THEM! =====
It's a word that I hear so often in counseling.
The other person, the spouse, the boss, the co-worker, the parent, the relative, the company, the government, the system, the President, even God.
It's always them.
Here's a quick newsflash: you won't have much luck changing them, but there is one person who I can absolutely guarantee that you can change who will have a bigger impact on your life than even the President or the government.
It doesn't matter whether this person is a Republican, Democrat, hypocrite, or even all three, you can change them.
It doesn't matter what denomination they belong to or even if they have been inside of a church this decade, you can change them.
It doesn't matter what race or nationality they are, you can change them.
This person has more power and influence over your life than anyone alive or dead, all you have to do is to change them.
When THEY start changing, amazingly you will notice that it will affect people around you; and even if people around you don't change, it will sure seem like they've changed.
Where can you find this all powerful person in your life?
I can tell you exactly.
Go to the mirror and there THEY will stand.
You need to get to work on THEM right away.
~A MountainWings Original~
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