now I'll actually start the story:
Anna couldn't sleep. Something about the moon was keeping her up. Maybe it was the way it's pale light poured into the room giving it a soft and silent glow. Or maybe it was that Anna had always felt a bittersweet connection to the moon. She had always had a kind of strange admiration, even loyalty, for it.
She sat up in bed staring at her bedroom door. The moon was shining birghter now. It seemed that every few seconds or so, the light in the room from the moon increased. Soon, it was bright enought to providethe same light as a single candle set on the window seal.
"Lights out," called her father who was obviously oblivious to the actions taken by the moon. Anna didn't answer; she just sat there as if witnessing an omen.
She stood up and walked toward the window. The moon was so beautiful that it was astounding. As she watched it, the moon seemed to be coming closer and closer. It was starting to look as if it wasn't an object at all, but a ghost. A big round ominous ghost.
Sleep finally started to overcome Anna and she drifted off to bed.
-Sparky You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62246 ( Click here )
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