One man or woman can change the world! Look at Moses. Look at Hitler. One man changed his world for the good, the other changed his world for evil. You can make a difference. If you don't stand for something… you may fall for anything! You can take a stand against racism, and lead others to do the same. Shout it from the rooftops if you have to, but speak forth what you know to be true. No more social couch potatoes. Do what you can, but whatever you do, do something to make this planet a better place to live.
Overcoming evil with good. Speaking the Truth, in love. Before you are dead and gone, encourage your children to carry on your legacy of charity and compassion. Instill within them a desire for spiritual and social growth. And when you stand before your Maker, be able to say with conviction, "I fought the good fight of faith."
The war we fight is fought not on a bloody battlefield, but in the hearts and minds of the deceived. We don't use guns and knives, but words and ideas. God's Word, the Bible, is our only offensive weapon. It teaches us that there are no races or skin color in God's eyes. No black or white people. No red or brown people. No Jew or Gentile. God simply sees us as His children or as prodigals. He sees the heart.
His own Son, Jesus, was born into a minority race. Jesus was, and is, Jewish. Let us therefore see our fellow man through God's eyes. Freedom will not come overnight, but it will come.
Hugs...PammieRose How it changed my life:Racism changes everyone's life. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 29928 ( Click here )
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