( I found this in my book of shadows, I'm not sure where I was at or what state of mind i was in when I wrote this, but I know it came directly from my soul.)
As the night falls, a soft rain begins to fall, as I walk along an old forgotten path. I move along, past others who are my pasts. among them, and yet not part of them. Their thoughts mirror my own...and yet they are unique.
The rain falls harder, beating steadily upon my skin, my hair, soaking me with heaven's tears. Tears for what has been lost to me and taken from me. My innocence, my light... I weep as I walk on.
I come to a stop, and across from me stands a man. He looks old, and dead inside. His ways of darkness have caught up with him, and the memories of them haunt me, and I want to strike him down. The hate i feel is ugly and foul, and I realize that it's not part of me. His eyes, beg me for forgiveness of what he had done, he says not a word, and I shake my head at him. Now is not the time that I can forgive. But I no longer hate this wicked man, and I move on.
The moon overhead disappears behind a storm cloud and I can no longer see. I pray for light to guide my way, and my hands begin to glow. Ask and thy shall recieve. I can see ahead now, so I carefully move on.
Out of the shadows steps a figure, stopping me in my tracks. Her eyes are old, and her face young, long blonde hair falls over her shoulders. We stare at each other, and I hear her whisper in my mind, "You must love me, before you can go on." In her hands, she holds a crystal heart, untouched by man, and raw from the earth. It begins to pulsate with the healing power of love, and she holds it out, to me. I feel I want to run away, and I cry unable to move, as her hazel eyes, so much like my own, stare into my very soul.
She says out loud in a voice that is mine, "To thine own self be true." And she presses the gift into my hand, and embraces me in her arms, and the love I feel overwhelms me, and I collapse against her, and surrender to the love that is felt. She whispers yet again as she smiles through her tears "Through love, happiness awaits you." And she disappears, but I still feel her there. I gently wipe my tears and I move on, allowing the crystal to meld into me, filling my heart to the brim.
The Rain lets up and the sun begins to shine, I see him sitting in a clearing, smiling at me with so much love in his eyes. In his lap bounces a small child, her hair a golden halo, and her eyes a deep hazel green. At his feet stands a young boy, with dark hair and intent eyes staring at me. I stop before them, and they open their arms to me... I feel I must embrace them all, because once I do, I will be complete.
I crouch down, and the children come running to me, I fold them into my arms, and they say "Mommy, I love you" and it goes right to my heart, bringing tears to my eyes. I look to him, my one, my husband, and he smiles at me and says "I Love you darling, Welcome Home"
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .