A term sometimes applied to a "foliate mask", or representation of the old "God of Nature". A wood or stone carving showing a face peering out from a surround of leaves, or as a face actually made up of leaves, it may be referred to as "Jack i' the Green"or "Robin of the Woods". It symbolizes the spirit of the woods-the flowers,trees, and plants. Throughout Europe there have been-and in many places still are-festivles with parades that feature an apperance by a "Green Man"-usually a man enclosed in a wickerwork cage completely covered with green boughs. In areas he is known as "Green George".The procession in which he is most often featured are at Beltane(or May Day), since he represents the spirit of vegetation and the coming of spring.Encyclopedia of Witchcraft,Wicca, and Neo-Paganism,p.215. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 18155 ( Click here )
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