The woods were creepy since it was night time. she heard all the little woodland creatures scuddling though the brush and she thought about turning around and going back to wait for her brother to get there. Her heart was racing but she decided to continue to walk home.
halfway down the hill she stepped in a hole and tripped. she fell and hit her head on a tree and knocked herself out. She laid there unconcious for the longest time. When she came too the woods were completely pitch dark and she was scared. She couldnt move her leg and realized it was broken. She laid there and started to cry. No one knew she was there.
Morning finally came and she laid there wondering how she was going to get anyone to find her out there. She was really in pain from her broken leg. She laid there and started crying once again realizing that she messed up. she should of waited for her brother to come back to the club and had him ride her home. Now here she was in the woods with a broken leg and no way to let anyone know she was there. She laid there for hours. She thought she was going to die.
As she was laying there she heard this ringing. She had forgotten that she had her cell phone. It was inside her purse which was a few feet away from her. She struggled to get to her purse, but she got to it and answered the phone in her weakened state. it was Keith. he sid he wanted to say he was sorry for not telling her about his girlfriend and he getting back together. she told him she wasnt worried about that and started to cry. he asked her if she was ok and she told him no she never made it home because she cut through the woods and she fell and now her leg was broken and she was still in the woods. He was like OMGOSH, I am coming to get you where are you at? She told him to just go to her house and tell her brother that she was on his dirtbike trail and he will know where to come.
Keith went to the house and got her brother up out of bed and told him what was going on. He told Keith to go to his house and get his quad and meet him back at their house in 5 minutes while he got dressed. Keith came back on his quad and he and her brother headed into the woods. They found her laying a bit off the trail and she was covered in leaves and dirt and she had a gash in her head from where she hit the tree. She was barely concious. Her brother had Keith help him to get her on his quad and she screamed in pain. He rode her slowly to the house and called the ambulnace to come and get her.
keith felt so bad. he knew this happend all because of him. He went to the hospital to be with her and when he arrived at the hospital he went into her room and apologized for what he did. he leaned over and kissed her on the forehead and said he was sooo sorry. she told him she really didnt want him there and could he please leave. he said no he wasnt going to leave her. He said seeing her like this made him realize that he was in love with her. She started crying and said that he had to be sure becasue all her life she was always unwanted and she didnt want to go through having her heart broke by him once again. he leaned over and gently kissed her lips and said he will never treat her like she is unwanted he will always be by her side. He stayed in the hospital over night with her and then when she was realeased he had her go to his house to stay so he could take care of her.
They dated for several months and things couldnt be better. On her 31st birthday he proposed to her and she accepted. She told him it was going to be a long engagement though because she wanted to make sure things were right. She was glad to see that she was no longer unwanted..............the end You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 29775 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .