Well, as some of you know, I am 32 weeks pregnant this week. Tuesday night around 7:30-8:00pm I started getting pains in my back. Gary got home about 9pm and I told him that something didn't feel right so we called my doctor and he told me to go to the emergency room to get checked out. We get to the emergency room and they take us straight to the OB. I get checked in and they put me in my room and the nurse comes in the check me. It's turns out that I am dilated to a 1 and my cervix is thinned out. But I'm not having contractions. They give me a Urinary Analysis and find out that I have a Urinary Tract Infection for the second time this pregnancy. (Lucky me!) Well they gave me two amoxcicyllin pills. One to take then and one to take in the morning until I could get to the pharmacy and pick up my prescription. They send me home with my discharge papers. The next day around 4pm (after Gary picked up his paycheck) we go to Wal-Mart to pick it up. The pharmacy tells us that no one has called in a prescription for me. So I give them my information and they call the hospital and the hospital told them that they didn't treat anyone named Meagan ______. Gary was mad and we went home and called the hospital and we got a hold of the hospital administrator. By then it is about 5:30pm and the pharmacy closes at 6pm. If I didn't get those pills for my infection it could possibly send me into pre-term labor. Gary talks to this woman and she is so nice. She calls up back and tells us the guy at Wal-Mart is going to fill our prescription and he'd wait for us to get there. We get there at exactly 6:02pm and the pharmacy is closed!!! We go to the front desk and ask if a prescription was left there or if anyone was still there to help us and the woman told us that the guy was just standing there and he ran out the door to go home. Gary is even more angry now and we go home and he calls the hospital again! They connect him with someone different and she gave him a lot of attitude. He called to know why the prescription was never called in and they told him first that the nurse forgot all about it and didn't tell anyone. And she said to him, "Let me ask you something, sir, how come you didn't pick it up sooner?" and he told her, "Because I didn't get my paycheck until after 3pm. How come her prescription wasn't called in when it was supposed to be called in? You all have from 2 o'clock in the morning until now to call it in and it wasn't." She told him that she would call in the prescription in a town that was 25 miles from where we live and Gary asked her if she was going to pay for his gas money. She told him if he kept giving her attitude that he wasn't going to get anywhere. And he told her to call it in and also told her that we weren't having our baby in their stinking hospital. The lady told him GOOD! And he hung up on her. Well, the good news is we got my prescription FINALLY! I can't believe a hospital would forget something important like that. We're filing a big complaint against them. Well, thanks for letting me vent. I feel better now. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 9509 ( Click here )
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