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Were you harrassed?--by Emi

  Author:  1799  Category:(Discussion) Created:(10/8/2004 9:36:00 PM)
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Were you harrassed while you were in high school? How did it make you feel? What did people do to harrass you?

What did you learn from these experiences.

Just thoughts, incidents, anything. it will help the article a lot.


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Date: 10/8/2004 9:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 36704    No, I was never harassed in highschool.  
Date: 10/8/2004 9:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 7952    I was never harrassed in High School but i'm ashamed to say I was one of the people who did the harrassing on occassion.. I've learnt and grown since then and realised that what i did back then was wrong and stupid and most important VERY un-Christ like which is what i now aim to do in my every day life   
Date: 10/8/2004 9:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 62893    Yes,Emi I was harrassed in middle school alot. I was slightly overweight, and had acne so I got a lot of name calling. I only had a few friends that I ran with. Also I was very shy. I learned alot from that experience. It gave me compassion, and empathy for other people. I hated school with a passion and probley missed half of middle school. It was alot better for me in highschool, although I was still very self conscience and shy because of it. Hope this helps.Misty  
Date: 10/8/2004 9:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 24319    Nope. Never harassed. I was in the "popular" group, as people call it. And while my friends harassed others, I didn't. I saw how bad it hurt those who were.  
Date: 10/8/2004 10:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 24319    Oh, I wanted to say this also. When my friends would pick on other kids in high school and heck even teachers, I would say something to them. But, of course, that's when they did it in front of me. And, eventually, they stopped, at least infront of me. I remember one time when I was a senior in high school, there was a male freshmen who was a little on the girly side. And of course, the guys just loved to make fun of him. Not just guys in my cliq, or in my grade, ALL of the guys in every grade. As I was walking to my shop (I went to a vo-tech high school), this over-weight, pimple faced geek (nothing wrong with it), named Paul, who was a year younger than I, shoved the kid, his name is Sal, into the wall HARD. For no reason, none what so ever. I thought Sal was going to cry and I felt so horrible. Seeing it was so heartbreaking. So, I of course, cussed the kid out, and I did call him a few names, but that was because I was SO angry. As I got into homeroom, my friends could see I was fuming, so I told them what happened. On the way to lunch, we (all 9 of us) ran into Paul and told him if he ever picked on Sal again we were all going to jump him after school and kick the heck out of him and then slash his car tires. I think Paul took it pretty seriously (and we were!), because everytime we asked Sal if Paul was bothering him, he said "no, not in awhile".  
Date: 10/8/2004 10:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 53909    Yes, quite a few times. I remember this one guy, who I really hate!, used to always throw rocks at me because he thought I was ugly. A few other people always made me feel so bad cause I wasn't thin and made lots of jokes which made my self esteem real low which is still low to this day.  
Date: 10/8/2004 10:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 36766    Oh yeah, I was harrased every day. It did bother me at one time, then I went thru a change & started to harass all the ppl that would do it to me. By the time senior year came around, everyone knew to leave me alone or I'd go off on them.  
Date: 10/8/2004 10:46:00 PM  From Authorid: 5229    School was hell for me, I don't even like to think about it. That's has something to do with why I'm such a smart ellic.  
Date: 10/8/2004 10:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 62146    I go to hogh school I am in year 11 and I have many painfull memorys of being harased. people called me a stonner and the tripper alot people would wave their hands in ym fave and say 'your trippin out, wow it is so trippy isent it' you se to them i acted so werid they asumed i must be on drugs I think it was because I say things people do not understand I do not focus and I use to be so shy i would jumble up my words. they would give me a leaf and say stuff like "here why don't you smoke it" or they would put leaves all though my bag and follow me around waveing their hands in my faces going "OMG! where did that come from ahhhh it's comeing back!" it gets really anoying acctaully and they mutter thing like I am not right in the head i am lony tune ect. younger class picked on me but one thing i npoticed was it wa not the older class that did it to me now I realise why it is because they were more mature now that i am in year 11 I bearly ever get picked on we all in the class get along well. epopel grow up up is he moral of the story.  
Date: 10/8/2004 11:49:00 PM  From Authorid: 49091    Im still in HS, but Im not being harassed. Cept for a couple "naughty names" here n there n thats it, but I laugh n off n add a "you know u like it" to top it off with a cherry. Ppl can think whatever they want to think about me, its wat I think about me that counts.  
Date: 10/8/2004 11:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 53052    i was harrassed many times, called horrid names.. contradicting names at that names i cannot repeat on this site or many others out there! i was also pushed and shoved and once.. used for target practice...highschool was not fun!.. though i did get a sub fired! his own fault though completely ignored harrasment IN CLASS and ended up having to drop the class because it had gotten SOO bad(not worth going to class when i was harrassed every moment of it)  
Date: 10/9/2004 12:02:00 AM  From Authorid: 21266    no i wasnt and ive never seen anyone getting harrassed in highschool o_O  
Date: 10/9/2004 3:33:00 AM  From Authorid: 62915    I was harrased through all of the schools. I was called names like loser, ugly *female dog*, etc for no apparent reason other than I was me. Also we wore a uniform but in winter we had the option to wear stockings. If I chose to wear them I could hear them talk abotu how ugly I was. Also anything I said was shot down. It was mainly verbally harrassed although while playing rugby (like american football) i was targeted by the boys who harrassed me (and not in a "I really like you but I am mean to you" way) and it resulted in a sprained ankle. What I learnt is ultimately nothing you can do will change how these people feel and act so don't change yourself to please them. I gave up lots of opportunites because I knew it was going to be viewed as uncool but it was silly thinking because they already thought I was uncool and nothing would change it. I became very depressed and had low self confidence. I believed I was ugly as that was the only thing people ever told me so therefore it must be true. I have changed a lot since then! PM me if you need any more info Only too happy to help Ghost-Chick  
