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Republicans honor our troups?...Really?..Dang they're slick!--r1

  Author:  47162  Category:(Discussion) Created:(9/3/2004 9:55:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (1068 times)

Wow, now Republicans are wearing band-aids with a purple heart on them. They do this to mock Kerry and the wounds he received in Vietnam. They seem to think he didn't receive big enough wounds to receive a purple heart!

To me this sends a message. A very loud message.

It sends the message that Republicans are not sincere about honoring our veterans! It potentially mocks any soldier who may have received a "not so damaging" wound in Iraq.

Kerry is a man who willingly went to fight for our country! He DID get wounded in combat. Now I'm sorry he didn't bleed 20 galons of blood on the Ho Chi Min trail, but that doesn't negate his service and the honor he showed in serving his country.

In essense these band-aid wearing republicans are mocking a veteran! What kind of message does that send to our troups in Iraq? Does it say, "Now you better come home with a big gaping wound, or else you're no good, and we'll mock ya."? Does it say, "You better be sure you have really, really, big wounds if you receive a purple heart over their in Iraq, because if you don't, we're going to mock you!"?

What if one of our Iraqi veterans comes home, is fully decorated, decides he's against the war, protests against it, becomes a democrat, runs for politics, gets elected, one day runs for president, against Republicans, will those Republicans mock him too? I think they will! That's what they're doing to Kerry!

How can a party that claims to be so pro-soldier, even allow this to happen at their own convention? I mean band-aids that mock wounds someone received while protecting their freedom?:O

Will they look with scorn at any wounded Iraqi war veteran, who comes home and happens to not agree with them on political issues? My quick answer is yes! They are doing that to Kerry, who served his nation and was wounded. Who says they're above doing that to anyone else?

They always said Clinton was slick. But I think the Republicans are slicker. They've effectively sold themselves as the non-flip floppers, while at the same time giving more than four reasons for justifying the war on Iraq. They've managed to call themselves pro-military and pro-solider, while at the same time mocking and scorning the service of a man who willingly fought and was wounded for our country. They've really shown themselves to be the party of "family values", while at the same time having two key note speakers at the convention, who have pasts that are anything but pro-family (Rudy actually married his mistress. And Arnold, well we won't go there.) These Republicans are slick!

