Date: 8/24/2004 12:39:00 AM
From Authorid: 59418
To change your taggie, you need to request a new taggie from a tag maker....To change your alias in chat, go to USM chat, and change it in the little box at the change your name at the top of the screen where it says Welcome your name)...You need to contact George or Ginger!  |
Date: 8/24/2004 12:40:00 AM
From Authorid: 59418
And if you mean actually changing your name in real life, i have no clue! lol  |
Date: 8/24/2004 5:56:00 AM
From Authorid: 10030
To change your alias (not your tag) you can go into the chat and change it in the white box at the lower right side of the screen.  |
Date: 8/24/2004 12:31:00 PM
From Authorid: 23101
You go into the chatroom, and next to the message box you will see a box that says "Alias." In that box, just delete your name, and type in your new one. Good Luck. Hope I helped.. *huge hugs*  |
Date: 8/24/2004 12:35:00 PM
From Authorid: 23101
But if you want to change your taggy you need to contact your original tagmaker, and let them know you want a taggy change. *hugs*  |
Date: 8/24/2004 3:48:00 PM
From Authorid: 37101
Tick off a lot of people and then get admitted into the Witness Protection Program. Works nice. -  |