Here are Lawrence's Haunts in Kansas
Eldridge Hotel - There is an original cornerstone that was used to rebuild the hotel after Quatril's Raid burned it down. On the 5th level, room 506 contains a "portal spirit to the spirit world. There have been examples of flashing lights, breath marks on recently cleaned mirrors, and doors shutting on their own.
Haskell Indian school - Indian children crying and roaming about the campus looking for their parents.
Haskell Indian Nations University - Haskell is a know sight for countless paranormal activity. The campus itself dates back to the 1800's when the US Government built Haskell Institute to help control the Native American population and assimilate them into mainstream America. Native American children were taken from their reservations and sent to schools like Haskell to teach them how to be white Americans. All aspects of their Native American heritage was stripped from them and they were forced to act as the Government felt appropriate. Countless reports and documents held in the National Archives office in Kansas City tell stories of children beaten and abused for using their Native tongue, or for acting out of conduct. The University of Kansas forensic labs hold several remains of children found buried throughout the Haskell Campus. Many rumors are speculated about some of the Universities buildings, which are all some of the oldest in the state of Kansas. Haskell is an amazing place for those who seek an up and close experience with the paranormal. The history and horror that this campus holds is unlike any other place in the world. So, if you are daring, ask for a key to Hiawatha Hall and see if you can stand to be alone in the building for more than one evening. Haskell Indian Nations University is located at 155 Indian Avenue
Haskell Indian Nations University Bell Tower - From the bell tower of the church people often will feel someone watching them while walking past the building. The building has a basement that has a section that has been sealed off, for reasons unknown. Most feel that whatever is behind those sealed off walls can explain the spirit that haunts Hiawatha Hall.
Haskell Indian Nations University Haskell Auditorium - Is said to house a spirit that can be seen sitting in the auditorium enjoying a show. People have also heard the sound of a little girl crying in the backstage area.
Haskell Indian Nations University Hiawatha Hall - Is the oldest building on the campus and was built by the Methodist church in order to bring Christianity to the Native children. The church has been closed for decades and possession of the building has been assumed by the Government and is on the National record of historic places. It is said to be home of a spirit that makes no effort to hide itself. Doors will open and close for no reason, even while propped open with an object.
Haskell Indian Nations University Pocahontas Hall - Is the freshmen girls dormitory and has been reported to have a haunted basement. The story goes that a girl hung her self in the basement which houses the girls laundry facilities. To this day most people will not go down in the basement in fear of seeing the girl hanging there from the ceiling.
Haskell Indian Nations University - Just south of Taminend Hall - There is a small cemetery with about 70 markers of children who died from a smallpox epidemic that plagued the city of Lawrence for a good year. When you approach the cemetery don't be afraid if you start to hear the sound of children crying. This is a common occurrence and has been the reason for several Native ceremonies to try to bring peace to these children who died here. One medicine man says that the children will only stop crying when they have been returned to their home lands.
The Lawrence Community Theatre - Originally a church, the Lawrence Community Theatre is home to a mysterious presence. Lights habitually malfunction, set pieces and props move seemingly on their own, and many report a feeling of being watched.
University of Kansas - Sigma Nu Fraternity - Apparently the ghost of the mistress of a former governor who lived there. She hung herself and is now sighted every once in a while. Some ghost hunters came to town and agreed that something was there. It was Ed Warren and his wife, Lorraine.
Stull Cemetery - Is said to be a gateway to the afterlife. I have been there once. It is closed off and one risks an overnight stay in the Douglas county jail if they are caught trespassing. It is an old cemetery surrounding an abandoned church. Legend holds that any object thrown into the church regardless of what it is, you will never hear it hit the ground. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 22308 ( Click here )
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