Just Kidding, I read the FAQ (all the way through), and I read the replies as well. This is my first time posting in this category, I hope that humor is included in the "six" senses. Heh, another joke...not that I'm making light of the subject, as you'll soon find out, but humor helps to keep me balanced :)
Now, I have been sensitive since I was a kid. A lot of things have happened that until recently I had no explanation for. I have always had an insight into people, even strangers. When I was young, My mom was with her second husband, and everytime he had his arm around her, I would climb onto her lap and push his arm off and say "no". Turns out that he was the worse kind of "man" and we all suffered. This "gift" of sensing, people has been with me all of my life, but only when I was 15/16 did it advance into something else. I began to FEEL pain. Not "ouch that hurt" but it's like, electricity, pumping through me. Sometimes it's barely noticable, but other times It hurts so bad I can't stop crying for hours afterward. It starts by my heart, then goes in all directions, up to my head making my skin tighten and I get goosebumps. It goes through my arms to my fingertips, through to my legs, I shake so badly that I can't stand or hold onto anything. At first it only happened when I was hurting emotionally. I was going through depression then and that is the worse it's ever been. After I got through depression, it mellowed, but was still there, and it still hit me hard when I myself was hurting. However, I accidentally touched a friend on a burn and before she even cried out, I felt the charge of energy. This has happened many times since then, with both emotional and physical pain. I have noticed though, that I get stronger um, jolts, from emotional pain (especially my own), than physical pain. My friend (who is a real gypsie from Italy ) said that I am an empath among other things and that I should try to harness it. The thing that confuses me though, is that sometimes, I accidentally touch people on a scar, or an old wound, something that doesn't really hurt them anymore, but I still get these surges. What does it mean when I feel pain, where they have none?
Well, thats all for tonight. I have a lot more to tell, and I hope this is an appropriate post :)
How it changed my life:I'm more in tune with myself and others. It gives me compassion, though there was a time when I tried to stop caring, that almost killed me, literaly. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 35808 ( Click here )
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