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Date: 9/2/2004 3:23:00 PM
From Authorid: 36754
an Empath... or to have empathy i usually a normal process of human actions.... just more people are reseptive to it than others. But I would also say that it takes skill to perform certain empathy acts. For example, I am able to know what people are thinking or feeling when they are speaking or when i sometimes look at them. There's good and bad thing about being "intune" with your empathy... def more emotional... at first you have to learn how not to let Everyone's emotions seep into you (it's quite overwhelming) but empathy also helps you helping people out with problems, etc. PS... Don'tb beleive everything on Charmed... it's NOTHING like the real thing ![]() |
Date: 9/2/2004 4:17:00 PM
From Authorid: 42464
I have it but everybody does, it just takes time to develop it. Sometimes people I don't even know, i can tell what they are feeling. It freaks people out. I have more empathy for those who are sick. ![]() |
Date: 9/2/2004 5:37:00 PM
From Authorid: 23075
Empathy and premonitions...I have both.....have had since I was just a little girl...and believe me....it isn't like what you see on Charmed... ![]() |
Date: 9/2/2004 5:41:00 PM
From Authorid: 50678
Yes, I am one!! An empath is someone that can sense energy, such as spirits, feelings, danger, etc. If you have any questions message me, I have been an empath my whole life!!! ![]() |
Date: 9/2/2004 5:43:00 PM
From Authorid: 50678
Charmed Gal is right everyone is an empath!! ![]() |
Date: 9/2/2004 5:56:00 PM
From Authorid: 3835
Television alway embellishes the reality. There are Empaths here at USM, yes. Most of your Empaths have a sense of psychic awareness that can be developed to outstanding proportions. A person with the ability of Empathy, is someone who can tell what you are feeling, when you are feeling it, and also feel the exact same emotions that person feels. It is easier to react to these people as they understand your very motives and thoughts without reading your mind, just by going with the feelings. To be an empath is to be able to sense what others are feeling, and influence what others are feeling is the most common manifestation. This may or may not occur along with telepathy. If one is an empath, feelings and emotional atmosphere play a strong part in every aspect of one’s life. Crowds are almost unbearable. The individual may feel angry/depressed/elated/in love/enraged in a matter of a few moments as the gift ranges out and picks up whatever is there. A feeling of being on a roller coaster, and of smothering in a sea of feelings may accompany this. On the other hand, the person seems to gravitate to the individual in the room who needs help dealing with an emotional problem. An empath makes an excellent counselor and is usually the one to whom friends bring their problems too, because they really understand. ![]() |
Date: 9/2/2004 10:52:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 50664 Sicne everyone is an empath, if I wanted to try to develope my abilities to be more intune with it (as after reading some things posted I felt I could relate to some of them quite well) how should I go about that? |
Date: 9/3/2004 12:15:00 AM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 50664 (I mean Since, not Sicne.) And don't worry, I don't believe everything on charmed as I know it is all heavily exagerated in order to make the show entertaining, I was just wondering if they had got the new 'Empath power' idea from something real. |
Date: 9/3/2004 6:10:00 AM
From Authorid: 46068
Hey Jess, here is a web address that you should check out. http://www.management-training-development.com/onempathy.htm Hope that this helps... Take care and good luck with your endeavor... ![]() |
Date: 9/3/2004 10:33:00 AM
From Authorid: 36754
I origionally started empathy when i started to practice "telepathy." It was really easy for me... maybe because i was receptive to it before i actually knew what it was. Like Sur5R was saying, when you feel other's feelings... I would almost describe it like if you were standing in front of a mega phone.. you get it twice as loud/ intense as the person is feeling. Teh way toget emotions is pretty much the same as if you were reading someone's mind ( although you can sometime receive them by hearing a person's voice, feeling their aura, or even accidently brushing their arm). You have to picture yourself doing something like sending lazers, daggers or lightning into a person's eyes... this is to symbolise peircing a person's min (psyche, thoughts, inner mind, etc.) You have to learn to just do this with a glance, because if someone catches you just staring at them... well, besides freaking them out, they can put up a subconscience shield, and you'll never be able to help them. Once you get used to this, you won't nessicarily have to use the "dagger method" ( I used lightning) anymore, and just focus on making eye contact. Also, you Must not think about what the person is feeling, you just say it. I have found myself re-elavuating what i feel, and then realised what i origionally felt was right. You must always go with your first feeling... even if your mind is telling you that there is no possible way it could be true.... I know at first you'll be hesitant to do this, so you could tring just keeping a tally by yourself (or recording it in a journal) until you becoem more comfortable with your results. Message me if you have any other questions... or if i've made you more confused! ![]() |
Date: 9/24/2004 6:45:00 PM
From Authorid: 43586
Hi! I be an Empath! I am sorry I cannot give a long comment at this time, but it seems that many have already done so in the comment length. It can be, and usually is filled with depression, but also great joy and understanding of others emotionally. Dont let yourself be ruled by your emotions, but listen to them carefully, they are still very important. ![]() |
Date: 10/4/2004 7:02:00 AM
From Authorid: 62914
Empaths can feel other peoples emotions. At school in history class tests we have to write an empathy on people from a certain era. I got full marks for my ancient egyptian one cos i remembered the names of all the gods and goddesses and what they were associated with. -Goddess Of Imaginary Light ![]() |
Date: 10/12/2004 7:21:00 PM
From Authorid: 35808
I am, (I think) I just put up a post about it so I wont go into too much detail, but I don't know how it is for others, but I feel like I'm being electrocuted when I feel pain. I've been aware of people, not just their pain but their inner personality, since I was a baby. ![]() ![]() |
Date: 10/26/2004 4:53:00 AM
From Authorid: 16339
Empathy is a very powerful gift...i myself have experienced it many times. It is simply the ability to feel the emotions of others. Now this is a useful thing for me, because i am a counsellor to many and being able to feel my friends helps me to understand their situation & know when to help them. I picked up my talent naturally and it was initially a very bad thing. I somehow created a link between myself and a close friend many years ago, and the effect it had on me was too much. Her emotions literally drained me emotionally and physically. If she was upset i was exausted & although i used it to help her it didnt help me. This is a useful talent if u can develop it but remember that somtimes you may not be able to handle what you receive so be ready for it.. or you will pay the consequences. Good luck in Your endeavours & Actus Cum Sapentia, ![]() |
Date: 5/21/2005 10:51:00 AM
From Authorid: 11097
I was once told I had this power.... and I didnt know what it meant and looked it up and asked for some help on the topic and was told it was the ability to feel others emotions on a personal level meaning.... you may walk past someone and you will be overwhelmed with happiness or sadness.... you can actually pick up on their energy vibes. I am not sure this is so much a power because I believe anyone can do this.... its a gift placed in each of us to help one another along the way. Its a connection. A job in human services would be perfect for someone who experiences these things ![]() ![]() |
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