I dreamed that there was this sword that was so powerfull that the user had to be carefull lest he injure or kill himself with it. Why? Because it not only cut up things in the present, but also in the past or future. There were gemstones on it that served as the time settings for the amount it went forward or back. Anyway, there was a book on the sword as well, to use it I suppose. I had the book and was in this large room where the sword had been recently used by someone. People had gathered there because of the commotion. I felt panic as I set the book on the table and seen its corner blister and swell as if the sword had hit it at that moment. The corner continued to swell then fall off, disentegrated. I realized that I could be hit next, depending on where the sword was swung in the past. So I moved over to a spot in the room where I hoped they didn't fight in. I tried to tell the other people what danger they were in. The woman on my right was then hit with the sword swing coming from the past. It sliced her head off and into my right shoulder a bit. Her neck blisterd up & swole, before she died she let out this agonizing scream! My shoulder had a bit out of it but I was alright.
There was more but I didn't take the time to remember it completely.
-TC Mike How it changed my life:What I do know was I woke up kinda spooked. And I was wide awake at 4am in the morning. I got over it though. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 51163 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .