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The "global test" is a good thing...r1

  Author:  47162  Category:(Debate) Created:(10/6/2004 5:22:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1148 times)

Republicans keep poking fun at Kerry's statement that wars should pass a global test. But what is this global test Kerry appeals to? Is it good? I think it is good.

The global test is not the same as passing a sheet around asking for permission to protect our nation before we go to war. The Republicans would like to make you think that's what the "global test" is all about, but it's not about that. The global test is about being able to look the world in the eyes and say, "We did this war for justified reasons." It's about being able to say, "We had no other option but to go to war."

So why must we pass a "global test" when going to war? Well, first of all, so we can get help in future wars if we need the help.

For example, if we need to invade a country some day, because our intelligence says, "They are a threat."; will other countries be more likely to believe us? After the Iraq debacle, probably not! Why? Because in this war, we went based on bad intelligence! The world will look at us in future wars and think, "man if they had bad intelligence then, who's to say they have good intelligence now."

Right now, in the world's eyes, USA does not look like it's telling the truth if we go to other nations and say, "Our intelligence shows such and such country is a threat, will you please help us get rid of the threat, we have no other resort!" Why do we not look like we're telling the truth if a situation like this comes up? Because in Iraq, we established a track record of both going to war on bad intelligence, and on going to war as a first resort, instead of as a last resort. We failed the "global test", and as a result we are less credible, and will have a more difficult time in the future recruiting allies.

After a war, we should be able to point to solid evidence, and say, "see this is why we went to war!" If we're able to do this, in the future, other nations will be more likely to help us if we need it. Why? Because we'll of had an established track record of being credible and justified. We have nothing to point to in Iraq. All we have is a bunch of bad intelligence and continual mixed justifications for the war? Ya, think this leaves our nation more secure in the future if we really "do" need to have a war and do "need" to get allies? Sure America can point to the bad guy Saddam and to the freed Iraqi's and we can say, "See we were justified." But then the world will look at our lack of passion for getting rid of other bad guys, and just shake their heads at us. And again, it's not about winning their approval for approval sake. It's about being credible, incase sometime in the future we do need their help. Because a nation will not follow us if we have a record that is not credible,

So for Republicans to say the "global test" threatens our security, it's just a lie! If anything the global test strengthens our security, because it increases the chances of people joining us in the future if we really do need to go to war.

If the global test was about "getting permission" before we defended ourselves, then it would clearly be something bad. But the global test is anything but seeking permission.It's about being credible in the eyes of the world, for the sake of our own security down the road.

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Date: 10/6/2004 6:32:00 PM  From Authorid: 37101    When the world is in jeapordy, the world is eager to look to us for help without question and American doesn't object. When we feel we are in jeapordy, whether or not we truly are, the world just loves to question and ridicule because they're not directly benefitting from it. The world is full of a bunch of hypocritical cry baby governments. -  
Date: 10/6/2004 6:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 17081    I think it's hard to gain allies when you call them names like ‘the alliance of the coerced and the bribed.’”
Date: 10/6/2004 7:03:00 PM  From Authorid: 17081    If John Kerry wins the presidency, you will have a vice president who will get some on the job training. That's scary considering he is one bullet away from being president.  
Date: 10/6/2004 9:29:00 PM  From Authorid: 47218    we have accountability to the rest of the world. We are not the rulers of the world...okay we are, but look at how expensive it is, having to have troops spread out all across the globe, because we insist on doing everything our way. We need to coordinate with other countries and, in exchange, we need to get them to put out a little for a change.  
Date: 10/6/2004 9:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 47218    As for John Edward's purported inexperience-- last time around we got a president who had to have on-the-job training. And what does the vice-president do? Preside over the senate and break ties? big deal.  
Date: 10/7/2004 12:47:00 AM  From Authorid: 37900    IMO, the United States passed your definition of the "global test" before going to war. Iraq was believed to be a threat, and we waited twelve years for the United Nations to do its job. Yet, the resolution holding Saddam responsible and threatening further action was vetoed by key countries that we have since discovered had a compelling financial interest in keeping Saddam in power. How long should we have waited? Twelve years of contempt for UN authority wasn't long enough? Sanctions weren't working and the UN wasn't willing to crawl out from beneath its mountain of paperwork and enforce its resolutions. Why do we need credibility with the rest of the world? Do we honestly think that Al-Qaida would leave us alone if we left Iraq? Do we actually believe that the countries that opposed our action would support us more if we left? Such beliefs ignore September 11 and the irritation of other countries with us before Iraq. Our products and our money are all some countries are interested in. I think that's fine.  
Date: 10/7/2004 9:46:00 AM  From Authorid: 15228    What happens when the people involved in your "Global test" are being bribed as Russia and France were? They were making a tidy little profit off of the oil for food program at the expense of starving Iraqi children. If you want people like this sitting in judgment of everything we as a country do, go for it. I doubt the founding fathers would be impressed though. In fact, I'm not sure where in the constitution it says we are suppose to pass some kind of globel test..perhaps someone can point it out.  
Date: 10/7/2004 2:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    Right on Kelly!!  
Date: 10/7/2004 2:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 19613    I believe people should put their humanity before their nationality.  
Date: 10/7/2004 11:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 37900    Dark Phoenix, it would be wonderful if the world could put its humanity before its nationalities. Unfortunately, there are people that seek their legacies from the backs and blood of others. These people, including Saddam Hussein, must be quickly and severely dealt with. The only way to guarantee lasting peace is preparation and willingness for war; what we will die for is what we value.  
Date: 10/8/2004 4:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 19092    People continually forget that after 9/11, we declared war on terrorism. They also forget that it was Suddam who was paying a $25,000 death benefit to the families of suicide bombers who killed Jews or Americans. This makes him and Iraq a terrorist and a terrorist nation. The U.S. passed the "Global Test" in my opinion....  
Date: 10/8/2004 4:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 24924    Has ANYONE here read the ENTIRE Statement John Kerry made BEFORE the war?? (on the Senate floor).
Date: 10/8/2004 11:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 37900    Thanks for the site, Thinker. I read about three-fourths of Senator Kerry's speech. Since he cited only one reason for his "yea" vote, it seems to me he authorized the decision to go to war because he believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. So did the President. Hindsight is always 20/20, but I believe the Congress authorized the use of force because both parties, despite political differences, agreed with the President on this issue. Did I miss something?  
Date: 10/11/2004 6:57:00 AM  From Authorid: 2030    The "Global reality" is that we are increasingly becoming a world of the "haves" and "have nots" with the have nots controlling most of the U.N. and taking every shot they can at the U.S., Britan and our other real allies. France, germany, Russia, are not our allies and never ever have been. Global test? How ignorant can someone be to turn our national affairs and security over to likes of these nations or the third world?  
Date: 10/11/2004 9:13:00 AM  From Authorid: 19613    ^ Britain is not as close an ally of the US as you would think. Tony Blair on the other hand...  
Date: 10/11/2004 9:58:00 AM  From Authorid: 2030    Then I should just dump you guys in with the rest of the 3rd world? Or would the rest of the U.K. care to comment?  

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