Date: 10/9/2004 3:39:00 AM  From Authorid: 59418    Nope i have never been harassed IN school...Where i used to live though, when i went swimming once, these guys who didn't like me started throwing rocks at me and my best friend and swearing at us...That made me really mad, they hit my best friend in the eye with a rock..grrrrrrrr!  
Date: 10/9/2004 6:09:00 AM  From Authorid: 25390    I was harrassed in junior high. I was picked on by the "popular crowd," just because I had really thick glasses and I was a little shy in school (outside of school I was not). Mostly they would call me names like, "nerd," "dork," and "Coca Cola" (because I had "cokebottle lenses, rolling eyes). finally when I got to high school, I joined the dance team where I had the chance to show how outgoing I could be. I came into highschool much different than I left junior high. I got rid of my very thick glasses and dressed better. And you know what? Once the cheerleaders saw that I danced better than them, the "popular crowd" left me alone. Since they thought I was no longer a "dork," they wanted to be my friend. But by that point, I rejected them as friends because I knew they were only basing friendships on the outside. They never bothered me again.  
Date: 10/9/2004 6:17:00 AM  From Authorid: 19772    I was constantly tormented from about 6th grade to 9th. Up until that point I had been one of the "popular people". But unfortunately one of the guys that an older girl liked didn't like her but liked me instead. So for the next three years EVERY girl in the grade above tormented me, called me names, chased me and threatened to beat me up. Because of the harassment I lost all of my friends (they obviously didn't want picked on too) I refused to go to any skating parties or any social event that they might be atand basically became a loner. I eventually made friends with people who didn't care about the older girls and became one of the "weirdos" who dressed in all black and got into trouble all the time. I did eventually stand up for myself in the 9th grade and it resulted in a huge fight in which I took on three girls and won (much to the surprise of everyone including me, but I guess you can only be pushed so far) and because of that no one ever picked on me again. The whole experience changed me in alot of ways because I now am very quick to stick up for the underdog, I empathize alot more with people, and I never judge a book by it's cover. Because the people I had once made fun of myself (the weirdos) went on to become my bestest friends and I still am close with all of them to this day at 29 years of age. ~Take care~  
Date: 10/9/2004 6:28:00 AM  From Authorid: 55386    Well I'm just started Highschool, so far so good. But between grade 5 and grade 7 I was harrassed a lot. I was teased a lot.... I had friends, just not good ones. They never stood up for me, so I just lived 3 years of my life being called things and going home and crying. Finally I learned to be more confident, and stood up for myself, and they didn't want the effort.  
Date: 10/9/2004 7:59:00 AM  From Authorid: 48812    From 5th grade until about 9th grade, i was harassed in some way or another. 7th grade, the level of insanity lowered a bit, when i pushed a real popular girl into a locker. Interesting thing is, it was mostly the people in my grade. My brother's reign of terror was still fresh in everyone else's minds, lol. Then 9th grade, it went down even more when my best friend beat the crap out of the same girl. Now, i've the reputation for being crazy, and unpredictable (for reasons that won't be mentioned *ahem* :-p). I still get a few people who don't like me, but that's everywhere, ya know? Now, people either stay away from me, or they're like, what's UP, Holly? What's going ON, Holly? It's crazy, lol.....  
Date: 10/9/2004 10:49:00 AM  From Authorid: 35720    It seems it's always something in my school. In 9th grade, I was harrassed constantly by a group of senior girls for being a "slut".. I was a virgin at the time and had no idea what they were talking about so I tried to ignore it, but when guys started chiming in (and you know how guys can be brutal) I got really humiliated.. I went to the office on several occassions but they never did anything. I stopped going to school for about a week and when I came back, one of the senior girls called me a slut again so I punched her in the face and gave her a bruise across her nose.. I got suspended for 10 days.. kinda funny that the school didn't wanna do anything about it when I went for help but when I took care of it myself they punished me. Anyway, the taunting faded and stopped after that. Scattered "slut" and "ho" remarks until the end of 11th and 12th grade (which I'm in now). People call me a freak, "goth".. things like that. I live with it, but it is annoying. For the sake of interest, I'll give you an incident. Once, there was a group of three Spanish girls and these particular girls are very ignorant, obnoxious people.. so they just banged into me and made stupid noises like "PSH." And I basically just said "What the h.ll?" And they were all cocky about it.. "Shut the *censored* up, you goth b...h." And then said some stuff in Spanish. Annoying, quite annoying indeed.  
Date: 10/9/2004 2:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 55988    I'm in 11th grade and I've never been harrassed. It happens a lot at my school, though not as much as it did when I was in 9th grade. When we were in middle school, we weren't aloud to dress as loosely; everyone pretty much dressed reasonably the same. I think when we went into 9th grade, the way some people dressed was so different than what everyone was used to, that they couldn't accept it and made fun of them. Now that we've all been around each other for awhile, we've all grown to accept each other. Though, there is the occasional person who will always be immature and slam someone because of the way they look.  
Date: 10/9/2004 2:56:00 PM  From Authorid: 49742    I was in 8th grade when a girl who was jealous of my long hair, picked the scissors up from the teacher's desk where I was standing, and she took hold of my hair and cut a chunk of hair off. Another time a group of girls cornered me in the bathroom and was going to pull my pierced earrings through my ears. They were jelous because their moms wouldn't let them get pierced ears. This was back in 1967!  
Date: 10/10/2004 12:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 24732    No, I don't think anyone even noticed I attended high school. I don't think other people were harassed either, for the most part the students were decent and well behaved. The ones that weren't dropped out of school by the 9th grade.  

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