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Is Anyone Else as Proud and Excited of the Progress and Team of the GOP Convention?.......

  Author:  61897  Category:(Discussion) Created:(9/2/2004 8:26:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (1174 times)

I mean we have the whole Bush family sincerely united and working as a team- father, wife and daughters. We have the funny and charismatic governator, Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger (<-yes, I had to look that up to spell it). We have Mr. Cheney (who doesn't put up with any bull) and Sen. Zell Miller who has obviously wisened up and come to his senses by joining the good and best cause. We have the support of Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who to me is the representation and symbol of the people who were the hardest hit and impacted on 9/11- the city and people of New York. There is more and probably more to come as well, but these are the ones who stick more to my mind at the moment. Now if we could just get State Sen. Barack Obama to walk away from the dark side..........;)

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Date: 9/2/2004 9:34:00 AM  From Authorid: 62675    I am a republican. However, I must say I may vote for Obama out of the fact that I am not liking Keyes.  
Date: 9/2/2004 9:42:00 AM  From Authorid: 2030    Much of it is as I expected. I thought Arnold gave a great speach and his life should be used as a model of what opportunities are available for anyone in this country willing to work for it. Zell Miller was Governor here in Ga. and in fact is one of the few Democrats I've ever voted for (Former Governor and Senator Bob Kerry - Not to be confused with Ted Kennedy protege' John kerry- was the other). Zell is a man with his own mind and he was truely affected by 9-11 and the continued political games of his own party in the aftermath. He told it exactly how it is about the Democratic candidate, and his comments about the Kerry voting record were undisputable facts. All that being said a Party convention is basically a one sided affair and not much more than a big pep rally. But I've seen some substance the last few days that I found completely lacking at the Democratic event. Now if the Republicans can get the balloons to work at the end it will complete the sweep.  
Date: 9/2/2004 9:56:00 AM  From Authorid: 11251    Watching the convention has made me proud to be a Republican and a Bush supporter. I'm with Bcar...hope those balloons work...lol.  
Date: 9/2/2004 10:29:00 AM  From Authorid: 62506    I look at the cost of the convention,$175 million dollars of my tax money being spent on this,as some aptly put it,huge pep rally and I want to vote every politician we have out of office.That goes for the Democrats too.The corruption,greed,and mismanagement of our government at the hands of these corporate lackies, makes me speak out against such blatant misuse of our tax dollars.I am appalled at the criminal abuse that the Constitution of these United States has suffered under the current administration and I don't conceivably see any better at the hands of the alternative party.Enjoy the hooplah.You and I paid for it,yet it doesn't improve the current sad state of affairs our nation is in.I'm writing this criticism because I thought it is needed to balance out the existential rhetoric doled out upon the American citizen every election year.  
Date: 9/2/2004 11:00:00 AM  From Authorid: 48809    Proud and excited ? Hardly, I see the millions of dollars being spent on trying to get someone into the office as president and the billions of dollars that this bunch has wasted in Iraq while people in our own country have lost their jobs and some even their homes. We have people walking the streets all day and sleeping in card board boxes or doorways at night because they have no where else to go. We have little children starting school soon whose parents cannot buy even the basic essentials etc. that they need . Some will not even have decent clothes to wear and we are spending all this money just to get someone elected whose own family is living in luxury? I will say the same thing for John Kerry whose wife owns the Heinz Co! I do not see how anyone should be allowed to waste all this money for their own glorification when we have others who are without jobs and many who do not have even the bare necessities. Proud? ... there is nothing to be proud of until every person in this country has a job and a home to live in and enough to eat.... only then will I be proud!  
Date: 9/2/2004 11:06:00 AM  From Authorid: 12072    lmao, proud? not at all. sorry, just NOT a fan of the Bush/Cheney brigade...  
Date: 9/2/2004 11:10:00 AM  From Authorid: 2030    We have thousands and thousands of immigrants, legal and illegal, often not able to speak english, coming to this country every year finding jobs quickly, feeding themselves and even sending money back for their families. Why is it that they can find work and others claim they can't?  
Date: 9/2/2004 11:23:00 AM  From Authorid: 10245    I have a better question, BCAR... if our economy is going so fabulously, why is a big 3 auto maker only able to keep running for 2 weeks a month? A plant that builds one of the best selling economy cars in the country? We are "gainfully employed" but are starving because we haven't seen a raise hit his paycheck in 2 years. He gets a raise, they cut hours.... Did you happen to catch the Bush brigade making his visit to Ohio? He visited with people, who, 4 years ago, were secure in their 6 figure careers. Today they live in shelters. How does that happen?  
Date: 9/2/2004 11:46:00 AM  From Authorid: 2030    Competition, free market society, automation, and yes outsourcing. Outsourcing because benifit costs for the last decade or more have risen by 2-4 times the annual inflation rate, much of that due to the lack of tort reform. Lawyers are doing a booming business, the rest of the economy is not doing all that well but is improving after a disasterous slide in 2000-2002. The fact remains there are jobs out there but well paying industrial jobs are slipping away and it's doubtfull we'll ever get them back, but that hasn't just happened over the last 4 years. It really started in the late 70's. Government can't mandate that people buy cars, or anything else. I'm fortunate to work in an industry that has remained relatively stable but I can't count on it always being there. But the fact is if there were no jobs we wouldn't continue to have immigrants coming here to fill them.  
Date: 9/2/2004 12:50:00 PM  From Authorid: 26445    i afraid to say, but i think unions have made a huge impact on our economy. Hubbie has been employeed with and without union, the only diff. was the paycheck. uninon benefits are so large of a cost for many companies that they can't continue to opperate in the us. As for auto workers, i can say that my brother, who drove a truck for a gm plant can say the reason many times the employees were not working was because they choose to go on strick agian for more benefits without considering the other people their strick affected (ie ... my brother) Unions have held companies siege for many years and in doing so, they hold the economy in their hands. Guess that may explain why I refuse to pay 40,000 for a new car when i know that in a month the price will go up agian because of yet another auto workers strick. My husband goes to work, gets paid well to do his job, he agreed to preform that duty for a certain salary. My family of 5 lives well on much less then a 6 figure income. How come so many others find that so hard to do? Live within your means, ditch the credit cards and wait until your car is more than 5 years old to buy a new one. You don't need a 200k house, a 75 or 80k will work just as well. You can deal with a 20k car instead of that 40k suv that guzzles gas like there is no tomorrow and no, you do not need a $100 purse to carry the $5 you have left after spending all your cash on stuff you really don't need.

Go ahead and blast me now, i am sure you will.
Date: 9/2/2004 12:51:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 61897    And yes, I am proud and excited about this. I find the aforementioned, great leaders and examples. They make things happen instead of just sitting back and complaining about everything. And ofcourse it's going to take money to do this, it takes money to do EVERYTHING!  
Date: 9/2/2004 12:53:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 61897    Exactly what BCAR said. There are ALWAYS jobs, they might not be the kind most people want to work, but they are still always available. I am a single mother of two working two jobs, a full time and a part time, if I can make it, anyone can. Things are not as great as they could be for me *NOT because of the economy or because of who's President, they are because of my own faults and choices.  
Date: 9/2/2004 1:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 13729    LOL!....Zell Miller is retiring, Rudy Giuliani has lined his pockets as a public speaker using 9-11 as his platform, and the people in the city of New York didnt even want your convention there!....I think Obama will be staying with our side, the good side........  
Date: 9/2/2004 2:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 10245    I don't think Kerry has a better plan, either... but the thought of 4 more years of this scares the crap out of me.  
Date: 9/2/2004 6:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 15362    Four year of flip flop Kerry scares the crap out of me. The man is a big cry baby that does not have a clue how the middle class lives. He talks big but can't walk the walk that goes with it. He is a joke.  
Date: 9/2/2004 6:31:00 PM  From Authorid: 2030    I'd like to see Obama actually build a record of public service before I declare him the second coming.  
Date: 9/2/2004 7:54:00 PM  ( Admin-DNL )   I'm sorry but is the flip-flopping issue all Bush supporters have to say about Kerry? that's all I've been seeing lately.
Date: 9/2/2004 10:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    LOL...cute last line there. I agree though, I feel the RNC was a great success. I enjoyed the speaches and positivity. I really didn't hear too much bashing or negativity toward Kerry, although he deserves it.  

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