Keith called her at 6:00 and asked what she wanted to do. She said she didnt care. so they went to the club for a bit. Scott was bartending and he gave her the cold shoulder big time that night. He wouldnt even look at her.
They sat there that night talking and joking around and Scott was getting madder by the minute. Well Darby Lee's girlfriend, Mindy came up to the club that night and she was teasing Scott asking him questions and everything. Scott told her that he had a girlfriend that he had been with for the last 3 years. Well when Mindy told Darby Lee that she was mad. She was like I cant believe he would do that. He lied to her from the beginning. She was glad she was with Keith now.
Well they went back to Keith's house and she was telling him how Scott told Mindy he had a girlfriend for 3 years. Keith said the only girlfriend Scott has is in his mind. He is scared of women.
She ended up spending the night at Keith's once again. she made sure his clock was right this time and made it home on time the next morning. She walked in the door a half hour before her mom woke up. She was glad she did too because her mom would of flipped. She couldnt see why her mom would be mad though because Darby Lee was 30 yrs. old she could make her own decisions. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 29775 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .