~~~~~~~~The below text is the continuation of what was written Feb. 17th, 2004, if you havn't already read pt 1 first~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~My sister and her boyfriend are very bored, low class, fantasy minded people. When there isn't enough drama in their life they will make it up. It's funny that they tried to deny some things that were said to me, yet I've got the recorded proof of it. I have officially cut them out of my life, and told them to stay out of Draven’s. When Jamie and I finally write our wills we are putting it in there that my sister is never to have contact with my daughter until my daughter is at least an adult, and if for some reason they are in the same location together, Draven is never to be left alone with my sister there is to always be a guardian, and my sister will have had to have a psychological evaluation before even being in the same room as my daughter. Its funny I actually considered her to be a possible guardian, I think that’s only because I thought and hoped she changed. But she hasn't. Her biggest most revolting quality is that she views people as walking price tags. What can they give her, what can she get out of them, if not money then other things, even if its just to entertain her in her fantasy life.
~~~~~When Mel died, Tim's ex-wife and a friend of mine till Feb when I had to separate myself from her cause I didn't approve of her cheating on her husband of 6 months, my sister made so many asinine comments such as 'oh now I can marry a widower instead of a divorcee', then my sister and Tim had the tactlessness to go to the funeral together (something that is insulting and disgusting, my sister never knew Mel, Tim could have brought his family or other friends for support but to bring his girlfriend to the funeral of his wife, I thought was very rude to do to her parents, she was an only child as well) Then after the funeral I called to check on Tim and see how they were doing, Larissa -my sister- said they weren't doing well because they found out Mel’s insurance was less then anticipated and it all goes to her parents, so 'no money for us'. I was stunned and couldn't say anything. It disgusted me so much her opinion of things. All these reasons made it certain she'd never get custody of my daughter. If she (Draven) had a trust account, I’m pretty sure my sister would go thru it all for her own gains and Draven would end up having nothing when she was older. Not to mention my sister has on a previous occasion stolen from her infant niece.
~~~~~~When Draven was about 18 months old she was found sucking on a cotton ball that had nail polish remover on it. We called poison control who usually has a list of harmful ingredients and a list supplied by companies as to the ingredients in their products. The label on the remover said ‘if ingested seek medical assistance’ so poison control had nothing in their system and recommended going to the hospital. We spent a few hours at one hospital and the Dr there after accusing me of being a neglectful mother then said she probably didn’t ingest enough to harm her but doing further tests would be wise. So we were sent to the university hospital where the nurses were very rough with Draven. There are details I won’t go into but needless to say we walked out angered that they were performing painful and admittedly evasive tests. The whole mess could have been avoided if the manufacture had of just put the harmful ingredients on the bottle. I wrote to tell them so. They wanted me to call them on the phone to talk but I didn’t have the money at the time to afford the long distance call, it was a local call for my sister so I asked her to call them and give them my number. Instead she gave them her mailing address and number, when I finally just made the call to inquire why they hadn’t bothered to contact me they informed me a ‘compensation package’ had been sent to my sister. Because she accepted their compensation the right to peruse legal action, if I had so wished, was now taken from me. My sister stole money that was received through the pain and trauma our daughter suffered. It was her 18 month old nieces money, not hers to touch.
~~~~~I will not let my child be part of that. I really doubt my sister’s grasp on reality, and where he own moral base is. Her boyfriend decided to put me down, and my faith down, but in reality it did very little, I know what I feel and what I believe and I treat people well, morals are not totally based on religious belief, just as I didn't support his wife for cheating on him, I can't support him for participating in my sisters fantasy life and allowing her to speak the way she does. If someone truly loves you then they wouldn't let you make yourself look bad, they would want you to be the good person they know you can be. My sister has a bee up her butt about me talking to my mom. Pretending that for one min my family isn't totally insane, if you are worried about your sibling you talk to your mom, actually when I’m bothered or worried about anything I talk to my mom...so what?! It was just mom I talked to, and I can say whatever I want when I talk with my mother. It just further shows that my sister lacks the mental stability that most of us are blessed with.
~~~~~I am glad at least that I finally put an end to it. I have tolerated all my sisters slights, let her live in her fantasy world, proved her amusement when she spread rumors about me that were totally fabricated. Basically she is a pathological liar and a bad one at that because she gets caught in her own lies. It's too bad too, because go back a few years and she at least had potential. It’s hard to believe we stem from the same family, we are vastly different. I see no point in lying, sooner or later you will get caught in it, my mother found this out about me, she recently asked me some things and I answered them point blank so she knows I don't b.s. My mom has given me access her bank accounts, I COULD have at any point taken money from her when things were tough, but I never did. My sister even insisted I should one day I pretended I would because I was tired of her going on and on about it, then the next day she tells my mom I took money from her account, mom checks and nothing has been touched, mom and I both laughed at how stupid it was. My sister on the other hand has taken my mom's bank card and withdrawn funds and owes my mother astonishing amounts of money. I just personally think there are more rewards in life if you do the right thing from the start. It might be old fashioned and maybe not totally true but at least I can live better knowing I make good choices. I believe well in Karma, I screwed with it once and felt its wrath, I won't do it again. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 609 ( Click here )
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