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Date: 9/3/2004 10:06:00 AM  From Authorid: 2030    As a veteran I don't have any problem with it. And some of Kerry's action during and most of his actions after the war lead me to not consider Kerry as a representative of American veterans. I'd challenge you to go to any VFW, AMVETS, or American legion and ask them their opinion.  
Date: 9/3/2004 10:09:00 AM  From Authorid: 62675    As with anything, the few may not represnt the rest.  
Date: 9/3/2004 10:11:00 AM  From Authorid: 17081    WHO DO THE VETERANS BACK?????? Bush.They know what Kerry is about...or do they?  
Date: 9/3/2004 10:13:00 AM  From Authorid: 34487    UMMM...you shouldn't judge AN ENTIRE party by the actions of a few within it. That's just nothing more than stereotyping and prejudice. If this is how it works, than I will judge the ENTIRE Democratic party on all it's crazy protesters, sneaking their way into the RNC and acting like idiots or protesting on the streets topless. OR...should I judge the entire Democratic party based on the actions of ONE wanna-be president, named Kerry???....who has repeatedly LIED, changed his views and publically admitted to comitting atrocities, killing innocent citizens of Vietnam and burning down their homes????? No, I won't. He's simply a VERY BAD, stinky Egg. There are some in every aspect of life.  
Date: 9/3/2004 11:03:00 AM  From Authorid: 19613    To put one's life on the line for one's country, whether you end up injured or not is an act more deserving of praise than anything i know I will ever be capable of. I think the republicans want to honour American troops, that is unless one decides to run against Bush.  
Date: 9/3/2004 11:28:00 AM  From Authorid: 34487    Let's not forget the NUMEROUS attacks on MANY republican candidates by MANY in the democratic party, questioning and ridiculing their military service & records. It goes both ways. Kerry pretty much set himself up for this stuff though...and I'm not saying he deserves all of it (at least the parts that may not be true). Kerry formed much of his campaign and ability to serve based upon his service in Vietnam. Therefore, he put it on the table to be disected. Of course, the skeletons were bound to come out of closet and I'm surprised he didn't think they would or felt they would hold no value.  
Date: 9/3/2004 11:57:00 AM  From Authorid: 61977    Well I cannot speak for all Vetrans..Yet as a Vetran MYSELF...I support neither of these candidates..How do you like them apples?  
Date: 9/3/2004 11:59:00 AM  From Authorid: 61977    Spelled Veteran wrong....oops sorry..LOL..(-:  
Date: 9/3/2004 12:01:00 PM  From Authorid: 62401    Everyone i have talked to about Kerry vs Bush that is in the military is totally against Kerry, and for Bush. Kerry and Bush remind me of teen age boys trying to impress a girl... its sad.  
Date: 9/3/2004 12:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 2030    The debate between the two shouldn't be about a war 35 years ago. It should be about the one going on now. And the events today in Chechnya just illustrate the fact that it's real and it's everywhere and you either do something about it or watch your children die. I keep hearing about preaching Fear, it's not about fear. It's about going across the street and dealing with the bully before he shows up at your door when your wife and kids are home alone.  
Date: 9/3/2004 1:17:00 PM  From Authorid: 28363    LOL, typical one-sided rant as usual. No substance, just abuse. have a great day   
Date: 9/3/2004 2:02:00 PM  From Authorid: 17081    When the democrats had their convention, people let them speak and be heard. when the republicans had their convention, there was protestors lined up everywhere and even a play called "I'm Gonna Kill The President". The democrats do nothing but whine and carry on.  
Date: 9/3/2004 2:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 17081    http://kerry-04.org/  
Date: 9/3/2004 2:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 62506    For those who pretend to speak for all veterans and place them in a pro Bush catagory,I have something to say.I am a Veteran of the Vietnam war.I too have a purple heart and I am not for Bush.I am for Kerry.So are all of my fellow Vets that have been shafted by this administration.The soldiers in Iraq have to serve under Bush because he is the current Commandor in Chief,but when their tour is over and they find their combat pay has been cut in half by this administration they will no longer hold him in high esteem.WHen they find their wives and children have had to enroll in the welfare relief system just to get by,they will not hold him in high esteem.Kerry served his country with valor as did all Veterans of Foreign wars.Bush opted for the Texas National guard.I have news for Bush.If he was in the Texas National Guard today,he would be behind a gun in Iraq with the rest of the National Guard.With todays options,I think he would probably go the route of Cheney who had 5 military deferments when it came time for him to serve.Does the term draft dodger ring any bells? Yes I am a Veteran and I am voting for the candidate who has seen war and served honorably.When he came home in the 70's he was not the only Veteran who chose to protest the war.Thousands of us did.And YouCoose,he didn't participate in war atrocities as you have suggested.He was reading from testamony of hundreds of Veterans who witnessed atrocities committed by a few bad apples over there.Yes there were atrocities.The Mei Lai massacre is the most famous.It was perpetrated by a certain Leuitenant Kalley.He was found guilty and court marshalled.Kerry speaking out against war atrocities to a Senate panel of investigators is a commendable action for any American,soldier or not.Be a voice of intelligence,USM,not an echo of stupidity.  
