"Finding the Missing Link"
Darwin's theory on evolution suggest man to be descended from the ape. The apparent flaw in this theory is the missing link. The connection that would lead the ape who once spent its life in the branches high above the forest floor, to man living his life in apartments high above the city streets.
Theology suggests man to be the creation of the first power we call God. We were formed in God's likeness and image. Put here to replenish the earth. Can both theories be correct? Can we be both created and evolved?
Darwin's history book is science and facts from discoveries over years of exploration. The history book I will be using is theology's history book, The Holy Bible. That is where I found the missing link. I don't want to insult any more people here than necessary. So when stating the masculine, I am referring to both male and female.
In the first chapter of Genesis, God created everything. Man was the last of his creations. In His likeness and in His image, created He them. I do not believe anyone has given an accurate physical description of God. I think Jesus said it best in John 4:24, "God is a Spirit." So it stands to reason that man was created in the image and likeness of a spirit. Man was created on the sixth day as a spirit. He was not created in the flesh on the sixth day. Man is God's glory. Man was God's final creation before resting. And God did rest. God started resting on the seventh day and continued for millions of years before forming Adam from the dust of the earth.
Science points to the evidence of this lapse of time by suggesting the approximate age of the earth. The Holy Bible relates only fifty-six generations of man from Adam to Jesus. First Chronicles 1:1 through 27, names fourteen generations from Adam to Abraham, and Matthew 1:17 adds forty-two generations from Abraham to Jesus. Even with the long lives of early man, fifty-six generations simply do not add up to the number of years science claims the earth has been suspended in the firmament.
Therefore I believe God rested for all of those years while man as a spirit did not. As I read in Romans 1:19 through 25, I find man changed his spirit self from the glory of God into a corruptible man and all sorts of other creatures. To examine corruptible man briefly, it should suffice to say that the spirit that was created in the image and likeness of God was not corruptible by any means. The physical man however, is the most corruptible of all creatures. These men and creatures who populated the earth flourished and brought forth men after their own kind. Whatever kind of man he may have been, he was corruptible.
The worst of the self-made man lived in a land call Nod. There they were free to do as they pleased. God in his anger became so disgusted with them, that He decided to show the self made man who may or may not look like an ape, what the perfect man should look like. In Genesis 2:7 I read that God formed a man from the dust of the ground. God breathed the breath of life into his nostrils and the man became a living soul.
God then placed the man Adam in a garden eastward of Eden. Only after that did God form the animals and bring them before the man to see what the man would call them. This chronology is important in knowing that Adam was not the man created in the image and likeness of God on the sixth day and the realization of the missing link.
I know what happened to the corruptible man, and other creatures man formed for his own flesh. Because after Cain became jealous and killed his brother Able, I read in Genesis 4:16,17 Cain is sent to Nod. There he meets those other creatures and men in physical form. Cain takes one of those other people for a wife and has children of his own.
The missing link is the period of time between the sixth day of creation and the day God formed Adam from the dust of the ground. This missing link connects Darwin and creation. Both are correct. I do not expect any educated person take my article on the missing link for the truth. Do not take anyone's word for the truth. Pick up a copy of the Holy Bible and read it for yourself. Choose any of the many versions of the Holy Bible for your reference. I read it most clearly from a Stonehaven Press publication, "The Precious Promises Edition" King James Version.
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