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they dont want us to know?

  Author:  62787  Category:(Conspiracy) Created:(9/3/2004 10:03:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (7640 times)

well...what does the government have to hide from us? they have Area 51 and probably undergraound labs in the middle of nowhere. what do they not want us to see? do they think it will be a world wide catastrophe? why is they government sheilding our eyes? is there things on mars they dont want us to see yet? are they disecting aliens? what is going on?

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 9/3/2004 10:13:00 PM  From Authorid: 62575    To be honest I'm glad. For one I don't want to know everything I have enough problems dealing with the things I know about. Let the goverment deal with the things I don't want to thats what they're payed for. Some may say this is ignorance purhaps they are right but I know enough to keep me up at night with contemplation and sometimes worry; why add to it. Good post seek your answers for the reward of a good conspiricy is the journey not the result. Just don't tell me about the truth I can't handle it. Negative_One
Date: 9/4/2004 8:46:00 AM  From Authorid: 62838    I don't believe in aliens. The way I see it... of course the government is keeping things from us. But the reason is because if they expose everything they do, then the whole world will know and that gives not-so-friendly countries or terrorists an unecessary foot in the door to causing unrest. Of course they keep things from us. But I don't believe the whole alien theory. If I see one I'll believe it, but until then it's all unicorns and elves to me. - Kokoro
Date: 9/4/2004 3:13:00 PM  From Authorid: 55967    They don't want us to see advancements that can be passed on to our enemies. OR some things we've done to our friends, believe it or not! We have done some shady things in the past.  
Date: 9/6/2004 7:33:00 PM  From Authorid: 1461    The government will always hide the "need to know or "need not to know things" from us. If they knew that some catastophic event such as an asteroid was heading to earth and would destroy all life as we know it and there was no absolute possible way to do anything about it....do you think that it would be wise to release the information to the general public? Think of the panic it would cause, the fear, the anarchy and choas it would create. If they were to say" Yes there is an alien agenda, and we have found out that there is a species of alien that will arrive on such and such date to destroy mankind and there is nothing we can do about it....would you want to know??? There is too many evils that go on in the world, some things if told would change are lives and the ways we think forever.......the government hides things to protect us from the fear that they will create. Some things just dont need to be known ...  
Date: 9/11/2004 12:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 62891    You are not even allowed to fly over Area-51. You can't fly over it even if you are crashing down. No emergency landings either. Funny thing about Area-51, is even the people who work there must be taken by a bus, with no windows. There is something much more going on there than just "aircraft testing." I believe they are doing something there with Extraterrestrial life. Not to offend anyone, but people who don't think aliens exist arent being open minded enough. They may have not visited here, yes, but just outright saying "Aliens don't exist" is inconceivable. Agian, not to offend anyone. I personally belive though, that they have been here, and have been visiting mankind for thousands of years. I have seen many cave paintings, that have alien like figures painted on them. Also, many painters in old times, have painted UFO's in their pictures. One famous painting is "The Madonna with Saint Giovannini." UFO sightings did not start in 1947. They started with man.

Date: 9/12/2004 7:04:00 AM  From Authorid: 19682    I don't know anymore. I used to believe in aliens, but it has been going on for centuries. It would be publicly accepted by now if aliens existed.

I think Area 51 is a blueprint factory for highly classified spyware technology.
Date: 9/14/2004 10:55:00 AM  From Authorid: 57225    they keep things from us so they can feel powerful. they have something on us, and thats power to them. also, from time to time, things leak out about the things they're hiding.. and im sure they love that. because it gets the american people terrified, then our government says everythings gonna be ok if you listen to us, so we do, and we're under their power again. those are the reasons they hide things from us: fear and power.  
Date: 9/14/2004 10:56:00 AM  From Authorid: 57225    and about the whole aliens not existing theory.. how could there not be other lifeforms somewhere out there? not necisarily little green guys with no noses and 2 fingers, but there could be beings very similar if not exactly like us. i mean think about it.. all those different galaxies and what not thats out there.. space goes on forever, and theres so much stuff within it, its very narrow-minded to think that we are the only planet with living species on it.  
Date: 10/29/2004 7:27:00 AM  From Authorid: 62938    Yes area 51 is still highly classified.Classification is #7.You do not want to know what they are doing there and some USMrs are right. If you knew and the world knew, the results could be devastating and the USA could lose control over our country plus others.If we knew what is headed our way or what is happening on intelligence gatherings as I speak we would be in panic and so would a lot of other countries.Russia,England,China know and share a lot of what are intelligence knows and doesn't know. We are not alone and never have been.Enjoy life, friends, family and live each day like you will never see tommorow. Happy Halloween to all. Jason-5
Date: 12/11/2004 4:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 56971    well if the goverment just came out and said.
that they do know about ufos.
i think the american people will be scared.
Date: 6/23/2005 1:17:00 PM  From Authorid: 12006    So if the government knew that an asteroid was going to kill all of mankind, they would keep it from us because there would be anarchy? The least I would hope for is that they would tell us so that we could get in one last prayer before we all bite the dust.  
Date: 7/26/2006 4:04:00 AM  From Authorid: 63960    wow, never thought about that very much til now, thanks alot! j/k ~Kovk  

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