Date: 9/3/2004 4:24:00 PM  From Authorid: 17081    http://www.dfas.mil/money/milpay/  
Date: 9/3/2004 5:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 62506    I keep seeing adress links offered instead of good old fashion self comprised opinions.Why not be a voice instead of an echo?  
Date: 9/3/2004 6:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 17081    Yes, you see links. I keep hearing that you want facts and proof. You arent going to believe what I say, so I bring facts and still receive criticism.  
Date: 9/3/2004 7:17:00 PM  From Authorid: 2030    Stupidity is in the eye of the beholder I would guess. Vietnam: Some served in the gaurd (Bush) some took student deferments (Cheney, Clinton) Some served quietly, some were zealots, some were unwilling, and some were straight out opportunists (I would put Kerry in this group). I am a veteran, I belong to the VFW and the American Legion. And almost to a man of the vets I associate with consider officers putting themselves in for medals and purple hearts to be at best bad form, and at worst dishonest. That being said the Vietnam war ended over 30 years ago. How one served or didn't served is a very small part of a persons public service resume'. I judge by actions, and deeds, and yes with my feelings. I fault Bush on several points, I think the Iraq war was justified, yet ill timed. I think side issues like the gay marriage amendment are unbecoming a commander in chief and a purely states rights issue. I give him credit for forming a top notch team around him, yet I'm less than thrilled with some. I think 9-11 threw a huge wrench into the economy and the administration. But it highlighted the need, no the sacred duty, to find and root out these people and the governments that harbor or facilitate them. There is much to do, Russia just got their wake up call, it's a fight to the death. And people have got to realize it. And on that level and domestic policy that favors personal responsibility over government entitlement I go with Bush. Stupid or not.  
Date: 9/3/2004 7:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 17081    Kerry doesnt impress me. How does he impress you? I like the way Bush has handled the pressure. I think he gets more pressure from the democrats than the terrorists. Let him run the country. He is doing an excellent job. The democratic convention didnt get idiots running around and whining like the republican convention did. Let's hear both sides without the idiots interrupting. Kerry comes across to me as the rich stuck up person that he is. He talks down upon people. His wife had a fire hydrant removed from in front of her house because she had to walk a couple extra feet. She came through my town in Pennsylvania about 2 weeks ago. She asks my friend who works in the kitchen if he gets benefits. He said no. Her response(which sounded like The Farmers Says toy)was "You need benefits". What a response.Teresa and her entourage didnt leave a tip or pay for theirs meals. Tips are about the only benefits he receives. True Story.Then theres the Wendys story. They are out of touch with the common folk. Besides his personal traits, I dont like where he stands on issues. Of course, I dont know where he stands on alot of things. I think he says what he thinks wants to be heard at the time. anything to get elected. How can anyone condone abortion? Gay marriage? I looked at his voting record. It sucks. How can he talk bad about the soldiers he served with? There is supposed to be some loyalty and truth among fellow soldiers. Bush comes across to me as straight forward. He tells you what he is going to do and does it. He is turning the economy around. My personal situation is good. America is good. What's the problem. The only ones that seem unhappy are the democrats and the terrorists.  
Date: 9/3/2004 11:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 37900    In the minds of many, the problem with the Senator's purple hearts is not the amount of blood; it's the amount of truth. He has given so many variations of Christmas, 1968, that some are wondering how an event "seared" into his memory could have so many versions. Senator Kerry could make this "problem" go away by authorizing the release of all his military records. It is true that he doesn't have to, as it is true that people can question anything about him--he is, after all, a candidate for President. It was Senator Kerry that made his Vietnam record the centerpiece of his campaign. As he continues to make his Vietnam record his sole qualification for President, he shouldn't be surprised he is under scrutiny. IMO, there's not much else in his record that appeals to the majority of Americans.  
Date: 9/6/2004 9:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    Woodshed...I heard the clip. He says..."I participated in and I did this and that." Yes, he spoke of what others did also but if you hear the clip, you'll see there's no denying his own words. No one set this up and it wasn't cut here or there to make him SEEM to say something else...like a particularly rediculous FILM that's out. This is an interview with Kerry on "Meet the Press" in 1971. There's no confusion here, Kerry ADMITS to atrocities that he PERSONALLY took part in. Listen to it for yourself and then you'll know.  

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