I got a box today, it's a BIG box and enclosed were 3 book (over 1300 pages between them) 3 binders with (over 300 pages each) 6 thick folders of course work and instruction, 1 hour long cd, 4 cases of audio tapes (ranging from 6-12 tapes in each case) and a whole bunch of other stuff lol....yes my course has arrived and as I pulled out item after item I wondered what in the world I've gotten myself into!!! Despite this incredibly overwhelmed feeling, I have a big stupid smile on my face with the thoughts that beyond these materials lies those little letters that I can put at the end of my name and that clinic I can one day start.. Beyond this overflowing box of intimidation is a career, support for my family, knowledge that I finally achieve something after being stagnant for so long.
Once I finish all this reading, research and papers I will only have my doctorate ahead ...*she says as if its a walk in the park* School has always been importnat to me and tho this isn't my dream career, but it is a step in one of my feilds of intrest. I didn't get to college or university, I was accepted to several but was too afraid of failure to ever actually go and the idea of paying back a student loan for a carreer I might come to hate really provided a road block. So now I'm 26, at home with my daugther, and yeah I love her but I need a little more then seasame street to stimulate me lol. Despite having a diverse background of experiances I feel right now if I had to work I would only be able to get a job at a coffee shop...if I was lucky. I don't want that. I've put in my time at cruddy jobs & helping someone else get their new house and new car while I barely scrape by, so if and when I do go to work again I want it to be something where I can control my life and fate.
I know I only opened a box today. But what's inside changes everything!!! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 609 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .