A little girl asked to be a princess To wear fine gowns, jewels, nothing less She wanted tiny glass slippers on her feet And for her rooms to always be neat She wanted her prince to carry her away And to become his Queen on their marriage day Surrounded by her childrens laughter Truly a happy ever after But how can you be so very sure That this is what she wants any more For the girl grew up to womanhood And wants what any woman should To go out partying every night Not stopping til first morning light Wearing her blue suede shoes Acting like she has nothing to lose Knowing her prince won't come along Not listening to cupid's love song Now this modern woman sits alone Not even a friend to call on the telephone So now you know why we buy so many shoes For when a woman gets the blues She buys a new pair so she feels better And her eyes don't get any wetter.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .