A stone with a natural hole through it.As an "amulet", it is in much demand by Pagans, and Wiccans because it symbolizes the "female principle", or "Great Mother". It was,however,once used as protection against witches during the time when it was thought they would steal horses and use them to ride to the sabbats.When they returned the next morning, the horses were always covered in sweat and completely worn out.To prevent such a theft, a "hag stone" was hung from an iron nail in the stable as protection. A "hag stone" was also considered protection from attacks by an "incubus" or "succubus". A "hag stone" placed under one's pillow held both creatures at bay.Encyclopedia of Witchcraft,Wicca,and Neo-Paganism.p.223. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 18155 ( Click here )
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