Would it be a surprise, To look in the eyes, Of a visitor from space, And see similarities of your face?
Would you begin, To break a grin, At the same number of toes, Or the size of a nose?
Would you then check, How they stand on the deck, Count what is on the hand, And see what feet let them stand?
Would you then take a look, As your neck you crook, To see what appears, To resemble ears?
Would it then be a pleasure, To hear at what measure, A belt would cross the waist, And how well it stayed in place?
I bet we are universally unique, If you were to take a peek. And happily it would be a find, To know we are one of a kind.
Man across the universal space, Of similar build and similar face. On many planets they are based. But all are members of the Human Race.
*It came to me after the reading of the article I previously posted under In The News.
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