I have heard many people talk about how they have given up on God and walked away...Some that I know may be thinking I am talking about them and they are wrong..there are plenty in the world...sadly. If you chose to give up christianity, well so be it, that was your choice, but you know what, You gave up, that doesn't mean that God has given up on you. First of all God loves you and you did give Him your heart and He is faithful to finish the good work he started in you.
As far as guilt feelings you may have have felt as a christian, that is your doing NOT God's...I learned a lesson, you dont have to live your life consummed in guilt. God knows that as long as we live on earth in human form, we are going to sin..bar none! That is what grace is all about..I am most certainly not saying that you have carte blanch to go around doing anything you please, but it is knowing that when you do fail and you will, you dont have to beat yourself senseless over it..you simply ask forgiveness and give it to God and go on and keep doing your best. God doesn't expect perfection, just our best. I dont know how anyone could succeed in being a christian if they spent day in and day out trying to be perfect...it would make me totally nuts!
And as far as life being sweet, perfect or happy or good, I dont know about any of those things either..not at all. I am a victim of sexual child abuse and it has messed up my whole life. I will confess though once I became a christian, I did think that life would be grand and that all things would be given on a silver platter...fat chance! God doesn't work that way. He never promised any one of us a rose garden, He just promised salvation and to be with each and everyone of us and what I get from Him is peace. Certainly not peace in my life, but peace in my spirit. I hope some of this is making sense.
Then I hear how this happened and that happend and they blame God for all of it...there again how can that be true? We are not puppets on a God string. Man has free will with Satan to lead and twist his mind. God did not make those men abuse me and rape me...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO they did it!!!!!!!!
Some speak of no friends and loneliness. Well I can also relate, but then look at Jesus was He any better off than we were at any time in His life? I have been to the point many times in my life of giving up, just chucking it all aside, but I found that I couldn't do it..I was not willing to give up that peace and if that is all I ever get from God, well it is enough for me. I guess you can take these words for whatever they mean to you, I don't know the answers..But I do know that God loves me and I love Him. So he puts me through the fire...so?? It just means he is refining me and making me ready for my home with Him..Glory be to God!! I certainly takes more strength to stay in than it does to drop out. God did promise to Never give us more than we can handle and although I have been through some horrible things in my life..unimaginable...I came through and if it dont kill you...you're stronger!!! I have no idea what else I will have to face in this life, but I do know that whatever comes, God will be with me and I will never be alone.
God Bless and Hugs,
Pammierose You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 29928 ( Click here )
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